Introduce yourself...



  • ianvanschepen
    ianvanschepen Posts: 11 Member
    Hello all, my name is Ian. I am 32 and have been into photography since about 2001. My first class in community college first peaked my interest, and it has grown ever since. My first camera was a Canon EOS 2000, and I really am a Canon fanboy at heart. I have since upgraded to a Canon 20D which I have used for over 3 years. I would eventually like to upgrade to a full frame rig like the 5D Mark II. I enjoy landscape, nature, and fine art photography, and would love to turn my hobby into a career. Feel free to add me, and remember to mention photography in the note! :)
  • moose9591
    moose9591 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone, Jim here and I am 53 and retired from 31+ years of Policing. My interest in photography started in High School. I am a landscape and nature type of photographer. I live in Ontario, Canada but enjoy trips to other parts to photography the gifts nature has given us. I photography a few of the meals I've eaten.
  • Caroline3746
    Caroline3746 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm not sure if this is a active group or not but thought it would be fun to join.
    I'm Caroline and have been doing photography on/off for 3 years now.
    I love photographing Newborns and Children the most. I shoot with a Nikon D7000.
  • neutralhills
    neutralhills Posts: 9 Member
    Sean McCormick, age 44, male, live in Alberta, Canada. Rural dweller. Husband. Father. Mildly autistic. Anti-social. Geek. Figure the best way to ruin a picture is to put someone in it. That being said, I like doing candid photography, but I hate rack 'em stack 'em posed photographs. Yuck.

    All of my work and projects can be found thru my site:

    Sean M.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    Hi there :)

    My name is Chelsea Higgins. I'm a photographer in Northern Iowa. I always loved snapshots growing up, but didn't become interested in photography until I was in my mid-20's. I'm 29 and just launched my photography business this last January. I pretty much took any kind of work starting out: concerts, hair-shows, graduation parties, etc. and for a while I thought I would be interested in commercial photography. I've since narrowed my niche and fine-tuned my personal interests: portraits! I tend to mostly photograph children, but I love working with newborns and adults as well.

    I'm still in the beginning throws of owning my first business. It's not steady work, but I enjoy it! I have a pretty decent sized studio space in my walk-out basement, but have only used it with family and close friends so far. Everything else has been on location. Hoping to do some outdoor portraits in the snow this winter, and crossing my fingers that the weather cooperates! :)
    Anyone else have FB pages? I'd love to follow!

    - Chels
  • RosemarieSenpai
    RosemarieSenpai Posts: 85 Member
    I'm not really sure how long ago I've started getting into it, but it may be the time when I first got into photoshop in grade 9 then eventually moved on and into adobe lightroom. I finally got into using DSLR last month ago when my fiancee gave me one for my birthday. It wasn't much of a surprise since I had to use my discount on my gift.

    Here's my page, not a lot on there but it's a work in progress:

    One of the other reasons why I got into it was because some lady in New Brunswick had a sit down with me and we talked about different skills and techniques on making photographs better (while viewing my first session through a photographer I use to work with that I use to do promotions for who is good at doing landscapes, just not people).

    I kind of got crazy inspirations from there and onward when a guy in my anime community was just trying to 1up everyone thinking he's professional and all that while being too boastful about his 'unedited' images that clearly needs some work on even when I tried offering my services for free to help the guy out -- just to hopefully make a friend, but no.

    I've did lots of editing for people in the past, and one specifically where I never really got much of a thanks for all I've done for her. I had to refuse her demands last year due to myself trying to submit art to a mascot design contest (and it was BIG for me to participate in since I'm out of most people's league).

    I see photography as an art and like most things, there's always room to improve into something you want to get better at with a lot of effort and time you put into it. :happy:

    I came to this group to be inspired and to workout with other photographers here and make some friends as well.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I'm Jeff. Caught the photography bug as I was preparing to spend a semester abroad in Asia during my MBA program.

    Currently shooting on my old Lumix FZ-30, as my Nikon D80 is broken. Will probably be upgrading to a new body. Also have an old Minolta HiMatic 9 in very good condition, just need to figure out how to get the new battery to connect.

    Quick update. Bought a Nikon D7100 and had my 75-300 lens fixed so I'm shooting more now. My stuff is at
  • Hi - I'm Dan - live in NJ and I bring a camera (most times my new Fuji X20) with me most places.

    My camera (a.k.a. "my other eye") allows me to "stop and smell the roses" allows me capture a single frame of life, a memory.

    Thanks for letting me join the group!!