Day 10

Hi everyone :flowerforyou:

How are you all going? Day 10 of the Shred. I am going well have been climbing stairs at work and using elevator less it's really helping me with the burn and I have jumped onto WII Fit and worked on that amazingly I sweat a bucketload from that. I have two young girls so I need to get smart and organised with my workouts. What I struggle with is on the mental side - I struggle to keep upbeat and positive. How does everyone get over these "slumps".


  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I just finished day 8, I got a day behind this week...its been harder since I'm working earlier shifts so I am doing it in the evenings..but I'm committed to finishing it this time I am moving up to level 2 in 3 days :)... I just push myself though the slumps by telling myself how much better I'll feel when I'm done :)
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    Yesterday was supposed to be day 10 for me but I didn't do it so today I plan to do Day 10 of Lvl 1 and Day 1 of Lvl 2 :)
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Day 11 (D2 L2)...done :)
  • animini123
    animini123 Posts: 102 Member
    I am behind couple of days. I finish 9th day then got so much pain in my shin bone that I had to stop for 2 days rest. Hope I will join u guys. Don't want to give up.,but I need 2 listen my body first as I'm mom of a toddler. So, family comes n I cant risk it. Really upset whether I will complete it or not.
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I started near the end of April. I'm doing pretty well- I'm on day 15 (Level 2, day 5). I have been taking days off but not counting them in my 30 days.
    I am finding that it's pretty easy for me to cheat in Level 2, especially if I watch the easy versions of the moves. Level 1 really kicked my butt and helped me to be able to do jumping jacks and push-ups and jump rope when I never thought I could. So in level 2, there are exercises that involve doing the plank pose and other ones that involve jumping, and I know I need to push myself more because Level 1 proved that I am capable. So for the rest of level 2, I'm going to try to follow what Jillian does and not the easy versions because I know I'm capable of doing more.
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    Did Day 2 of Level 1 last night.
  • Lisa_Pinciotti
    Lisa_Pinciotti Posts: 12 Member
    Ive been in a slump for the last two days. BUT I made myself do the workout and felt better after. I know if I didnt do it, I would really be down on myself. I just keep telling myself that I can do anything for 20 minutes and then I just go do it. I know you can do it. You are probably making great progress, whether you realize it or not. Keep going!:flowerforyou:
  • Lisa_Pinciotti
    Lisa_Pinciotti Posts: 12 Member
    L2, D1 complete! Wow, that was a toughy! I have already lost 3 lbs and 2 inches on the waist from L1 !!!