Double workouts

Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
Does anyone do them. Tried it last night with 5 rounds for time 500 meter row and ME bench with body weight for the first workout. Second workout was 75 power snatches with 75 lbs. for time. I was soaked at the end. I went straight from one workout to the next.


  • alysa521
    alysa521 Posts: 137 Member
    I don't typically do double WODs, but I will typically do WOD + Run (3-5 miles usually) twice a week, for reference I crossfit 5 times per week. The exception to this is me trying to get much more proficient a double unders when I'm tired and being able to consistently string at least 20-30 together at a time in the middle of workouts. So a few times a week right after the workout I will do anywhere from 100-300 double unders for time but that usually only takes 90 sec- 4 min. It amazing how easily I can do them as a warm up but when your tired they fall apart :)
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I can't think of a day where I did more than one WOD, but many days I'll do the WOD + run/sin/zumba/pilates/yoga/etc. Maybe once I can get through a whole WOD at RX I can think about doubling up.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    I'm a teacher and WOD at 6 a.m. since I have to be at work early. I don't have time for back-to-back WODs in the morning. However, I *have* been flirting with the idea of going back for a second WOD in the late afternoon. I did that this past Friday and it didn't kill me.
  • bigjat33
    bigjat33 Posts: 6
    Whats up just joined the group, but have been doing Crossfit since October 2012.

    I have recently started doing two WOD's a day for two of the five days I WOD and that has been going well for me. I do one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    I have wondered about this - when you go back for the second WOD, are you repeating or do they give you a different WOD to do?
  • bigjat33
    bigjat33 Posts: 6
    When I go back, I usually do a WOD that I see from one of the other local Crossfit web sites or I make up my own crazy WOD.
  • rachelannecraig
    I did a double a couple of weeks ago on a Saturaday. It really pushed me - but at the same time I felt awesome at the end. For me, I really have to feel it to do in a row!