Day 13 INSANITY...but what next?

katieuk Posts: 304 Member

It took me a while to finally purchase the Insanity workout, there are so many commercials out there that promise great things and let you down - so to buy a set of DVD's for £100 was hard for me.

I stuck to my usual Jillian Michaels DVD's for a long time and then I caved, I bought the Insanity workout and WOW I will never look back I LOVE IT and it is so worth the price (more in my opinion)!!

I am on day 13 so still have quite a way to go yet - I am motivated, determined and loving every day of it, I feel sad when it is rest day I miss Shaun T and the gang in my house haha!!

Although I am still a long way from finishing (I finish the day before we go to Portugal for a week) I am thinking about which Beachbody workout to order next... there are so many, and they all look fab!!

I suppose after Insanity I will be wanting to focus more on the muscles and I am thinking may P90X??

I would appreciate your advice.



  • gorgeoouslady
    I'm on Day 13 Insanity too. I'm thinking about round 2 on July 1, hip hop abs $19.99 or focus T25 but I'm not sure which one is next I want to start round 2 or other program.
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    I bought Hip Hop Abs right when it came out years ago. It was very fun... but definitely not as intense as Insanity! Good luck with your decision... me and my hubby are talking about the same thing... what next.. only 3 more weeks to go of Insanity! :o)
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I am week 4. Its pretty awesome, I am already seeing amazing results, I think I may do a P90X hybrid. My husband has recommended I do crossfit.
    Cant wait to meet that challenge and see what I do afterwards, for now I must finish what I am doing, and kick some butt.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I understand your question! I've done Insanity at least 4 times over the last couple of years and have gotten great results. There aren't many programs as intense as this.

    If you like Shaun T, you might like Asylum (there is a Vol 1 and Vol 2), its just as intense as Insanity but different - if that makes sense....its still cardio with some body resistance weight training.

    The nice thing about BB is there is a money back guarantee...I've used it once and had great customer service.

    Best of luck to you!
  • doctordee955
    We are only on day 4 of insanity and like most people we did the 30 day shred as a nice warm up for insanity. For afters we have purchased TurboFire, and as I am a guy with two left feet, this set of DVD's will hopefully give me some co-ordination as it combines dance with Cardio.