First Week Challenge (Joining Challenge)

MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
May 1st--So let's state our goals this first week. We are starting mid week so we will call it a head start for next week. This week is to sort things out and prepare to amaze ourselves. I will update this challenge on Sundays; just because it is convenient with prepping for the upcoming week. If Saturday or Monday check ins work better for you, by all means make that happen. This is YOUR lifestyle we are here to support in any way we can.

So for May 5th--list your goals and starting point please.

Enjoy this challenge..I've missed some of you from our previous challenge--your encouragement really helped me.


  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    I'm back and more ready then ever! These health issues sure have been a bummer, but they won't stop me, only encourge me!

    My goal for this week is to make it through my detox days and coast properly through the days between!

    I am going with the "plain and simple" way now!

    So happy for another group Marla, thanks!

    Jess =)
  • mrsmunoz129
    mrsmunoz129 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first post so be kind :)

    My goal is to track my food daily even without my phone...which has water damage & now Im feeling incomplete w/out it! Anyways, i will track daily m-f & add the weekend on Monday until i have a functional phone again. Also I WILL workout at least 3 times a week.

    Baby steps right?
  • wafflemeister14
    wafflemeister14 Posts: 46 Member
    My goal is to eat at least 1100 calories a day, no matter how hard it is!
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    My goal is to stick with it. I've done it before for months, even a year but life seems to get in the way.

    Biggest goal for the week: DO NOT LET LIFE GET IN YOUR WAY!!!

    good luck everyone (I'm new here and really happy to have forums like these!)

  • bliss89
    bliss89 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal for this week is to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 4 days, not including my Sunday hike
  • joimaree
    joimaree Posts: 2 Member
    New to myfitness pal and this is my first group! I started 2 different challenges that I saw on Facebook. One for 30 day Crunches and the other for 30 day Squats. I am around day 5 - so my goal is to get through the 30 days on both. I have lost almost 30 pounds since January. I have another 10 to go - so my next goal is to lose that additional 10 before my wedding day - June 21st. Fingers crossed!
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    This is my first post so be kind :)

    My goal is to track my food daily even without my phone...which has water damage & now Im feeling incomplete w/out it! Anyways, i will track daily m-f & add the weekend on Monday until i have a functional phone again. Also I WILL workout at least 3 times a week.

    Baby steps right?

    Welcome, and yes one step at a time. Is your phone salvageable? If so, take battery out and stick in bag of rice for awhile...should dry it out. Again welcome.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    My goal is to stick with it. I've done it before for months, even a year but life seems to get in the way.

    Biggest goal for the week: DO NOT LET LIFE GET IN YOUR WAY!!!

    good luck everyone (I'm new here and really happy to have forums like these!)

    One thing I have done and it has helped me is the 90-10 rule....if I'm eating good things 90% of the time then 10% is free game. It is hectic at times and we have to make allowances. Glad you are with us.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    My goal for this week is to do at least 45 minutes of cardio 4 days, not including my Sunday hike

    Bliss, outstanding goal. What have you put in place to ensure success? Workout clothes by bed, in car, getting up a little earlier? Dying to know what others do to set themselves up for success.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    New to myfitness pal and this is my first group! I started 2 different challenges that I saw on Facebook. One for 30 day Crunches and the other for 30 day Squats. I am around day 5 - so my goal is to get through the 30 days on both. I have lost almost 30 pounds since January. I have another 10 to go - so my next goal is to lose that additional 10 before my wedding day - June 21st. Fingers crossed!
    Woohoo, June will look great! Let us know what we can do to support you.
  • elainerussell
    elainerussell Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first group. I'm back to MFP after a long hiatus. My goals are to eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise 5-6 times a week, journalling daily.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    This is my first group. I'm back to MFP after a long hiatus. My goals are to eat more fruits and vegetables and exercise 5-6 times a week, journalling daily.

    Welcome back...I'm glad you chose to join our group. We have some repeat group members that have so helped me so I'm confident you will find friends and help here too. What kind of exercise do you like to do? Do you like fruits and veggies?
  • lcrosby55
    lcrosby55 Posts: 3
    I have been obese since I was 10 years old and tried everything including a very dangerous surgery and hcg which shut my kidneys down. So A year ago January I decided that 421 pounds was to much for any one to weigh so I started low carb eating. I don't say dieting,because this is the way I will eat the rest of my life to maintain the weight loss. I plateaued at a loss of 120 pounds and need to get started again. So my goal is 20 carbs a day, Sunday - Friday and then regular eating on Saturday. I am at 300 pounds right now and still have 150 to go.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    My goals are:
    Calorie limit 1200 daily of nutritional food :blushing
    10,000 steps daily using my fitbit
    Workouts 5 days a week
    Run a 5k
    Lose 3-5 pounds
    Have definition in my abs again.

    A lot for two months, but this is what I want.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I have been obese since I was 10 years old and tried everything including a very dangerous surgery and hcg which shut my kidneys down. So A year ago January I decided that 421 pounds was to much for any one to weigh so I started low carb eating. I don't say dieting,because this is the way I will eat the rest of my life to maintain the weight loss. I plateaued at a loss of 120 pounds and need to get started again. So my goal is 20 carbs a day, Sunday - Friday and then regular eating on Saturday. I am at 300 pounds right now and still have 150 to go.

    We are here to help in support. Let us know topics for discussion etc.. We will stomp that plateau ???? thank you for joining our group this is looking like an awesome group to be part of...I'm pumped. Oh, I should warn you...some of us have fur children (dogs) and need to throw stories of them in here to break boredom of weight conversations.... Have fun with us...
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    I am also new to this challenge.
    I just want to continue on this journey and learn as much as I can for my healthy lifestyle. Any advice/suggestions on food/exercise or toning flabby skin are always welcome.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I am also new to this challenge.
    I just want to continue on this journey and learn as much as I can for my healthy lifestyle. Any advice/suggestions on food/exercise or toning flabby skin are always welcome.

    Glad to have you with us. Thanks for the suggestions too, we will definitely discuss helpful hints along the way.
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I have been here since February 2013. I recently have banished the scale monitoring from my being...

    My goals are:
    Calorie limit 1330 daily
    Cardio 6 days a week
    Strength 3 days a week (Resume my strength routines at lunch time.)
    Reduce inches on waist, hips & arms Aiming for 1-2" in this challenge. Pretty aggressive--

    Thank You for supporting my efforts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aquirico
    aquirico Posts: 21 Member
    I'd love to join this group for a new challenge! I've been tracking on MFP for over a year and not seeing very good results. Yesterday I decided to start fresh, new profile, diary is public, no excuses! I think setting goals will be key for me, and hopefully this group can help.

    My goals for my renewing week are:
    log every bite every day
    exercise 4 days this week

    I'm working towards a Color Run 5k in September, so I'll need to set some short term goals to help get me there.
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the group and recently became active on MFP again. I gained almost ten pounds after I stopped nursing my son and I'm determined to get back in shape! My goal is to track all my food and aim for 1/2 lb a week weight loss and some sort of excercise four times a week. I'm looking forward to having support and accountability!