First Week Challenge (Joining Challenge)



  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    Hi everyone, I joined this group yesterday and honestly spent all day thinking about what my goals were going to be. I really have not been able to think of what I wanted to accomplish. I just finished a cycling challenge for the month of April, so I was debating on whether to continue with that, or start something new. So I finally decided why can't I do it all?

    My goals are:
    To be more active during the day
    Increase my workouts/ Vary them
    Cycle 210 miles
    Lose 10lbs
  • mc725
    mc725 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined MFP a while ago, but I really want to get back on track. My goal is to stop letting life/socializing/friends affect my healthy eating and workout habits. If there is a happy hour or dinner one night after work, I am going to work out that morning. Planning on splurging on a Saturday night? Then I'm going to make sure I work out that day and eat healthy beforehand. Can't wait to start this challenge! :)
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you, I put it in rice last night when I got home from work but we will see... its like my little personal accountability friend in my pocket. If I dont log it before I eat it, Im finding its harder to control my portions & easier to slack off on working out. Looking into switching providers... regardless I need to have a new phone before next week!

    Silly question but I have eaten so much healthy food in the last couple of weeks my body isnt used to it & my stomach hurts after eating. Will my body eventually adjust to eating such fibrous things like raw veggies or will I have gas pain regularly after these kinds of foods??
    Your body will get used to the food, but to make the transition a little easier if you don't switch 100% at once it will be easier, or it sounds like you have...try taking Beano before helped me transition to become a vegetarian :) for the same reasons you are facing.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    I am new to this group, but not new to My fitness pal. Been on here since 2011.

    My two goals this week are to get on here and put in what I ate, whether it is healthy or not, just to get into the habit of doing it!! I am so bad at remembering to do it. And my other goal is to continue to go to my local Community Center and use their walking path daily for atleast 30-45 minutes a day.

    Am I correct in we are to go on here on Sundays and tell you our new goals for the week? Im alittle confused in what you are wanting. :smile:
  • lcrosby55
    lcrosby55 Posts: 3
    I started using the food journal yesterday and it took a bit to figure out how to make it work for low carb as it doesn't do net carbs but got help with the settings and now I can figure them each day by deducting the fiber from the carb count. I should have had more carbs yesterday, my goal is no more than 20 net carbs and after deducting the fiber on reached 7. lol no wonder I was so hungry this morning. Determined to do better today.:flowerforyou:
  • Jondelle
    Jondelle Posts: 4 Member
    I've made it through 3 days of healthy eating, and I just started Hip Hop Abs and hope to complete it!! Feel free to add me :) Strenght in numbers!!!
  • Kaity_83
    Kaity_83 Posts: 4
    my goal is to eat more cleaner, and to push myself to the max
  • rkrazzy
    rkrazzy Posts: 4
    my goal is to SHRINK MY STOMACH (aka reduce appetite) and work out at least 4 times per week-- now that it's nice out, I have more motivation.

    And to look hot when I'm out on the town. :)
  • sweet4days
    sweet4days Posts: 1
    Hi All,
    I'm not new to MFP but I'm new to being consistent with it. My goals are to run/walk 4 miles every day (right now I do every other day, weather permitting), strength train 3/d/w, stick to my allotted calories each day without going over, and making the calories count. I've put on 10 lbs in three years and it's becoming harder to lose as I get older - which means I have to work harder.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I am new to this group, but not new to My fitness pal. Been on here since 2011.

    My two goals this week are to get on here and put in what I ate, whether it is healthy or not, just to get into the habit of doing it!! I am so bad at remembering to do it. And my other goal is to continue to go to my local Community Center and use their walking path daily for atleast 30-45 minutes a day.

    Am I correct in we are to go on here on Sundays and tell you our new goals for the week? Im alittle confused in what you are wanting. :smile:

    Each Sunday I will post that weeks challenge or motivation to reach your goals. Set goals for overall and mile stones along the way...but don't forget to figure out your rewards too. Thanks for joining this group.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I love the name of the group so here I am. I used to be a regular on here but I got sick and then just let life get in the way.

    My goals this week:
    3 days of couch 2 5k
    At least 1 day of HIIT
    Log food daily
    Strength train 4 days

    May Goals:
    100 squats a day challenge
    Eat cleaner...less processed foods, soda less than once every 10 days

    Lift 4 times a week m/t/r/f
    Couch to 5k on m/w/f
    Work up to HIIT 3 days a week t/r/s
    On HIIT days also do low intensity cardio for at least 20 minutes
    Lose 8lbs

    Amazing and challenging goals. What is HIIT?
    Welcome to the group
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    Hello, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to reply to a post or if there is another way to do it...Anyhow, I'll figure it out. Very happy to join this group. My goals for this first week in May are:
    to track my foods each day
    run 3 times this week x 5 km
    I will post a challenge or motivation each Sunday, and encourage everyone to respond to others posts--all the support helps. Set your challenge goals with milestone goals. Don't forget to decide on rewards too when you meet those goals. Not food rewards. Love! Your profile picture. Welcome to the group,
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    New to MFP...but not new to cycle of "die-eating"..too much..yo-yo weight progresses to practically every "diet" on the market..

    So far, I find MFP tracking in my foods to be easier than other tracking oriented programs...I don't like having to do a lot of math..nor so focused on food...MFP gives me a breaher to just plug in my foods PLANNING to eat, see what it will cost me and adjust portion size ofr choice accordingly...


    2. Log it in no matter what it was or HOW MUCH of it , it was..Log it in, track it..see what I'm prone to eating too much of and work to reduce the "overage" of

    3. MOVE MY BODY doing SOMETHING-ANYTHING everyday in some form of planned/organized body moving...even if can't get to a fancy something 7days/wk...

    MAIN GOAL SO FAR DOING:...TRULY GET OUT Of BED IN AM AND "MOVE" FOR 45-1ht watching my 5:00 am morning news..get ready for home..dinner...then MOVE again 45-1 hr...thus TWICE a day...split my "body moving" to get in about 2- 3 hrs per day burning at least 300-500 calories per session..thus 900-1000 cals/day...
    . What are you doing to succeed with your goals...alarm setting earlier, gym clothes laid out...what helps you? Logging really does help. Let me know what I can do to help.
    Welcome to the group,
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I'm still sort of new to mfp, but I have really been going about loafing in food for the past two-three weeks,,, started walking end of march, but April weather stunk so it was a little difficult to get to motivated,,,
    My goal is to bet healthier,,,too many friends on daily meds and don't want to face that because of myself,,,
    So eating much less processed foods, less sugar, less cholesterol ,
    Journal food at least six days every week (try for 7)
    Walk a minimum five days a week for 5 miles each day,s. kettle ball exercise squats 3 nights a week
    Welcome to the group! What celebrations are you planning when you reach your goals?
  • Howie3123
    Howie3123 Posts: 18 Member
    @Marla: HIIT means High Intensity Interval Training. It basically means you work really hard for 10-30 seconds, such as sprinting, and then you jog for 30-50 seconds.
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    My goal is to fit in my exercise even when life is getting in the way. I have changed up my exercise to walking 3 days a week, plus jog/walk one day of the weekend. this is down from 6-7 days a week.....I feel it dwindling as my walking buddies bail, or I have had after work errands that interfere with exercise time.
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    My goal is to fit in my exercise even when life is getting in the way. I have changed up my exercise to walking 3 days a week, plus jog/walk one day of the weekend. this is down from 6-7 days a week.....I feel it dwindling as my walking buddies bail, or I have had after work errands that interfere with exercise time.

    This is a lifestyle so reality of planning is the way to go...good work. Glad you are with us again.
  • pma119
    pma119 Posts: 2
    First Week Goals:
    1200 cals
    30 min workout/ 6x a week
    Not get stressed by the little things!

  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    First Week Goals:
    1200 cals
    30 min workout/ 6x a week
    Not get stressed by the little things!


    So glad you are here. You can do this. Pax will help. How can you be stressed with that handsome sweet face lovin on you? Unless Paxton is like my kidlets and adding to the stress sometimes :) Glad you are here and if we can exercise together let me know--I'd love too.
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    Tomorrow is our "new" start friends...look forward to journeying this with you all!!! WooHoo let's do this....