Regular Period!!!!

mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
I'm so freaking stoked right now.

I've been on birth control off and on since I was 14. This was because I've never EVER had a regular period. It was always 4-6 months between. I've always been a heavy girl, though. I went off of birth control early last month since I didn't want to have my monthly visitor while I was trying to run my first half marathon. Here it is, 25 days later....and aunt flo shows up!!! I'm in shock...I knew losing weight would help, but I honestly had NO IDEA!

This makes me feel better about my odds for conceiving. My fiancee and I are going to start trying at the end of last year and I'm been super paranoid about it not working. I can't say that I have ever been this excited over cramps and tampons. :laugh:


  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    THat's great! when I got my period on a normal schedule I was excited too. I was always on a 40 day cycle and since starting Metformin back in January I have lost close to 50 lbs and my Period started to become normal 3 months ago. WE are hoping that in one of the next few months we will be pregnant we have been trying for a year now. Good luck with everything! Enjoy this time you are engaged and enjoy wedding planning.
  • Jeeplette
    Jeeplette Posts: 12
    Fantastic news!! That gives me hope to say the least. My fingers are crossed for you guys that you'll conceive on your honeymoon....wouldn't that be fantastic! Yay!!