Weigh in - 05/05 :)



  • junkintrunk5
    junkintrunk5 Posts: 93 Member
    -2 lbs. this week= 3 pounds total! Considering my week, pretty damn good:) 173 from 176! My daughters surgery went well today, she is sleeping and recovering as I type:))
  • whitchy_pooh
    whitchy_pooh Posts: 23 Member
    another disappointing weigh in....

    weight 226.2 (+2.6)
    waits 42
    thigh 26.5
    chest 40
    neck 15.25

    Even though my inches are going in the right direction my weight is not :(
  • Wiseinwellness
    Wiseinwellness Posts: 1,072 Member
    Late entry - 156, down 2 pounds
    That's in the right direction finally!
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    Ok everyone....so sorry! We moved this last weekend and I STILL cannot find my scale. I located my measuring tape this morning before having to rush out the door to drop little one off at school and get myself to work by 8am.

    I am going to at least measure tonight, and hopefully can find that darn scale. I'll tell ya.....after moving a household of 2 adults, 2 kids a dog and 2000 sq ft of "stuff", I better be down in my weight!!! LOL

    I'll check back in tomorrow!
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    Here are my stats from 05/07/13
    Age: 44
    Height 5'7"
    Weight: 212.6 lbs
    BF%: 41.9 (down 2%)
    Fat Mass: 89.01lb (down 6lbs from 3 weeks ago)
    Fat Free Mass: 123.6lbs (up 4lbs from 3 weeks ago)
    Total Body Water: 90.4lbs (up 3lbs from 3 weeks ago)

    In summary - the scale weight doesn't tell the whole story.
    I've added water weight (you can burn fat if you're dehydrated), I added muscle (because I lift heavy weights) and I reduced my body fat mass and %.
    This is why you can see changes in your body even if the scale doesn't seem like it's moving.
    I'm happy! I'll take measurements next time.
    Here are my stats from 4/21/13
    Age: 44
    Height 5'7"
    Weight: 212.2 lbs
    Neck 13.5"
    Arm (6' above elbow): 14.5"
    Waist: 38"
    Hips: 46.5"
    Thigh: 28.25 (10" above the knee)
    BF%: 44.4
    BMI: 33.2
  • nicf76
    nicf76 Posts: 50 Member
    another disappointing weigh in....

    weight 226.2 (+2.6)
    waits 42
    thigh 26.5
    chest 40
    neck 15.25

    Even though my inches are going in the right direction my weight is not :(

    could you be off with your calories, meaning are they more than you are logging? Not sure what the problem could be?
  • tameekag
    tameekag Posts: 84 Member
    Mon 5/6/13 11:31 AM

    I did this at 9 am yesterday but didn't have access to a computer and my phone app is really hard to post with.

    4/28/13 numbers 5/5/13
    Age 43 | haven't gotten older
    Height 5'7 | or taller
    Weight 173 | 174 :(
    Bust 41 | 41
    Chest 36 | 35 3/4
    Waist 39 | 37
    Hips 42 | 41
    Thigh 24 | 24 1/4
    Calves 15 | 15
    Bicep 12 3/4 | 12 3/4
    Forearm 10 1/2 | 10 1/2
    Neck 14 | 14

    Had to go back and visit the Chiropractor today so no exercise the last 3 days. :(

    You have some great losses in your waist and hips! Keep it up. The measurement of success doesn't end at the scale!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    4 lbs lost since the start of the challenge. I'll take it!
  • FlowersInTheDirt
    FlowersInTheDirt Posts: 124 Member
    No loss last week. Very dissapointed after being at the gym 5 days out of 7!
    Hoping to make up for it this week!
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    Ok everyone....so sorry! We moved this last weekend and I STILL cannot find my scale. I located my measuring tape this morning before having to rush out the door to drop little one off at school and get myself to work by 8am.

    I am going to at least measure tonight, and hopefully can find that darn scale. I'll tell ya.....after moving a household of 2 adults, 2 kids a dog and 2000 sq ft of "stuff", I better be down in my weight!!! LOL

    I'll check back in tomorrow!

    Good News.....I found my scale!!!
    Weight as of this morning 162.6 - down 7lbs in 2 weeks~
    I am curious about my measurements, but did not feel up to it last night. I think I will wait until this Sunday for the 3rd weigh-in!

    Happy Hump Day everyone!!!
  • brina1977
    brina1977 Posts: 14
    I'm really late posting. I weighed and took measurements on Sunday, but i haven't had much computer time since then and honestly I was a bit embarrassed that I have weighed in at the same 209 for the last 3 weeks. Today I finally compared my measurements to my stats from our first weigh in and I'm totally shocked. Here's where i'm at:

    4/21/2013 5/5/2013

    weight 209 209

    waist 44 41
    hips 48 48.5
    thighs 28 26
    bicep 15.5 14
    neck 15 15.3
  • Sweetnessss87
    Sweetnessss87 Posts: 10 Member
    I lost 5 lbs last week. I'ts coming down.
  • makrill
    makrill Posts: 4
    Late posting due to been traveling. I weigh in at 146.2lbs this past Sunday which was a slight loss but I am afraid I have regained in the last couple of days as I totally got of my diet plan when traveling... :( My measurement is pretty were the same except 0.5 inch lost in waist. So now 29.5''. OK no more excuses! Back on the plan!!
  • johnic777
    johnic777 Posts: 13
    I have had a crazy 2 weeks, but will be posting weight and measurements this Sunday