Anorexic to Binge Eating

I'm kind of freaked out right now. I'm about 15lbs over my ideal weight now, and gaining..
This time a year ago I was about 89lbs, and pretty much had only weeks to live. In recovery I binged to bring my weight up to the target weight my pediatrician wanted me to reach. I've had problems with anorexia since I was 12, but I've never had problems with binge eating in my whole life until now. I'm hoping to cut the habit now before it becomes something that sticks with me, just like anorexia has. Part of me wants to fall back into anorexia to reverse the weight gain, and take the chance that I won't get as bad as my last relapse, but I want to try a better way first. Needless to say, recovery has been a tough road :/


  • Literally my exact same problem. I am in therapy and outpatient for recovery from anorexia. I reached my target weight that my doctor suggested but I can't stop binge eating and gaining. I just want to lose some weight!! I feel like it's ten times harder to lose weight in a healthy way while recovering or having recovered from an eating disorder. How much weight do you want to lose? and can we help each other do this? :)
  • I'd like to lose about 10 lbs of fat, but gain a couple lbs of muscle. It would be great to have some support on this, yes :D
  • Same boat. I am in therapy as well. Apparently this cycle is not uncommon (Stacy London discusses it in her new book). It is frightening to me that in 18months I've gone from 146 to 106 back to 130. Its like I've had people telling me to "eat" for so long, I took them way too seriously. How are you two doing?
  • Did exactly the same thing, went from 173lbs to 118lbs then back to 150lbs :(
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    hi, totally get this, been bouncing around for years. Anorexic to bulimic to binge eating, then back to bulimia etc. Currently been diagnosed with EDNOS was diagnosed with bulimia last summer, losing weight. Trying to get healthy, recover from ED and try and lose weight. Its tough!!
  • I also have this same problem... I was hospitalised with Anorexia after suffering with it for over 4 years and had to gain weight in order to leave, now I have become used to eating I am having problems again.. I'm starting to have bad feelings about my weight again and after a few days of refusing to eat I was worried I was going to slip back into my previous lifestyle... I want to be at a weight I can be happy with and stip binging / starving... I would love to get to know any people with simmilar problems / goals...
  • tulinh17
    tulinh17 Posts: 7
    I am trying to recover from bulimia for the 3rd time. Please can someone give me support? I am binging non stop. It's terrifying and I don''t know how to stop :( I am over my ideal weight too. At this stage I think that is all to my binging. Please give me some advice and support!
  • Eolv
    Eolv Posts: 10 Member
    I'm currently in this situation.. :( I went from 108lb to 79lb and then after recovering I became 124! I just want to lose weight I put on the right way through eating healthy, and exercise.
  • allychant261
    allychant261 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm very much in this situation! Last year I hit my lowest weight of 124lbs (5'10) and entered IOP for anorexia, now I'm back up around 170 thanks to bingeing inorder to gain and I can't stop. I'm terrified to try to lose weight, but I'm not in my ideal category, and i'm not sure which is worse at this point. Does anyone have any tips to keep going, but not to over do it? My therapist is not 100% behind me with this, so I want to make sure to do it very safely and properly.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I started binging about four-five months ago, been in treatment since summer 2011. When I first started binging, I fasted as a way to compensate for the extra thousands of calories I was taking in but that made matters worse because the binges became a daily battle. I feel I've matured these last few months and I realise now fasting or restricting my calories WON'T stop the binges or stop the weight gain, I have to be patient with myself. I can only speak for myself, I was getting through WAY over my tdee in the binges so the biggest thing in helping reducing them was eating at tdee and some weeks I do so well and binge once a week but there are others, like this past week, where I have binged every single day but it's a battle and it's not always a battle you can win. Also another big thing for me is I have started becoming aware half way through my binges of what I am doing and even though I am upset and angry because I binged, I can make myself stop by eating a piece of fruit. The biggest thing we need to remember is one slip up doesn't mean the rest of your week is ruined, keep at it every single day xx
  • bextalee
    bextalee Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I have bulimia and for the past 2 days have binged on anything fatty/high carbs/sugary I could find in my house. Seen as my mum doesn't buy confectionaries I binged today and last night (2.30am!) on peanut butter, jam on bread, cereal, peanuts, cheese on toast, yoghurts, and tea biscuits. I ate so much and because it was mixing salty and sugary I genuinely felt sick. Problem is Im so used to gagging I now can't vomit anything due to my gag reflex. This left me feeling mortified and I stupidly drank salt water and baking soda to try and enduce vomiting.. which got me nowhere except feeling extremely dizzy and with bad stomach cramps.
    I checked my weight and have put on 1 kg just within 2 days of b/p. Is there anyway I can lose this rapidly? Im becoming so desperate now I'm considering plastic surgery which I don't have money for but which I would get a loan for.
    Definitely lost my mind, and losing my battle to bulimia.
    Please if you are in similair situations and would like to overcome this add me with a message. I really want to talk to people about it and help people recover as it will be helping all of us. I can't tell my family or friends because they wouldn't understand.
    Lets beat bulimia the bully together.
    Bexta x
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I totally can relate. I have binging tendencies (I was ana binge/purge but now ednos because my BMI is too high.. it's 19.3). I can't eat any junk food without binging :(
  • tish818
    tish818 Posts: 13 Member
    Is also the story of my life... I just can't seem to stop binging :( its so horrible...
    What net calorie goal do you think you should aim for when trying to lose weight after anorexia?
  • angiebarker
    angiebarker Posts: 127
    I went through this when i was trying to slowly gain back my weight. I weight from 75lbs to 105lbs in a few short months. To me it felt like it happened overnight. The binge eating should stop once your body recognizes that it it getting the right nutrition. Feel free to message me if anyone wants to talk.
    Peace and Love
  • I agree. I definitely binge when my body has not had enough food to maintain itself.
  • yrollam1013
    yrollam1013 Posts: 41 Member
    I think it is common. I know that recovery is a scary place where you are making lots of changes and although we no longer use restriction to deal with our emotions we may fall into binging to deal with our emotions. I think the best thing for me was to understand why I felt I needed to eat before I let myself eat. It was imperfect but I think it helped.
  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    I agree with the above 3 will eventually even takes time...and hard work to overcome also. :flowerforyou: