Anyone Need/Want Support Juicing?



  • Today is the first day of my juice fast. My initial goal is 10 days but I really want to do the full 60 days. So far so good.
  • Hi katied37! Did you make it through your 10 days? It seems like you probably did. How do you feel? Exciting to hear about breakouts clearing up, means detox was working great to clean you out.

    Hi Tori! How was Day 1? First 3 days are usually the hardest, and after that it is smoother. It helps to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Keep chugging!

    I am on Day 7 today, and didn't keep the water suggestion in mind for myself yesterday and am feeling a bit dehydrated today and dizzy. Yuck. So starting off with lemon water this morning. Have lost 13.8 pounds so far. Yea!!
  • sarajaxon
    sarajaxon Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! I will be starting my first juice fast on Friday. Right now I am getting my caffeine down to zero (still at a 12 oz cup of coffee per day!) Tomorrow I will go down to 8 and Friday none. I would love support and advice. Juice on!
  • Starting my first juice fast tomorrow. I want to make it 5 days but am only committing to 3. I would love some support/new friends!
  • torigirl84
    torigirl84 Posts: 5
    HOw is juicing going? I find myself smelling food in my office all day.
  • torigirl84
    torigirl84 Posts: 5
    They have quite a few of the juicing recipes in the search food listing. For instance, type in mean green juice (raw).
  • anu1407
    anu1407 Posts: 1
    New here. Hello everyone.

    Today is my 3rd day juicing. My goal is to do it for 60 days and my weight loss goal is 60 lbs. Juice greens, anything I find, apple or pineapple to sweeten and cucumber, broccoli, ginger, celery, zucchini, sweet snap peas etc. Try to do more veggies and less fruits.

    Am also walking about 15000 steps a day.
  • sarajaxon
    sarajaxon Posts: 21 Member
    I have started my first fast and I am just starting Day 4. It is very hard but totally worth it. I find it hard not to be tempted to use a lot of fruit, I always want to make it sweeter, but so far I have kept the fruits to a minimum. Making, packing and carrying enough juice for my long hours at work is the hardest part. If anyone wants to be come friends to support each other on their juice journey let me know! Happy Juicing!
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Hi All!
    I watched FS & ND this weekend too, and Hungry for Change- and I am on board with the juicing !
    I see on his site, some plans incorporate food for the first 5 days.
    So for the first few days I jucied the green lemonade and have eaten a simple veggie salad and some almonds.

    Do most people jump in 100% only juice ?
    How should i proceed ?

    Any advice/ encouragement is welcomed!!!

  • bfridey
    bfridey Posts: 25
    Feel free to add me. I log every day and I juice/fast every now and then.
    I am thinking that I need to go on a cleanse soon, its not long till my birthday and I really want to drop some KGs quick, and nothing is happening, even though i go to the gym 5-6 times a week!
    Any tips for juicing?
  • mercurybebe
    mercurybebe Posts: 32
    I am 38yrs old, 299lbs and in the last 3 months I have found out that I have heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and left ventricle systolic function. This is on top of Asthma, psoriasis, peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain, severe migraines and other stuff I can't remember right now.

    My father juices (I am in NY, he is in Colorado) and although we are not close, he sent me a Champion Juicer when I was first diagnosed in February. I have yet to use it.

    I don't know where to begin. I bought a book with some recipes in it, but just reading them makes me want to gag. Of course I am a very picky eater and hate veggies (except spinach!) so the Green juices really sound terrible.

    Does anyone have a recipe that is very sweet and could be modified to be less sweet once I get more bold? I WANT TO DO A JUICE CLEANSE! I *need* to take the juicer out of the box and just try it...I have to get healthy for me and for my children. I want to live long enough to see my grandbabies and my kids are only 13, so I need to drop weight and detox quick!

    I apologize for the long post, I just need a kick in the rear and some support. :smile:
  • curvycarrie
    curvycarrie Posts: 56 Member
    hi there, today is Day 22 of my 60 Day juice fast. I feel fantastic! so far I have lost 28.4 lbs, im hoping to lose 60 lb. any other juicers out there?? Feel free to add me :smile:
  • jeansgirl
    jeansgirl Posts: 99 Member
    I am not a juice only person , I guess I like a crunch once in a while. But I did just buy an expensive(to me anyway) juicer and plan to juice or smoothie at least 4 meals a week..maybe more/ maybe less. Yes would be awesome.
  • jeansgirl
    jeansgirl Posts: 99 Member
    I am 38yrs old, 299lbs and in the last 3 months I have found out that I have heart failure, pulmonary hypertension and left ventricle systolic function. This is on top of Asthma, psoriasis, peripheral neuropathy, chronic pain, severe migraines and other stuff I can't remember right now.

    My father juices (I am in NY, he is in Colorado) and although we are not close, he sent me a Champion Juicer when I was first diagnosed in February. I have yet to use it.

    I don't know where to begin. I bought a book with some recipes in it, but just reading them makes me want to gag. Of course I am a very picky eater and hate veggies (except spinach!) so the Green juices really sound terrible.

    Does anyone have a recipe that is very sweet and could be modified to be less sweet once I get more bold? I WANT TO DO A JUICE CLEANSE! I *need* to take the juicer out of the box and just try it...I have to get healthy for me and for my children. I want to live long enough to see my grandbabies and my kids are only 13, so I need to drop weight and detox quick!

    I apologize for the long post, I just need a kick in the rear and some support. :smile:
  • jeansgirl
    jeansgirl Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry I meant to reply to quote below...That is an awesome gift!!! I am sure your Dad would be of great support too! The thing I would recommend is to try one of the recipes and fiddle with it a bit to make it your own. Don't load up on fruit, though...too much sugar to have your body process. The green juice is a bit off putting, especially if you don't care for veggies..but adding a lemon or lime and a ginger knuckle to the juice makes it quite tasty. Get a cup you can't see thru...that will help. good luck!!!! TRY IT...its worth your life!!!!
  • cris31883
    cris31883 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm starting my juicing fast today, I have juiced before but stopped and I want to stick to it this time. Hope everyone is doing good with there juicing, If you would like to add me as a friend on here, I will do my best to help encourag you.
  • K_armfield
    K_armfield Posts: 23 Member
    So I have been thinking about juicing for awhile. I want to get more nutrients from fruits and veggies in a larger quantity and I want to make them for my daughter. I love vegetables and I want my daughter to be the same way. My husband hates veggies and I don't want her to grow up thinking that. Eventually I want to do a 10 day but I want to ease myself into it. What kind of juicer is good? I don't want a cheapie one that is just going to burn out but I can't afford some crazy expensive one. Thanks for the input everyone!
  • CherronRW
    CherronRW Posts: 7
    i have been juicing for the last couple of days and would like to know if there is anyone that is committing to this or doing a fast. I am definately looking for some support and encouragement along this journey.:happy:
  • CherronRW
    CherronRW Posts: 7
    Could you please share some information with me regarding how youre doing your cleanse, i am interested in doing a cleanse as well. I have been drinking juice for the last couple of days but haven't totally committed.
  • I did two days of the 3 day reboot.... But I notice I got diarrhea . And I also notice that the top of my hands were getting dark spots :noway: