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  • mellymo29
    mellymo29 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, ladies, I'm 47 and don't want to go to Lane Bryant anymore. I have been doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for about 6 weeks, extending workouts for extra weeks when they are hard. (and most are!!) I lost one pant size so far, and I want to lose 30 lbs total, from 183 to 153. It seems like it takes forever, but the inches are coming off gradually.
  • Hello I am new here. I am a mother of 3 and live in Maine. I have been up and down the scales throughout my 42 years and want to head back down the scale. I have a great life, great job, great kids, great man in my life, but I am always tired and want feel comfortable in people clothes not just scrubs and lounge pants. Some else on here said "I want my sexy back." I am at that point too I want my sexy back. I love my curves, I am not looking to rid everything just the rolls to tone and breathe easier to be able to enjoy hiking, biking, and to put swimming back on the summer fun list. Looking for others that Want Their Sexy Back, want to be honest and accountable for successful weight loss, motivation, support and laughs.
  • dedezozo
    dedezozo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group! Can't wait to meet you all!
  • kimbap
    kimbap Posts: 3
    Hi, new here to the group. I'm 49 and my goal is 50 by 50. I've been working very hard and have lost 23# so far and feeling great. I'm sure this is the time I always give up so looking for that extra encouragement now. Great to know there is so many "fabulous" ladies out there!
  • daybreak0723
    daybreak0723 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi. I'm Dawn and I found MFP through a friend this past Sept. My first attempt didn't go so well so I'm giving it another shot. I am 48, with two grown sons and three beautiful grandchildren. I'm in good health luckily and trying to lose 50 lbs. I've only lost 9 since late March, so it's going very slowly. Encouragement and help greatly appreciated!
  • CapriCaprice
    CapriCaprice Posts: 2 Member
    I am mother of 4 adults and 3 grand s, my ideal goal is to be in shape, fab and healthy.
  • Kostalena
    Kostalena Posts: 1
    Hi everyone,

    just became 43. I have a job that has me sitting at a desk every day, most of the day.. Plus, the last couple of years were a bit rough.. My kidneys failed and last year my husband gave me on of his! I now feel amazing, but the sickness, the surgery, the recovery, the medications, and the constant stress of work have taken their toll and I'm now 9 pounds heavier than last year and cary 6% more fat (and the same amount less muscle, I imagine). I've been trying for the last few months to lose weight, but I keep gaining.. I give myself excuses all the time, so I bought a FitBit and joined MFP.. Already by day 4 I've messed up two days.. I am looking for a network of supportive, positive, committed and energetic women along which to travel this path. Feel free to friend me :)

  • wibbley74
    wibbley74 Posts: 80 Member
    hi, 46 year old living in london.

    only joined this site in january on the recommendation of a friend and working really hard to get to where i want to be

    you can see from my ticker my progress and that makes me happy
  • daybreak0723
    daybreak0723 Posts: 22 Member
    hi, 46 year old living in london.

    only joined this site in january on the recommendation of a friend and working really hard to get to where i want to be

    you can see from my ticker my progress and that makes me happy

    You've lost 68 lbs since January? CONGRATS! How did you do it?
  • wibbley74
    wibbley74 Posts: 80 Member
    thank you :-)

    calorie counting, no alcohol and lots of exercise, at least 6 hours a week in the gym and daily walking. i don't eat all my exercise calories but still indulge in little treats, but it is little treats. i hit my 4 month milestone next tuesday and hopefully my 5 stone goal as well
  • Hi, I recently started using MFP in hopes of getting the inspiration, motivation and help with losing weight. I've been struggling with my weight for many years and want to overcome this battle. I know its a life change and it will probably always be a "battle" for me. However, it would be so nice if I can at least be at the maintenance level. I would like to lose anywhere between 40-50 lbs. The Fabulous 40 Something Discussion group sounds like a great place to start this journey and support. I look forward to hearing from many of you.
  • sewmom73
    sewmom73 Posts: 81 Member
    Hello New Friends! I've been doing MFP for a couple of weeks now, I also use a Fitbit One to help track my steps and activity. I am a 40 year old married mother of two kids (16 and 12) and I am sick and tired of feeling the way I have. I want to get thinner, I don't want to be so achy all the time, I want to fit in my old clothes, and I don't want to feel uncomfortable in everything I put on, I'm down a few pounds so far (my next weigh in will be tomorrow) I have a hard time losing weight because I have to take Prednisone daily for Lupus, and that does not help with weight loss at all. But I am bound and determined, I will do this for me. I am trying to work out at least 5 days a week for at least 45minutes a time. Feel free to add me as a new friend, I could use all the support I can get.
  • minamohr
    minamohr Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies, I joined MFP last year, but keep getting discouraged and giving up. Hoping that joining this group will keep my motivation:smooched: up. I'm a Mom of 3 boys, work full time, dealing with hormonal weirdness and the other usual life stresses and find myself 20 lbs more than I'd like to be. Sound familiar? Good luck to us all!
  • k150237
    k150237 Posts: 16 Member
    New to the group. Got MFP app on my phone and had no idea the site had so much more to offer! I'm restarting my weight loss efforts for many reasons.
    43 year old mom of 3.
  • Mikah45
    Mikah45 Posts: 4 Member
    I am new to this group and I just turned 43 in April. Actually to all groups. I have been using MFP since January, 2012. I am not very consistent with the tracking other than my weight. I have been going through perimenopause for about 10 years, but finally stopped gaining weight about 7 years ago. Since January, 2012, I have lost 23.1 lbs. My goal is to lose another 25.2 lbs to lose to reach my goal. If I happen to lose more than that will be a bonus, but I will be done trying once I reach there. My only focus right now is eating. My fitness goal is to get back into biking and would like to be able to bike 12 km and back by the end of the summer. I would like to be more consistent over the next few months to tracking my food and exercise.
  • Hi everyone! I am 42, and have lost 50 lbs and have about 100 lbs still to go! Lost most of it on WW, but then stalled. Just got back to getting the rest off, and started JMBR 6 weeks ago after never really exercising before. Also just started on MFP seriously, logging every day. Look forward to encouraging others on here, and hoping this can keep me motivated to stay on track!
  • adjoachante
    adjoachante Posts: 6 Member
    hi Im 42 and have always looked forward to being fabulous at 40. I'm fab but my body didnt get the message so here I am!
  • StevesSweetie
    StevesSweetie Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    My name is Suzanne, I am 42 and Mom to 5 great kids (2 girls ages 20 & 16, 2 boys ages 14 & 12, and Baby girl age 2). My 1st husband and I divorced 8 years ago. 7 years ago I met a wonderful man who is my best friend and we married 5 years ago.

    Since my divorce I put on quite a bit of weight and was 250# (11/2012) at my most and I am only 5'1". I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia in October 2012 and have all the test done, but was unhappy with my Dr. I changed to a different surgeon who told me that he would rather me lose weight before he will do surgery. Before sending me out of the office he gave me the information I needed to get on track and didn't leave me to figure it out on my own. I am on a high protien/ low carb diet until I see him again in August. I have lost about 7# over the past week and walking 1-2 miles a day. I am starting to feel better about me, I am still having symptoms if I dont' take my medicine, but at least I know that if I do have the surgery I will be in a much healthier state for recovery.

    We all tend to feel like we are the only person with this weight battle, so it is great knowing that we can all support each other in our weighloss quest.
  • daybreak0723
    daybreak0723 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to all the new members! We are glad you are here. You will find lots of encouragement and support here.
  • marva1127
    marva1127 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there. I'm new to the group. I am a 46 y/o mother of two children who has been struggling with weight loss for several years. I have tried many diet gimmicks, lost weight, and have gained it back. I used My Fitness Pal before, but did not join any groups nor had any support. My Fitness Pal is an excellent tool because I like the fact that it not only monitors my caloric intake, but also my carb, fat, sugar, etc. intake. My reality check came this morning when I finally mustered up the courage to get on the scale. I was shocked and surprised and feel like crying. I am at my all time heaviest so here I am. I look forward to interacting with others and plan to weigh in, which I was not doing before.