Dec 2013 Babies



  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    This site shows you how far you are every day with pictures. Kinda cool.
  • SouthernAngelK
    SouthernAngelK Posts: 6 Member
    BFP!! Just found out Monday that DH and I are expecting our first, EDD is Dec 27th! Cannot tell you how excited I am, but I am about 100 lbs overweight and just 4 months into my weightloss journey so a bit scared about what that means for my pregnancy.

    I need to focus on gaining only 15 - 20 lbs of pregnancy weight, but I may actually end up LOSING weight overall because of my dietary changes. My doctor and I are set for my first prenatal/ultrasound on May 13th, and the nurse said we can pick everything apart then :) SO ANXIOUS!!

    I am doing light cardio now, about 2 miles a day - which I am going to continue. I bowl 3 times a week, which from everything I've read is fine until potentially the third trimester but to clear it with my doctor...which I will of course. I kept my calorie goal at losing 1 lbs a week for now, since I don't want to end up gaining unecessary weight in the first trimester knowing that most of it will come in the 2nd and 3rd. Drinking TONS of water, but I have been doing that for a few months now anyways.

    Overall - so excited for this new chapter in our lives and even though I am a bit behind on the "healthy" side, I am determined to make this pregnancy and our baby as healthy as possible. Cheers and congrats mommas!!
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Congrats to all of you December Mommies! I have my first Dr. Appt tomorrow, but assume I am right around the 6 week mark (my cycles tend to be a bit strange). This will be my second and we are very excited and freaked out, all at the same time! eek!

    I gained around 30lbs with my son, who will be four in September. However, it took me for-ev-er to get the weight off..seemed to be 5lbs every three months or so. I also wasn't eating as healthy and definitly wasn't near as active as I am now. I am pretty happy with where I am currently and just want to be sure I stay as healthy as possible. I skipped my Monday workout and cut back last night (been a bit tired) but I am feeling much more energized today, so went for a run on my lunch break! Hopefully I can keep this going!
  • Ajnyvt09
    Ajnyvt09 Posts: 22 Member
    So exciting to see all the Mommy's who are due in December :-) I am due December 11th. This is our first. I am also hoping not to gain an excessive amount during pregnancy. I'm trying to make healthy eating choices and walk at least three times a week. Congrats to all!
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    I feel like I've been waiting forever for my first appointment tomorrow. I'm still surprised they couldn't get me in sooner being I'm high risk (I'm 9 weeks this weekend). I called the other day to see exactly what was going to go on during my first appointment and she just basically said the Dr. has 20 minutes blocked out for your appointment and she will let you know what's going to go on when you see her.. She transferred me to the Dr's assistant so I could leave her a voice mail so she could perhaps tell me more but I was already crying at that point so I didn't leave one lol. I think all I wanted to hear is that I will get an ultrasound. I just want to make sure it's there and in the right spot because of previous unsuccessful pregnancies.. I love my Dr. she is great and I'm sure the front staff can't say what will happen when they don't know themselves. Just being over emotional haha!

    Congrats to all the Dec mommies. My date looks to be Dec 2nd but we will see what the Dr. says, I would laugh if I have to move to the Nov. thread lol =)
  • BtrflsKU
    BtrflsKU Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone!!! CONGRATS!!! My husband and I are expecting our first child late December! I won't know the exact date until I see my doctor. First visit is with her next week! I am beside myself and so happy!!!! Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months!!!
  • Cucumberburps
    Cucumberburps Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! So excited to be expecting my first baby Dec 29 2013. So far feeling super great aside from sore boobs. I'm a runner and really hope to continue on as long as I can.

    What a great group to find, Congrats to you all!!!
  • enginerdlisa
    enginerdlisa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, unofficial due date 12/29/13. I see the doctor next week. I'm trying to have a healthy pregnancy and not use it as an excuse to eat any and everything I see. I quit roller derby as it was not safe. I plan to continue with belly dance classes, and would like to walk more to make up for the time that I won't be on skates. A little bummed out that I didn't loose all of the weight I wanted to before it happened, but oh well.
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    I am due December the 9th 2013 ( based on conception date) with my first I am super excited, I was told I would have so much trouble getting pregnant without the help of a RE but it happen without any help from the doc but from God, I must say I have not been eating healthy since I got pregnant I have been over indulging in my cravings and I have not been working out, I got to get back into the groove of things I do not want to gain more than 30 pounds this pregnancy. I had lost 39 pounds before becoming pregnant.................
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    So how is everyone doing so far?? I did pretty okay last week, until the weekend hit! LOL. I kept feeling weak, and what made me feel better...FOOD! I alloted for heavier calories during the weekend, so didnt do too bad but could definitly tell I overindulged by Monday. The bloat was coming on pretty strong! I got a Ripped in 30, level 3 workout in and felt a ton better afterwards. I think I am going to continue doing RI30 for the next month, five to six days a week then switch it up after that.
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    By the way...

    I have been obsessed with trail mix lately. Any suggestions on a good kind? I have been doing the Emerald, Breakfast Blend but it has a good amount of sugar and I would like to stay away from that, if at all possible.
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I had my first OB visit today. EDD is 12/19, just 1 day after my son turns 5! December is going to be such an expensive month for our family...yikes. My new doctor does three ultrasounds- the first is in two weeks- so I get to see my baby sooner than I thought, and get a more accurate due date. Pretty exciting stuff! I hope everything is going well for the rest of you ladies!!!
  • Cherity7852
    Cherity7852 Posts: 37
    I'm due December 25th on Christmas day with my third and final child. I have two daughters and just had my second around the same time last year and gained 51lbs. This pregnancy was definitely a surprise but I'm excited to have our family complete with hopefully another baby girl. I have my calories set at maintenance (2150) but eat below that because I have morning (all day) sickness and nothing seems to stay down. I still workout 5 days a week and trying to be healthy and active like my first and only gain 25lbs.
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    By the way...

    I have been obsessed with trail mix lately. Any suggestions on a good kind? I have been doing the Emerald, Breakfast Blend but it has a good amount of sugar and I would like to stay away from that, if at all possible.

    I make my own, cashews and unsalted peanuts in bulk, raisins, m &ms, banana chips, etc. It still has some higher amounts of sugar, but I don't mind it as much bc most of it is coming from decent sources.
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    By the way...

    I have been obsessed with trail mix lately. Any suggestions on a good kind? I have been doing the Emerald, Breakfast Blend but it has a good amount of sugar and I would like to stay away from that, if at all possible.

    I make my own, cashews and unsalted peanuts in bulk, raisins, m &ms, banana chips, etc. It still has some higher amounts of sugar, but I don't mind it as much bc most of it is coming from decent sources.

    Nice! I think I might give it a try. My energy levels have been waaaaay down lately, think adding in some healthy snacking will help a bit.
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    By the way...

    I have been obsessed with trail mix lately. Any suggestions on a good kind? I have been doing the Emerald, Breakfast Blend but it has a good amount of sugar and I would like to stay away from that, if at all possible.

    I make my own, cashews and unsalted peanuts in bulk, raisins, m &ms, banana chips, etc. It still has some higher amounts of sugar, but I don't mind it as much bc most of it is coming from decent sources.

    Nice! I think I might give it a try. My energy levels have been waaaaay down lately, think adding in some healthy snacking will help a bit.

    You can add in other dried fruits to your preference also. Just as I did with dieting, I didn't worry about natural sugars such as those in fruits, only added sugars.
  • BtrflsKU
    BtrflsKU Posts: 20 Member
    Doctor visit went well today. They are not going to do an ultrasound until the 20th of this month. Seems so far away. My OBGYN said that I am 5 weeks, 4 days and my due date should be December 29th! They did take my blood to run tests, so hopefully that all comes back normal. Makes me nervous though. I am so excited!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    BtrflsKU--Glad the appt went well. The wait between appt's is so awful, right!! I had to do IVF so I started out with constant monitoring, including ultrasounds every week in weeks 5, 6, & 7. Now I don't have one again until Friday (which is 9 weeks) and then I am transferred to my regular doctor which means only ~once a month. Yikes! The good news is you should may get to hear a heartbeat then! Best wishes for a healthy & happy pregnancy.
  • melinga06
    melinga06 Posts: 9
    Hi I'n due some time in December too. I just found out a few days ago. According to my LMP I'd be due around December 9 but according to when I ovulated I think my actual due date will be around December 27. I have my first appointment in a week so we'll see what they say.
  • Hi everyone :) I'm due December 24th with my seventh. I just got my two oldest to move out of the house (college & Army) & SURPRISE, I'm pregnant again!! Actually, I'm excited :)