How much do you eat now?

LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
I am a year and almost 3 months post op. I already lost 124 lbs but I have 30 lbs left to goal! The VSG is one of the best things I ever did!!!
I am struggling now with knowing how much I should be eating now. How many calories, carbs and protein do you guys get in and how far out from surgery are you?



  • klj748
    klj748 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm just 10 days out so I can't really help you here with my personal experience but I've seen a lot of people talk about this issue in the VSG Maintenance Group which is located here- What I've learned from the women that hit goal was that they were all eating lower carb. Most with a goal of 40 carbs per day some ate as high as 60. A few women didn't eat low carb because their body couldn't handle it with their workout routine but they still hit goal.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I am 10 months post op from sleeve surgery, had it June 11, 2012. I currently eat around 1200 cals a day, I try to get 80-100 grams of protein in a day. My nut told me 100 grams of carbs for 80-100 grams of protein/1200 cals is good also so that is what I shoot for with carbs. I exercise daily at home and go to the gym 3-4 times a week so I work off 300-500 cals a day sometimes but usually don't eat back the exercise cals but sometimes I do go over 1200. I met my surgeon's goal back in Nov 2012 and am under my own personal weight goal of 130 for me so I am not trying to loose anymore really but just maintain.
    If you aren't for sure, call your WLS program and talk to your Nut.
    Good luck!
  • spdfldpam, that is awesome. I had my sleeve on July 16th and I have lost 64 lbs. I have been stalling between 207-204 for the last four months. I stay between 800-900 calories and I feel excercise 3-4 times a week. Did you ever stall? what is your daily menu, if you don't mind me asking.
  • meganw5638
    meganw5638 Posts: 45 Member
    I am working towards 1200 cals/day, and trying to get 65+ grams of protein still. I try to keep my carbs below 75 but I'm not very successful at that. :) I've got about 20 lbs to goal and I have been stalled at 170 FOREVER!! :)
  • meganw5638
    meganw5638 Posts: 45 Member
    spdfldpam, that is awesome. I had my sleeve on July 16th and I have lost 64 lbs. I have been stalling between 207-204 for the last four months. I stay between 800-900 calories and I feel excercise 3-4 times a week. Did you ever stall? what is your daily menu, if you don't mind me asking.

    You might actually need to up your calories slightly . . . are you eating your exercise calories back? If your cals are too low, your body may be in starvation mode.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Thanks for the comments! If I stayed at this weight forever I would honestly be happy! But I would be happier if I could get these last stubborn 30 off. I am going to start running again next week and adding in more cardio. I haven't been going enough cardio and I now that is part of my problem. I also should up my calories I normally sit around 800-900 but I am going to try and get in 1200, hopefully that gets things moving again!

    marenagarcia - Stalls are normal but SO frustrating! I was stalled around that weight for about a month also, then one day it all started coming off again! Its so weird how it works but keep doing everything right and your body will take care of you!

  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm only 7 weeks out and eating 1000 calories a day. Currently trying to keep my carbs minus fiber under 20 grams and my protein 70-100 grams and everything else from fat.

    I don't yet know exactly what I'm going to do when I get to within 40 pounds of goal, but I'm thinking I will increase my calories to what they "should be" for someone of my age, weight, muscle mass, gender, etc.....take the weight gain hit on that (hopefully less than 20 pounds) until it stabilizes and then eat at a moderate deficit AND eat back 75% of my exercise calories. Just an idea.. who knows if I'll actually have the courage to do it.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I am 4.5 months out (surgery 12/17/12), and I get between 1000-1200 per day. I still struggle to get a lot of protein in, usually it's around 60, carbs between 50-100. I rarely eat bread or bread-type things or added sugar. I stall fairly frequently. I'm a stair step loser, big time. Stall 1-2 weeks, lose the next, etc. It's a minor frustration at this point. I have lost 96 pounds total between pre-and post-op losses, so I can't complain. Any VSGer feel free to add me!
  • neurorat
    neurorat Posts: 73 Member
    I am a year and three months out, down 78 pounds (goal was 165, I weight 138-142 now). I ate 1200 kcal until I wanted to stop losing, then I upped my daily calories each week until I stopped losing. I eat about 1350-1400 kcal per day now, plus a portion of my exercise calories. If I am training for a distance race (Marathon or Half Marathon) I eat a bit more (closer to 1500 kcal/day).

    I eat anywhere from 60-100g of protein per day, obviously the higher the calorie day, the higher the protein.

    Please feel free to add me! I'm a daily logger :-)

    Happy to see so many of us on here!!
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Friend me and you'll be able to see my food diaries over the time I have lost weight.
    Sounds like you are getting enough calories in at your stage. My WLS program told me at 6 months I needed to be at 1000 cals and if I worked out more than 30 minutes to up to 1200 cals a day. I try to get 80-100 grams of protein a day and drink 80 to 100 ounces or more of water a day (decaf coffee, 20 cal hot chocolate, 0 cal sobe, decaf Iced tea)
    spdfldpam, that is awesome. I had my sleeve on July 16th and I have lost 64 lbs. I have been stalling between 207-204 for the last four months. I stay between 800-900 calories and I feel excercise 3-4 times a week. Did you ever stall? what is your daily menu, if you don't mind me asking.
  • ShelPrice
    ShelPrice Posts: 1
    My NUT told me to keep my carbs to at least 100 (I'm assuming that means with the fiber included) and wanted me to eat 1500 calories a day (I'm actually targeting around 1200). I'm slightly paranoid about that because carbs tend to stall me. I'm scheduled 5/21 to get sleeved. Obviously I won't be hitting the 100 for a while, but once I'm eating solids again, this may be an issue. I do exercise on the elliptical (or walking) for at least 30 minutes a day and don't count the exercise towards the 1500.
  • rlshopp6
    rlshopp6 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 2 years and 6 months post-surgery, and because I'm still trying to lose (the last 25 pounds, was stalled for over a year) my goal is 1200 calories each day. My NUT said that was a good calorie target for while I'm wanting to lose weight, when I do get to goal we'll reassess. I had times when I wasn't working out daily, and for the year I was stalled, think that was the biggest contributor. Now that I'm being consistent with my daily exercise, the weight is slowly dropping again (and building muscle by lifting weights). I don't eat back my exercise calories, both my NUT and my personal trainer said not to. Which goes against most all of the advice we see here on MFP, but I figure because of the surgery it's better to listen to the people who know me, through my WLS program, than to people who don't know my particulars.
  • shrinking_sarah
    shrinking_sarah Posts: 9 Member
    In general, the parameters of my program during weight loss are as follows: less than 800 calories per day (less is better), less than 40 g carbs per day (less is better, closer to 20), at least 100g protein per day (for women, men eat more), and as little fat as possible (I stay less than 30g).

    The calorie count for those in maintenance varies according to gender, height, and exercise level. As a "yardstick," one woman in my program who is 5 ft tall, 105 lbs, and exercises 3x per week eats around 1800 calories per day. I believe she still tries to get the 100g protein and keeps carbs under 80g.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I am a year and almost 3 months post op. I already lost 124 lbs but I have 30 lbs left to goal! The VSG is one of the best things I ever did!!!
    I am struggling now with knowing how much I should be eating now. How many calories, carbs and protein do you guys get in and how far out from surgery are you?


    I am 2 years out (in June). I try to stay under 1500 Calories per day (not under 1200 though), <100 Carbs, >50g Protein... although I don't always stay within that goal. But you know what, I don't stress it. I know my daily diet is fluid and will fluctuate. I just try to not pig out or binge on high sugar/carb foods (even though, at times, I do). I do miss my restriction from 6 months out... other than that, I am so happy with my Sleeve.
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    I had my surgery 7/24/12 and have lost 123 pounds so far. I'm eating around 900-1100 calories, give or take. I do still have a protein shake for breakfast because it's a good shot of protein (30 grams) and some caffeine. I have a scoop of Syntrax Nectar Chocolate Truffle or Vanilla Torte with a scoop of Big Train Fit Frappe Mocha, with water and ice, and blenderized. One of my snacks for the day is a Quest Chocolate Brownie or a Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough protein bar (20 grams of protein and 17 grams of fiber). (The bars taste the best when microwaved for about 12 seconds.) My protein goal is at least 80 grams. Lately I've been on a kick of grilling myself a chicken patty for supper (180 calories and around 20 grams of protein). I am SO thankful that I have the sleeve as it is still providing me with a lot of restriction regarding quantity - now it's up to ME for the quality. :)
  • I am 3&1/2 months out and have had a few setbacks. I am finally getting over 500 cal daily and shooting for 800. Protein hangs around 40gm without supplements. Hoping for greater improvement soon!