Keeping Track of Myself

nicheven Posts: 77 Member
A place to me to log my day!

Yesterday - Day 2 of adding exercise to my routine. Managed 24/28 minutes of the routine, but had to stop a lot. Its painfully obvious how out of shape I am.

Today - did the whole 28 minute weight loss routine on Your Shape on my Xbox. Only had to stop twice to catch my breath.

My happy for today - 1 lb lost in 2 days of getting back on the wagon. Looked at my ticker and realize, I'm almost halfway done! 15lbs ish to go till I'm halfway there :D


  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    Keep up the good work!
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    So both yesterday and today did the 28 min routine again. Getting less and less winded by it! Thinking I'll redo week 1 before I move on to week 2.

    On a side note, when you start exercising, is it normal for your body to just hold a weight? I usually fluctuate up to a lb, but every day this week its been the same weight. While I'm glad its not going up, kind of bummed its not going down. Water retention by my muscles maybe?
  • aerynth
    aerynth Posts: 34 Member
    So both yesterday and today did the 28 min routine again. Getting less and less winded by it! Thinking I'll redo week 1 before I move on to week 2.

    On a side note, when you start exercising, is it normal for your body to just hold a weight? I usually fluctuate up to a lb, but every day this week its been the same weight. While I'm glad its not going up, kind of bummed its not going down. Water retention by my muscles maybe?
    Water retention in muscles is VERY much a thing. When I'm lifting weights, I don't even weigh myself because my waist could drop an inch while my weight would stay the same. The more sore/weary I feel from a work out, the more water my muscles retain.

    Regular water weight/bloat is also often a culprit. Most of the time, "plateaus" are just some some stubborn bloat that hasn't gone away.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Awesome :D I will keep motivated. I figure it will probably take a few weeks to see anything happening anyway because my body is like WTF ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?! So I'm trying not to let it stress me out.

    Yesterday was my rest day as I knew today was going to be a real butt breaker.

    Today - Started with the OC Aids walk. Did a 3.2 mile walk in just under 45 minutes. The proceeded to walk around Disneyland for the rest of the day. Did 22k steps, 7 sets of stairs, 9.54 miles so far. MFP gave me an extra 1,108 calories because of this. Going to try to eat light for dinner though, because I could not accurately count Disney food as its nutrition is nowhere to be found.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Well, I hurt myself real bad doing that much walking (ah well, was for a good cause) so I took yesterday and today as rest days for this week. That means I have to be good on my exercise the rest of this week!
  • Edalyne
    Edalyne Posts: 3
    I tripped and fell because of a crack in the sidewalk yesterday while jogging. Ugh. I took most of the fall on my right elbow and scrapped up my knee and left knee. I scratched up my phone cuz it flew out my pocket and scratched my glasses too (thank goodness it was the frame and not the lenses though). Totally making me not want to ever jog again. >.< Good news, I lost 2 pounds last week! Gotta look on the bright side right? :P
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    You poor thing! Congrats on the weight loss though. The pavement and I don't get along well because air attacks me all the time (I trip and choke on it allllll the time)

    Today, did my 1st day of week 2 on Your Shape. New exercises got me winded fairly fast, and I learned I can't do a pushup (yet) but its ok! I will WIN!

    Also, scale went up yesterday due to sodium being too high on Sunday, so made sure I was well hydrated and my scale finally moved! I lost 3 lbs. over what I was yesterday from the water retention, and 2lbs overall since last week. Glad its working, even if not seeing it move was frustrating. I will take more weeks like this if I lose like this all the time.
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Today, day 2 of week 2. Only 2 major breaks! Yay me!
  • Edalyne
    Edalyne Posts: 3
    How do you like the Your Shape? You're referring to the game right? I got Zumba and dance central on the Xbox Kinect that I use for exercise whenever I don't feel like going to the gym. I want some more exercise games to change things up a bit though.

    And I took it easy after falling (still going out for fast paced walks with my dog though), but today I started back up again at the gym and it feels good. :D
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah, the game ???? I like it a lot, I actually purchased an add in pack designed for weight loss, and do it 4-5 times a week. It sets up a 28 minute workout for you, with different exercises, and it changes week to week.

    Today - did my workout, and have tons of steps in. Aiming for 10k today, because I can.

    And the scale showed 224 on the dot this morning!