New to the Group :)

Hello Ladies! My name is Stormy, I am almost 26. I have two sweet little boys, older is almost 2 1/2 and new baby is almost 9 weeks. I am 15lbs from my pre-preg weight. I also just started back to work and am pumping. I am currently drinking Mother's Milk tea at least once a day and started taking Fenugreek to make sure my supply doesnt drop while pumping so much. With my older son, my milk dried up when he was 5 1/2 months old :( I am hoping that doesnt happen this time!! I know it has only been 8 1/2 weeks, but summer is quickly approaching and I'd love to be at my pre-preg weight as soon as possible!! I am currently not exercising but as soon as the weather decides to actually be spring time (I live in Oklahoma and we are currently having a cold front, and it is 38 degrees out with a "wintry mix"-blah!), I plan to start walking.

I am def looking for any tips to lose weight in a healthy manner to ensure it does not affect my supply. Looking for any and all encouragement as well!!

Thank you all, and God bless!! :)


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Welcome Stormy and congrats on your new addition. If you're worried about supply, I would keep your calories around maintence through at least 6 months, and you may very well reach your goal in the meantime.
  • stormync
    stormync Posts: 5
    Thank you stell. I've been a member on here for awhile, but havent really used it much. I'm not really sure if I have my calories correct. I updated my info with my current weight. I know we're supposed to eat an additional 500 calories so I chose to customize the calorie intake and added the 500 to what MFP suggested. Is that correct?

    Thanks for the help!