Progress is days 60-90?

Jenya05 Posts: 42 Member
Hi All!

I am starting my last 4 weeks today, and I was wondering if anyone saw a major increase in their results in the last month. So far I have been a little disappointed with the results (lost about 5 lbs and some inches) so I am hoping that the inches start falling off during the last month. Did anyone have a similar experience?

With swimsuit season right around the corner, I am tempted to switch over to the 30 Day Shred because I have seen some really quick results with it in the past, but I have come this far so I really want to finish the program.


  • diva099
    diva099 Posts: 42
    I have been doing Turbofire for almost two months I haven't had a huge weight drop but my body has changed a lot know my reason is because I was not eating properly when I first start doing Turbofire but now that I have changed my diet, it has helped to change and drop some pounds ( I wasn't taking in enough calories) to lose any weight. Diet plays a key part with this you may be burning calories but not eating enough.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I was opposite, the first couple of months, the weight seemed to drop quickly, avg 2lbs a week, but then I hit a plateau, 1lb for the 3rd month, nothing for the 4th and then 5lbs for the final month. I had started increasing calories and protein and strength training with heavier weights. My measurements around my hips and waist haven't changed in 3 months, but my clothes are fitting looser.
  • lremi
    lremi Posts: 59
    I'm averaging about 1lb per week loss but I've went down from a snug size 12 to an comfortable 8. I've just started month 3, I'm trying not to obsess over the scale since I know my size is going down either way.
  • crystallight711
    crystallight711 Posts: 156 Member
    I lost 9lbs the first month, 3lbs during month two, and 7lbs in the third. I did however lose the most inches (especially off my stomach) during the second month.
  • stephfree3
    stephfree3 Posts: 14 Member
    Interesting post because I am trying to figure out what is going on with me. I'm in the middle of week 5 and have only lost 2.5 pounds. I'm working pretty hard and sometimes even squeeze in a 30 minute brisk walk with the dog the same day. I feel so much stronger and "smaller", but there is this layer of fat that isn't melting away like I thought it would be. I know I'm toning, but I truly have fat that needs to go away. Ugh. My eating isn't perfect, but I'm sure trying. Set at 1200 calories and usually eat all my exercise calories, which evens it back out to 1200.
  • jtempalski
    jtempalski Posts: 80
    I haven't been seeing "big" results myself and I just started week 10. I think my biggest change was from 0 - 30 days, 30 - 60 didn't see a huge increase and only like 4 lbs total lost.

    I decided to try out a hybrid workout... still using Turbo Fire, but I am going to add in RevAbs.

    I didn't have the funds to fork over to beachbody for the new revabs, so went to ebay and found a used set with all the items included. It's supposed to arrive in the mail today/tomorrow... so just sticking with Turbo fire until then and then will adjust my schedule with one I found online that combines the two programs. Hoping since my major issues are still in my stomach area, that adding in revabs will help me start to see more results again.

    I don't eat clean, but typically my day is still under my calorie goal and don't eat back all my exercise points. In the 60 days, I probably only skipped 2-3 work out days but tried to at least get some walking in, etc during the day.

    Stephfree3, what height are you? and did you just use the 1200 calories that MFP gave you when keying in your weight/height? MFP gave me 1200 calories but I used another tool and decided to up it to 1400.
  • lremi
    lremi Posts: 59
    TF is pretty intense you might need to up your baseline calories. I eat around 1800 a day
  • stephfree3
    stephfree3 Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't been seeing "big" results myself and I just started week 10. I think my biggest change was from 0 - 30 days, 30 - 60 didn't see a huge increase and only like 4 lbs total lost.

    I decided to try out a hybrid workout... still using Turbo Fire, but I am going to add in RevAbs.

    I didn't have the funds to fork over to beachbody for the new revabs, so went to ebay and found a used set with all the items included. It's supposed to arrive in the mail today/tomorrow... so just sticking with Turbo fire until then and then will adjust my schedule with one I found online that combines the two programs. Hoping since my major issues are still in my stomach area, that adding in revabs will help me start to see more results again.

    I don't eat clean, but typically my day is still under my calorie goal and don't eat back all my exercise points. In the 60 days, I probably only skipped 2-3 work out days but tried to at least get some walking in, etc during the day.

    Stephfree3, what height are you? and did you just use the 1200 calories that MFP gave you when keying in your weight/height? MFP gave me 1200 calories but I used another tool and decided to up it to 1400.
  • stephfree3
    stephfree3 Posts: 14 Member
    I don't even know how to quote and reply properly. Ugh. I am 5' 1" and 41 years old. The weight is very stubborn and doesn't want to come off. I want to do a hybrid of TF and Les Mills Pump. I have heard amazing stuff about the Pump program.
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in week 17 and I haven't seen a huge drop on the scale, about 13 lbs total so far. However, I have lost 17 inches overall. I have followed the workout schedule to a T, except I moved my rest day to Saturdays. I think I would have had better results if I would have gotten my food intake under control during the first 16 weeks. This week I have finally made the commitment to not go over my 1670 calorie limit per day. I am not going to weigh in or do my measurements again until I finish week 20.

    I'm curious to see what is going to happen now that I'm eating to plan. Even though the scale hasn't drastically dropped, I have seen great non-scale victories. My clothes are looser, I can see changes in the mirror (in the shoulder, bicep, chest, stomach and hip areas), people are commenting that I look like I'm losing weight, and my endurance has improved exponentially. When I started I could barely get through Fire 30 without extending my "breaks" after the HIITs. Now I can power through all the DVD's, including the advanced set, without needing to stop at all. I'm also finding that I am able to end the program with the same intensity that I begin. I am going to finish the program in it's entirety to have the satisfaction of saying that I did it. After I finish week 20 then I'm moving on to the Chalean Extreme/TurboFire Hybrid.

    Losing weight is a tricky deal. The exercise is a must for having a healthy life, but the real key to the weight and body composition is the food plan. Don't lose hope. Look at it as a learning experience regardless of what type of exercise you are doing. Figuring out what your body requires in order to get the results you want. Good Luck!
  • jtempalski
    jtempalski Posts: 80
    Check out this link for a TDEE Calculator to maybe see if you should adjust your caloric intake a bit:

    You can also use the one in the Turbo Fire book. That one had me eating like close to 2000 calories a day... I still lowered what the website above told me... but 1200 just seems really low for most people.
    I don't even know how to quote and reply properly. Ugh. I am 5' 1" and 41 years old. The weight is very stubborn and doesn't want to come off. I want to do a hybrid of TF and Les Mills Pump. I have heard amazing stuff about the Pump program.
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    1200 calories is way! to low. It's probably under you BMR. You are starving your body. So your body reply by slowing down your metabolism. So that equal not losing weight. You need to upper your calories intake to lose weight. So your body get out of your starvation mode.