April September Biggest Loser chat room



  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Hey Ladies - I was just wondering how much weight you had to lose before you starting going down in clothing sizes? I had a baby 4 months ago. I delivered at 218 lbs and I am now 189 lbs. I only gained 20 lbs during my pregnancy. I started at a tight size 16 jeans and XL shirts. Well, I am still in both!!! 30 lbs and still in the same darn clothes! Yes, the clothes fit better but I would love to move down just one size.
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    ok I live in uk so our sizing is little bit different
    I started at beggining of year in size thight 16((in USA 14)-some jeans on size 18(in usa 16) I had 196lbs i started to wear size 14 ((in USA 12)in march I would like to be size 12 (USA10) by summer

    marcelinecka77 196 i was 168.5 at the end of challenge this is my pictures grom that challrnge

  • karategirl2013
    Were you wearing the size 16 jeans and XL shirt pre-pregnancy or during your pregnancy? If it was before, I would suggest looking at your weight loss from you pre-pregnancy weight and not the your pregnancy top weight (e.g. if you were 208 pre-pregnancy and wearing the size 16 jeans at that weight and now you are at 189 - that would be a loss of 9 lbs).

    For me it is about 10-15 lbs (closer to 15 lbs for me to go down a size). It can depend quite a bit on where the extra weight is distributed on your body and where you lose it from. When I lose weight it most often shows up first in my face and neck. My friend tends to lose it first in her chest.

    Hope that helps and keep up the great work! The changes will come!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Thanks guys...wow amazing transformation!!!! That's inspirational!

    Karategirl - Great advice!! I didn't even think of it that way! I was a size 16 before the pregnancy. Which I was 193 when I got pregnant and now I'm 189 so now it totally makes sense that I'm still in the same size! Duh!! I feel so stupid now. hahahaha.
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for the link. I sit all day at work and find it hard to do as much as I want during my work day. This will help.
  • karategirl2013
    Thanks guys...wow amazing transformation!!!! That's inspirational!

    Karategirl - Great advice!! I didn't even think of it that way! I was a size 16 before the pregnancy. Which I was 193 when I got pregnant and now I'm 189 so now it totally makes sense that I'm still in the same size! Duh!! I feel so stupid now. hahahaha.

    Hey lovelyrose, I don't think you are alone in calculating weight loss that way. I know I once did too when I first lost my pregnancy weight. Even when I got to below my pre-pregnancy weight I still had to wear a larger pant size because my body had changed (2 c-sections later I now had a muffin top). Working hard now on losing that muffin top, toning my abs and the rest of my body.
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Hey Ladies - I was just wondering how much weight you had to lose before you starting going down in clothing sizes? I had a baby 4 months ago. I delivered at 218 lbs and I am now 189 lbs. I only gained 20 lbs during my pregnancy. I started at a tight size 16 jeans and XL shirts. Well, I am still in both!!! 30 lbs and still in the same darn clothes! Yes, the clothes fit better but I would love to move down just one size.

    I am down about 20 #'s total in my journey, and I am still in my 18 jeans!! most are lose but the next size down is still too tight.
    I do see a difference in my overall body shape though. my butt and hips are smaller even if my waist hasnt changed much. I also have noticed that while my bra's cup size hasnt chaged much either.. .I used to be on the last set of hook... now I am on the far insides hooks and really need to go down one size, there... So hang in there... your doing what you should!!! :smokin:
    Sometimes our bodies fat burns inside first.

    A good friend of mine has lost almost 60# but not moved down more than one size. Her Dr. told her she had lots of fatty tissues built up around all her organs. so the first 60#'s she hs lost was that fat around her organs. she is now begining to lose weight on the "outside" if her body... (hope makes sense).

    Not saying that is what you have going on... just an expamle of other ways your body could be changing. KEEP GOING!!!! you will get there... all this effort does count and is improing your health even if your still wearing the same size!!

    Hugs!! :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks for the link. I sit all day at work and find it hard to do as much as I want during my work day. This will help.

    I do too. I work in the office 3 days a week and at home two days a week. on my "in the office days" I make an effort to take the stairs if possible and get in a walk during my lunch break. I am lucky to have a residential neighborhood near my office and can make a 2 mile walk in 30 min. then eat at my desk when i get back. It is nice to get out of the office for a bit too. I know its so hard though... GOOD LUCK!
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Hey Ladies - I was just wondering how much weight you had to lose before you starting going down in clothing sizes? I had a baby 4 months ago. I delivered at 218 lbs and I am now 189 lbs. I only gained 20 lbs during my pregnancy. I started at a tight size 16 jeans and XL shirts. Well, I am still in both!!! 30 lbs and still in the same darn clothes! Yes, the clothes fit better but I would love to move down just one size.

    I am down about 20 #'s total in my journey, and I am still in my 18 jeans!! most are lose but the next size down is still too tight.
    I do see a difference in my overall body shape though. my butt and hips are smaller even if my waist hasnt changed much. I also have noticed that while my bra's cup size hasnt chaged much either.. .I used to be on the last set of hook... now I am on the far insides hooks and really need to go down one size, there... So hang in there... your doing what you should!!! :smokin:
    Sometimes our bodies fat burns inside first.

    A good friend of mine has lost almost 60# but not moved down more than one size. Her Dr. told her she had lots of fatty tissues built up around all her organs. so the first 60#'s she hs lost was that fat around her organs. she is now begining to lose weight on the "outside" if her body... (hope makes sense).

    Not saying that is what you have going on... just an expamle of other ways your body could be changing. KEEP GOING!!!! you will get there... all this effort does count and is improing your health even if your still wearing the same size!!

    Hugs!! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Oh wow! That is really interesting. I've never even thought about fat "on the inside!" LOL. I have noticed a major difference in my thighs and above my waist (like the rib cage area) also my bras are getting quite loose. Thank goodness I haven't gone down a cup size yet. I mean I don't mind if I go down a size but right now I think being busty kind of offsets the fat tummy a bit. hahahaha!!!
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    My ribcage area is also the most obvious change. So I know if its burning from there its burnin from everywhere!!

    I really struggle with wanting results too fast. When I started this life change back in july last year. I had NO physical activty at all. So in my head I thought well i can keep eating whatever I want I just need to add a little more activity. I started kickboxing an hour 3/week. I was so discouraged after the first month and nothing had changed not the scale not my clothes, and not my eating habits. I was eating 3000 or more calories everyday.
    thats when i realized the importance of nutritan, and eating a variety of good for you foods. I am still not very good at it so I eat a lot of the "same old go to's" and I do still eat fast food when life gets in the way of planning better options. But what has changed the most, is that i do think about everything i eat... good, bad or otherwise I read the labels and KNOW what i am intaking. I think thats a big step to make, before I mindless ate. Chips cookies... I would have 3 or 4 servings and not even know it. Thats what has proven to be the best sucess for me.. .KNOWING!!!

    Keep doing what your doing and you will get there.... Its so hard sometimes to keep doing it you dont feel like its working... but it is working...
    Besides being active and eating right are never NOT good for you :laugh: :wink:
  • jellybelly1986
    At some point can we have a challenge about getting your 5 a day?

  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Yes 5 a day ;) was one of my choices .... No sugar for a week - of course you will be able to have fruit and honey - in same week I was thinking to make desert challenge - of course no sugar ;) as twist .... Pack lunch ;)
  • jellybelly1986
    No sugar is a good one!

    I really struggle with sugar so that'd be really challenging for me!

    Packed lunch is a good challenge too, although its only really applicable to certain people.
  • still_a_caterpillar
    I am starting to lose motivation again. This makes me really sad because I have lost motivation every time I have tried because I have this idea in my head that weight loss should be this magical thing like it is on TV, when logically I know it isn't. And it's hard. It feels like it's so slow and that I'm just not doing it right and that I'll never get anywhere with it :(
  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    I was feeling like that yesterday. I hate that feeling. I feel like because it is such hard work to stick with it the hard work should pay off FAST!! Today is Monday though. Always a good day to start fresh. Hang in. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I am starting to lose motivation again. This makes me really sad because I have lost motivation every time I have tried because I have this idea in my head that weight loss should be this magical thing like it is on TV, when logically I know it isn't. And it's hard. It feels like it's so slow and that I'm just not doing it right and that I'll never get anywhere with it :(

    If you can push thru those times of motivation loss it does get easier. I struggle with this still. But I have found that now that I have been consistently hitting my workout goals, by metabolism has picked up too, so even if I have a not great day or two, my body still keeps a decent pace. Hang in there!! We are all here for you... Good luck sweetheart!!! :heart:
  • jellybelly1986
    Has our leader given up on us?? :-(
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I am very but I am busy for few days - I am keeping doing my challenges (exercise and food) - just have no time to post leader boards - if anyone has time please feel free to do it otherwise i will do it tonight - tomorrow

    sorry for that girls!!!
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    I am starting to lose motivation again. This makes me really sad because I have lost motivation every time I have tried because I have this idea in my head that weight loss should be this magical thing like it is on TV, when logically I know it isn't. And it's hard. It feels like it's so slow and that I'm just not doing it right and that I'll never get anywhere with it :(

    It happens to all of us! We begin strong and inspired, but when we don't lose weight as quickly as we would like, or when we hit a brick wall for a week or two, we wonder why we are trying so hard. This has always been my problem as well, but I am refusing to give up this time! I gave myself a year...I said, try this for a year and see how far it takes you. I have been overweight since my oldest son was born...and he is 27 now. So, what am I losing by giving up all of those comfort foods and adding more exercise to my day, for just one year? Right now, I am feeling great and I have a ton more energy...and while everyday is not perfect, I refuse to give up.

    So, I challenge you...how much can you accomplish in just one year?
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    My motivation board hangs beside my treadmill so I can remember why I am down there running.

    I run in the dimly lit basement with a computer in front of me playing "Criminal Mind" episodes (cant watch these with the kids around). I have also mounted the speakers to the ceiling behind my head so the creaking, whispering and scary music motivates me to run like HELL!! lol. I'm sure it looks funny but being scared out of your mind elevates your heart rate and the show makes the time by go faster - a WIN - WIN situation. :laugh: