Heading into May....

How is everyone doing?

What are your goals for this month?

6 weeks to Summer.....

I am still working on bf% ..... didn't make my birthday goal but got damn close...17%
I fully intend on hitting 12% by June.

Tell me what you are doing!!


  • danikaaayy
    danikaaayy Posts: 6 Member
    I am working on body fat as usual and really just my ultimate goal is a flat tum. I don't need a six pack, I just need this tum gone.
    This month is strength train 3 times a week, c25k 4 times, at least. I hope during this month I can also slowly introduce calisthenics like ab work and stuff.

    17% is amazeballs!
  • Well...I am back on program.
    I am way behind on my fitness goals for this year (as identified on thanksgiving day - which was to lose 100 lbs by this thanksgiving). At this point, that goal is incredibly unlikely, in that I would have to drop 12 lbs of fat each month...and considering my muscle mass is 115 lbs of my 196...I would be hurting myself doing that much weight loss overall.

    I am happy with my muscle mass, which is roughly 115 lbs. I want to keep my curves (I am an odd one...I like my body to be soft and a bit on the squishy side...andy and punkin would both agree...

    So my goal for May specifically is to maintain my muscle, but drop fat.
    My workouts will be mostly long slow burn cardio (elliptical, swimming laps (which about killed me last night...can you say "total body workout?) - and next week I will begin my C25K. I was supposed to start that this week...but I didn't. I needed to focus on getting my eating clean again.

    Weight loss goal for the month is 8lbs.
    I am only going to weigh once a month, and take measurements once a month. I have got to break the addiction to the scale, and focus on how I feel...rather than what that number is.

    It will be another chubby summer for me...fortunately my hot weather activities are limited to my secluded back yard and dealing with fire season (which is another reason I have to get in shape...I don't ever want to get winded running to my gate at the airport again...not good).
  • danikaaayy
    danikaaayy Posts: 6 Member
    You totally got this :D XOXO
  • I have been that bad food diet with good workouts however need to balance it out better, start planning my food again...it is truly hard with no support from the husband or most people I am around.... I sadly :cry: have gained half the weight have lost since the challenge and not really any excuse and I am sure some is muscle.
    Goals :
    reduce sweets add strength and plan meals again for the week. That planning made me the most successful :wink: