
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    My plan for today is to push myself harder on my three mile run! I would LOVE to get it under 30 minutes before the 5k I'm doing on Saturday. Last night was 32.26 - I know I can do it!!

    No strength training this morning - I woke up with a headache and a UTI (ugh). Went to the doctor this morning and got a script, so I know I'll feel better in time for my run tonight!
  • Dbrock25
    Dbrock25 Posts: 10 Member
    My challenge was to walk the entire 99 minutes that pops up on the treadmill screen and the 30 mins on the elliptical and I did it! Stoked!! :)
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    My challenge was to do strength training for 15 minutes and 45 mins of Billy Blanks Celeb fit cardio. After I did them, I felt so energetic.

    Also, I've noticed that I didn't have any sugar cravings since the last two days as I've been eating grapes and sweet clementine.
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    Today I jogged 3 miles and walked another 1.73 miles. Feels good :)
  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Today I'm going for a hike and will jog all the downhills.
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    I'm feeling defeated and a bit discouraged. It seems that just as soon as I get the hang of things, something happens. I started developing a shin splint last week, then decided to continue to run on it. I did a 5k on Monday, no major issues no extreme pain. Went running yesterday (downhill mind you) and was in some of the worst leg pain I have ever had. Needless to say I limped back home 1.5 miles. Today it hurts to walk on it, so I took some Ibprofen, feeling better now. Not sure how to still exercise at this point. I am normally doing P90 and running. I think I am going to take today off (Instead of Saturday), then tomorrow start my P90 again (back, chest, etc - all non leg things) and finish my week out with what I can do on P90. The last thing I will do is stop working out completely. I ordered my compression socks, so I should get them today.

    Blah - so frustrated!

    sorry you're having a rough start. Take care of yourself and don't be discouraged.
    I saw some "how to cure shin splint" videos on youtube...you might find some good exercises or stretches to do that will help you recover faster.
  • mcwdvm
    mcwdvm Posts: 54 Member
    Great day yesterday- under calorie goals and managed a run and strength training at 8:30pm.
    Aiming to hit my calorie goal today. Think I will cross train instead of run- probably do a JNL Fusion video in the evening.
  • bartin32
    bartin32 Posts: 16
    I'm feeling defeated and a bit discouraged. It seems that just as soon as I get the hang of things, something happens. I started developing a shin splint last week, then decided to continue to run on it. I did a 5k on Monday, no major issues no extreme pain. Went running yesterday (downhill mind you) and was in some of the worst leg pain I have ever had. Needless to say I limped back home 1.5 miles. Today it hurts to walk on it, so I took some Ibprofen, feeling better now. Not sure how to still exercise at this point. I am normally doing P90 and running. I think I am going to take today off (Instead of Saturday), then tomorrow start my P90 again (back, chest, etc - all non leg things) and finish my week out with what I can do on P90. The last thing I will do is stop working out completely. I ordered my compression socks, so I should get them today.

    Blah - so frustrated!

    Just keep at and you are doing the right thing. Way to go.
  • bartin32
    bartin32 Posts: 16
    Today after work I'm hitting the gym and get my hour of cardio in and do some abs and legs. After that go home and walk my dog and little one.
  • cmbartos170
    cmbartos170 Posts: 17 Member
    My plan was to walk at lunch and to eat healthy.

    I walked 50 minutes at lunch and have been good about what I have eaten so far. I did a back slide once I got home last night....determined not to do it tonight!!
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    For Wednesday I plan to walk 2 miles and do a bit of my circuit training. I will not go to work today so I also plan to do some house work.

    Completed my task for today and will do a bit of cross training to end the day with a bang!!
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    Today after work I have a doctor's appointment (to get bloodwork results... kind of nervous how that will go...) so I won't be home until late yet again tonight. Regardless, I plan on doing the Pushups/ Daily Arm Workout/ Squats/ Daily Butt Workout/ 200 Sit Ups apps that I have on my phone; and I want to try and go for a quick walk as well. Wish me luck, and I hope you all have a productive and successful day yourselves!!!

  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    My plan was to walk at lunch and to eat healthy.

    I walked 50 minutes at lunch and have been good about what I have eaten so far. I did a back slide once I got home last night....determined not to do it tonight!!

    Good start for your day, keep it up!!!
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member
    Today after work I'm hitting the gym and get my hour of cardio in and do some abs and legs. After that go home and walk my dog and little one.

    Very determined plan for the day. Let us know what happened okay??
  • chocol8e
    chocol8e Posts: 13
    I'm going to 30 minutes on the treadmill even though my thighs are killing me from my leg focused workout from yesterday. I love making goals and staying focused!
  • cricketdc
    cricketdc Posts: 60 Member

    Please visit this webpage in Facebook; it is very real and realistic!! Motto is be happy with your body!!

    Here is my non traditional before and after photo. Traditionally when we see a "before" photo, the person is represented as sad, overweight and quite miserable. (sometimes even holding a newspaper!) Miraculously in the "after" photos once they have shed a few pounds they are blissfully happy, confident and self assured.

    Have we become conditioned to thinking that we should only love our bodies when it's in "perfect condition"?

    I just wanted to share with you that I loved my body on the stage, prancing around in a bikini as much as I loved my body sitting butt naked in my girlfriends studio.

    Our bodies will go through many changes in our life. Our bodies change through ageing, pregnancy, illness, weight loss, weight gain the list goes on. One thing we must learn to do is love our bodies before, during and after....

    Be loyal to your body, love your body, it's the only one you've got.
  • angieshubin
    angieshubin Posts: 99 Member
    Walk 1 mile on lunch (going to go do this after I post)
    Walk at least 2 miles after work since the weather is so nice.
    Just got a bosu ball with a video. I plan on trying it out tonight.
  • angieshubin
    angieshubin Posts: 99 Member
    Be loyal to your body, love your body, it's the only one you've got.

  • abikinibyjuly
    abikinibyjuly Posts: 330 Member
    Today I'm going for a hike and will jog all the downhills.

    Done! I used to be scared to jog downhill. I'm such a klutz. I would imagine myself falling on my face, skinning my knees, etc. whenever I walked the downhill part. I always stepped tentatively. I'm not sure what happened, but suddenly I have more confidence in my foot placement!
  • I've been on campus since 8:17 am and will continue to be in class until 9pmish. My goal for today is to buy a water, and NOT a coke and choose a healthy lunch meal because it's not likely that I'm going to have time to eat much.

    Class 9-1 then 4-6:40 then 7-9:20. In between classes I'm usually doing classwork or studying.

    !No coke today and no sweets!