May 12--2nd week check in

MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
Wow, I feel bad saying this....I don't have great encouraging words today...I'm sicker than a dog.... Uhhh.

Please share your non scale victories today...

Have a wonderful Mother's Day and I hope to be feeling better soon so I can get back on track with you.

Keep me going with your victories!


  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    I will send healing wishes your way!!! husband bought me 2 shirts & some skinny leggings in appreciation for my stepmother role to his 4!! Well medium tops & leggings fit...he did great & are actually all pieces i dont think i would of ever had the courage to buy myself. He is a good confidence booster.
  • JessicaLynnDouglas
    JessicaLynnDouglas Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry to hear that you're sick Marla, rest and get well!
    The flue/cold is hopefully on it's way out of our house as well...

    I give my self a fail for our first full week; although life circumstances got in the way, I didn't accomplish any of my goals :-(

    So, back at it again this week, with a couple tweeks to my goals!

    Weight: Get that scale to show under 140 pounds! > I really was eatting according to my food plan, so I looked at what I was doing and I need to tighten up even nibles/bites of anything and exact measurments at dinner time. Even more strict and ignore the cravings! ... I sure hope they will go away soon!

    Morning Workout: Every morning were at home, especially when my husband has to work. This rule be in full effect until I feel that it needs to be adjusted. I need my morning routine back; it sets my day off right and feeling good.

    Outings with my Girls: Same as last week; I want to get out at least two nights this week (one roller-blade with my eldest, one walk/bike with them both)

    I'm also logging my exercise now!
    I won't worry about logging my food at this point, as long as I'm eatting according to my daily plan from my nutritionist...I think about food less that way!

    I hope that everyone had a successful week, but if not...ummm, like me...keep your chin up and move on!
    Nobody said that this would be easy! ... if it was, we would all looke like super modles! ;-)

    P.S. Welcome to being part of my support network of "taking me back"!

  • cathybabe70
    cathybabe70 Posts: 117 Member
    Marla, you poor baby, hope you feel better soon. I had a pretty great week...met all of the goals that I set for myself on my running. I'm up to 9 miles now and I'm pretty happy with my time. Confident that I'll be ready for the half-marathon in October. The hubby and kids gave me some cool new running shoes for Mother's Day. I'm not usually one to get all sappy but, receiving them made me kind of emotional. I don't know...I guess I feel like the shoes represent my weight loss journey in a far I've come and where I can go from here. And for the first time in years I finally feel like I'm in control of all of that, you know? That's a darn good feeling! That's my non-scale victory of the week. Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's in the group!:flowerforyou:
  • kellymckibkib
    kellymckibkib Posts: 5 Member
    Feel better soon!

    I had a great first week at this and met all of my goals. I am pretty proud, but I know myself, I can do anything for a week so the challenge is really still ahead.

    My victory is that I am taking control more and becoming more investing in logging my food. I love to cook but don't have calorie info for most of my recipes. I have committed to input the recipes as I use them and I have printed little nutritional data labels that I am putting next to the recipe in my cookbook. I am learning how to make some of them lower in calories too. When I did MyFitnessPal last time I gave up trying to track all my homecoming and wasn't honest about the calories I was consuming.

    My goals for the rest of this week are to continue my yoga and walking everyday, log in, and try to ride my bike once this week to my art studio. It's only two mile but with two really big hills.

    I am also thankful for the tiny leaves coming out on the trees finally! Yeah for spring!
  • parnyparn
    parnyparn Posts: 47 Member
    I hope you feel better sending positive energy your way. Things are all good in my neck of the woods my teenage daughter called said mommy you are no longer fat and that felt awesome. LOL I dont own nothing which fits other than 2 shirts and I need to shop for my upcoming vaction in 5 weeks so its crunch time.
  • Christinamarie77
    Christinamarie77 Posts: 50 Member
    this week's goal: to burn more calories!! so adding more exercise.

    NSV from last week, I lost 2.5 combined inches in my waist, bust and thighs :)

    I added back my morning protein shake (got a fancy one serving cup blender for Mother's Day, making it MUCH easier to do so).

    Good luck everyone!!
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    Made all my goals of last week:
    (1) Strength work M-TH the balance of my lunch break. At the least 15 mins.
    (2) Eat as close to my allotted my calories per day - net within 100
    (3) Tackle my "hill" walk T & W - complete 3 times up & down hill.

    My goals for this week are:
    (1) Strength work M & T the balance of my lunch break. At the least 15 mins
    (2) Be mindful on vacation - don't go overboard with alotted calories everyday.
    (3) Log as much walking/exercise time I get on beach/being active

    Have a good week everyone....
  • laura920
    laura920 Posts: 52

    So sorry you are not feeling well, not fun on any day but not being able to enjoy Mother's Day is a bummer!

    Not a complete fail for week one but a partial.

    I did log except for Saturday, I didn't get to it until Sunday so I missed a day on MFP!

    Did not exercise like I wanted. Life got in the way and I was at meetings/events 3 nights last week. I did do a ton of push mowing Thursday and yesterday I did a ton of pruning on a huge holly tree so lots of squatting/stretching and moving piles of debris from the tree to our brush pile.

    Brought my clothes with me today so I can get back to my c25k program. Reality hit, I only have 8 weeks until my 5k! I need to get this program finished up so I have a few weeks of full out running before the event.

    So this week my goals are:
    Log daily
    run 3-4 times
    stretch daily! Every muscle in my body is TIGHT!

    I hope everyone has a good week! Hoping to get back on later today to read everyone's posts!
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    I am sorry I have been MIA from this group. The beginning of May was not very good for me and I am trying to turn things around. I can't think of any NSV or scale victories either, hoping things will get better soon on that front

    My goals for this week are:

    To work out 4 days (not including one day this upcoming weekend where we will be attending a huge antique & flea market show that requires about 4-6hrs of walking)

    To eat more vegetables daily

    To hit or exceed my protein goal daily

    Good luck to everyone in achieving their goals!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    to stay uder my calorie allowance and add one more day of running this week which will make four days.
    also I want to add 2 days of weigt traing. Just 10 mins of lifting 10 lb hand held weights.
  • sixxfan4ever
    sixxfan4ever Posts: 103 Member
    I got in 7 miles of walking last week. Yet I weighed my self and the scale said I gained three pounds. How I dont know. So I tried it again, and says I lost two pounds. I think I need to change the battery?

    My goal is to continue walking, and try out some of the other machines at the community center as well. My mother in law got a membership there and has been walking with me and has helped me alot!! :)

    Feel better soon! No one likes to me sick!!
  • I just found this group and would love to join this challenge. July 4th is my birthday and I would love to celebrate actually completing and reaching my goals. I live in Folkston, GA Home of the Okefenokee Swap and The Folkston Funnel :)

    Current Weight: 283.8 lbs (05-08-13)
    Goal Weight for May: 270 lbs
    Goal Weight for June: 260 lbs
    Goal Weight for July: 250 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145 lbs

    My monthly goals for May:
    1) Start taking morning walks (5 days a week)
    2) Wear my pedometer & log my steps (at least Mon-Fri)
    3) Use the elliptical during every gym trip this month (at least 3 days a week)
    4) Practice Jump Roping with Kelin (2 days a week)
    5) Drink more water!
  • ShellyAnn46
    ShellyAnn46 Posts: 212 Member
    OfficialLilCo...awesome May goals!!! we are on our way!!! Glad you are here with us!!
  • MarlaStuck
    MarlaStuck Posts: 143 Member
    I just found this group and would love to join this challenge. July 4th is my birthday and I would love to celebrate actually completing and reaching my goals. I live in Folkston, GA Home of the Okefenokee Swap and The Folkston Funnel :)

    Current Weight: 283.8 lbs (05-08-13)
    Goal Weight for May: 270 lbs
    Goal Weight for June: 260 lbs
    Goal Weight for July: 250 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 145 lbs

    My monthly goals for May:
    1) Start taking morning walks (5 days a week)
    2) Wear my pedometer & log my steps (at least Mon-Fri)
    3) Use the elliptical during every gym trip this month (at least 3 days a week)
    4) Practice Jump Roping with Kelin (2 days a week)
    5) Drink more water!

    Glad to have you with us.
  • Thanks :)