Acts of Kidness - WoW

JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
So my awesome guild is gathering funds for our great friend [ he is in my guild and an officer]...His computer broke and now he can't play WoW with us. He's been with us for a long time and is just a good friend. We started a guild fund for him to help him buy a new comp. [College student/broke/etc]. Just wanted to share with you how awesome the gaming community is :)

I made the picture...random acts of kindness.

We are giving him the funds tonight! I can't WAIT to see his expression! He has no idea we are doing this :)
Also, I am not asking anyone for funds, just wanted to share :)


  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    My guild payed for my sub for a few months and bought me MoP when my husband was jobless. It was super awesome of them. Some gamers are truly awesome people. <3:)
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    When I came back from a 6 month deployment, I was very undergeared. My guild ran me through all the raids I missed and got me all the gear I needed to be back in fighting form. I know it's not much, but it was a nice thing to do considering how long raids are and the time it takes to get 25 people together to run a raid.
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    A couple of my friends and I have done various things like that as well. I've paid for subs for people and recently I gave about $1000 in computer parts to a healer in our guild who really needed a new computer (4 FPS in raids blows) so that she could have a better performing computer. Another guy in the guild who lives near me put it together, and yet a third bought her some RAM and paid for the shipping.
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    When I as the guild leader of the Obsidian Fists on the Venture Co. We had one of our main tanks get hacked and the admins were giving him a hard time about getting his gear back to him. I put out an announcement to the guild and we all pooled our resources and we got him new gear crafted and we took shifts running him through heroics for that entire day and we had him ready to tank Karazhan by that night. This was back when Karazhan was the place to raid. The BC was still in its infancy.

    I was so impressed by the solidarity of my guild. It cost a lot of some serious gold and it cost a lot of us some serious time getting him through those heroics. Sure we had a bit of luck with some of the gear drops and he did end up tanking with a green or two but we got in there and we killed Attumen and Moroes so I was really happy.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    It just shows there are nice people on wow. :) Only nice thing I've had happen is one time I was logged on with a low character and someone was closing their account and they gave me all their gold. :) It was a really nice thing to do.
  • JaneDough_
    JaneDough_ Posts: 301 Member
    We are up to $585!

  • juliannorton1000
    juliannorton1000 Posts: 81 Member
    That rocks =] Hope you guys achieve the goal!