Infertility is bumming me out, anyone want to commiserate?



  • JPParsons
    JPParsons Posts: 4 Member
    I would also encourage you to ask about Femara - I did 7 clomid cycles with metformin (slowly increasing the dosage) and though I ovulated we didn't get pregnant. Clomid made me crazy emotional, but on Femara I was fine, and actually got significantly more follicles.

    For all of you who have experienced losses, I am so, so sorry :( We experienced our own loss earlier this year, and it has been and continues to be devastating.

    We are moving on to adoption and I'm so incredibly excited and hopeful about it. It's not a choice for everyone, and I know it will be a long road, but I think it is by far the best way for me and my husband to become parents.
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    WOW.... We PCOSers are real soilders... my husband keeps telling me .... I am the strongest woman he knows. He says " no ohther woman would go to these heights for another baby". I feel better to knowing my strength is not just mine ... it is out there being pulled when needed by all. I have been fighting this fight for 10 years.. and when to the fertility docs 3 failed cycles. I couldn't have clomid cause I developed a blood clot ... in my lung in 2005, so no meds that has a clotting risk. I feel for you and keep your chin up.... keep dropping weight cause believe it or not that is the key....

    Keep smiling and keep going....
  • We tried for 5 years and didn't use protection most of the time we have been together (just the good ol' POM) for over 10 years. I had a miscarriage in 2010 after our first IUI. It was my first time on Clomid and he gave me a really high dose to increase our chances because we also had male factor infertility as well as my PCOS. My sister gave birth two weeks before I miscarried. I saw the heartbeat one week and by the next all my symptoms had disappeared. It was soooooo hard. I never talked about it with anyone except one or two friends and never the ones with kids. One friend in particular would say - oh, we are busy doing family things - when we would invite them over or friends who just had kids would say - you're next! I would just smile as my heart was breaking.

    We decided to stop trying while I tried to lose some weight and if we weren't pregnant by January 2012 we would do a few more IUIs and then be at peace...move on with our lives. I had even started looking into adoption. I had been tracking my ovulation while losing weight so I knew that 4 months into eating low/moderate carb I started ovulating on my own! Anyways, long story short(er) I got pregnant our first month trying on our own.

    That same month three other women from my infertility forum got pregnant.

    My son is 10 months old. I had other hormone related issues like low progesterone and possible fibroid. I also developed hypertension.

    Stay strong!

    Have you both been tested or just you?

    I am only sharing this with you because I want you to know it can really happen when you least expect it.
  • nabzilla_uk
    nabzilla_uk Posts: 45 Member
    awww im so sorry to hear you havent been successful. Sometimes you just need to vent right? please feel free to add me and/ or message if you just want a bit of a moan xxx
  • nkb617
    nkb617 Posts: 10 Member
    I am in a similar boat as you! TTC for 2 years and now on 2000mg Met and doing the Provera/Clomid thing. I saw the doctor yesterday and she was telling me that PCO is genetic and not much can be done about it, and I was SO discouraged. My husband was trying to be sweet but I just didn't even want to talk about it. I am trying to stay positive, but it tough and I just want to be alone! Hang in there, my friend, I feel you!!!
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    I am 45 years old with PCOS. I hear your heart. It is very very hard to travel through infertility. I promise it gets better whether you have a baby or not. I did not get the baby. I found life to be very enriching in other ways and now I am a step mother to one daughter after remarriage. It took YEARS for me to accept childlessness. When friends had babies, I cried and cried. I didn't go to baby showers. Find other infertile women to fellowship with and share your heart. God bless you and thinking of you. -Kelly
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    Ladies stay strong.... I was just told yesterday .... I not only have PCOS but I also possibly have some form of endometriosis... in my uterian muscle. I was told yesterday... that my final option is to get a hystorectomy. I have been on all meds possible to stop my bleeding and nothing has worked so said the doctor. I sat in the doctors office yesterday and had to listen to her tell me ..... basically our hands are tied... due to your wishes to have another child. I held it together... but I was pissed. :angry: I'v e been fighting a good fight for 11 years or so.... trying to get this under control and all the doctors want to do is cut .... it out. I want you all to show strength and walk out on faith and belief that is your path. Me ... I'm gonna wait for my blood transfusion and hope I can get my DNC soon.

    Be strong and keep going. ...... :wink:
  • I'm 28 so my clock is ticking! We have been TTC for 7 years now (minus 2 deployments and training things) and my stupidity prevented me from going to the doctor sooner and really working hard to lose the weight. I figured I'd just let things happen and now here I am, facing an endometrial biopsy next week to see if I have uterine cancer. If I do, the first step is a hysterectomy! :( I've been on a roller coaster with PCOS. Every time I find out someone is pregnant, I weep and then get angry. Even my sister's pregnancy made me bawl like a baby. I feel bad that I can't get happy for these people but at the same time, I feel totally screwed and ripped off. People having kids that REALLY shouldn't be having them and there's my husband and me, who have stability and the ability to care for children, can't have them. Everyone keeps saying "it'll happen when it's supposed to" and yadda yadda but it doesn't help. Sorry for my little tirade but basically, I commiserate and then some lol. Know that you are not alone and hopefully one day, it will get better :)
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    Hey there... welcome to the group....

    I can say I understand.... I've been TTC for 10yrs now. So .... I've been through three sisters pregnacies.... multiple times.... I have cried silent tears ..... of sorrow for my deep down want. I understand.... there are things we can't change and PCOS is one of them we can only tip the scales in our favor. Get the biopsy done..... I'm up for a DNC.... my fourth for the kidda sorta the same reason.... get it over with and move on from there. You have to plan for the next step but don't get so lost you lose focus. Take your time .... and I hate to say it ..... it is an emotional rollercoaster.... so hold on tight. Do whatever in your best interest for your health.

    I have to look at alternative options also..... fertility treatments and adoption. I am open...... blessing come in all shapes and sizes .... so open your possibilities and you never know .....

    You can add me .... for support....

  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 28 so my clock is ticking! We have been TTC for 7 years now (minus 2 deployments and training things) and my stupidity prevented me from going to the doctor sooner and really working hard to lose the weight. I figured I'd just let things happen and now here I am, facing an endometrial biopsy next week to see if I have uterine cancer. If I do, the first step is a hysterectomy! :( I've been on a roller coaster with PCOS. Every time I find out someone is pregnant, I weep and then get angry. Even my sister's pregnancy made me bawl like a baby. I feel bad that I can't get happy for these people but at the same time, I feel totally screwed and ripped off. People having kids that REALLY shouldn't be having them and there's my husband and me, who have stability and the ability to care for children, can't have them. Everyone keeps saying "it'll happen when it's supposed to" and yadda yadda but it doesn't help. Sorry for my little tirade but basically, I commiserate and then some lol. Know that you are not alone and hopefully one day, it will get better :)
  • ladypinktulip
    ladypinktulip Posts: 75 Member
    All you are feeling is valid and normal. I promise it gets better. If you never get the baby GOD will fill your life with something precious still.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    When I read about some of the problems ppl are facing here, it makes my problems seem so small in comparison. But my husband and I have been trying since early last year and I was just diagnosed with PCOS early this year. My dr wants me to lose weight before we try any meds or anything else. And I only have 16 lbs (3 lbs left) to get to the top range of a healthy weight for my height, but it takes so long and I just want to get pregnant. I see all these ppl around me who have 2 or 3 kids and are still getting pregnant and sometimes I get so upset. Sorry sometimes a good little rant makes you feel better. Everybody who is the same boat or worse, I feel for you and wish you the best of luck.