What's your favorite weight loss game?



  • breezedm
    breezedm Posts: 12
    For the Kinect I have Kinect Adventures, Your Shape 2012, Kinect Sports Season One, Fruit Ninja, Star Wars and I love them all. I spent most of my time playing Your Shape because it has nice warm ups and good 15-30 minute workouts. I have Biggest Loser too, but it has a lot of jumping in it and I live on 2nd floor. I am waiting until I am lighter on my feet to try that one fully. The worst one is Star wars because it has awful tracking, but I still play it.
  • coachdave_99
    coachdave_99 Posts: 9 Member
    For the Kinect I would say Your Shape 2012. It is a very good workout and feels like a real live class. It takes short intervals and maximizes the burn. It doesn't have as many "games" as the Wii. I also have Biggest Loser, Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and I use them about every other day. The burn isn't as good as the Kinect but there are more "games" to lose yourself in.
  • UFC Personal Trainer is fantastic. It may not seem like a difficult workout when you first start out, but you might be shocked when abs suddenly appear after a couple weeks like it did for me!
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I get my best burn with EA Sports Active 2 but they got a major downgrade from me for taking down their servers and the internet connectivity.
  • KJ14
    KJ14 Posts: 287
    I really love the wii UFC trainer and the wii active (more workouts). Of all the fitness games I have these would be the two that are most often used.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    XBox Kinect: Just Dance, sports.

    Play Station 2: Dance Dance Revolution.
  • I just traded my old Wii system for an Xbox 360. I now have kinect adventures and sports. I just got the nike kinect training game and I am really loving that one. it's really helpful to have correct form and it won't even let you start til you have it!
  • Mazydasiy2001
    Mazydasiy2001 Posts: 54 Member
    My favorite weight loss games are: WII FIt Plus and Zumba for the WII

  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    I just traded my old Wii system for an Xbox 360. I now have kinect adventures and sports. I just got the nike kinect training game and I am really loving that one. it's really helpful to have correct form and it won't even let you start til you have it!

    I stopped using the games regularly b/c my living room is littered with toys & stuff. I need to crack down on the kiddos about cleaning up their toys. I forgot how helpful the Kinect is in demonstrating correct form. I wish I could move it into the work-out room where I have the weights I'm using. We only have one TV & it's stuck to the wall.
  • lesliemcq
    lesliemcq Posts: 5 Member
    Just got the Nike + kinect "game" this week - it's tough! But feels like its going at my level - adjusts based on the initial fitness test you take. Really feels like a personal trainer - I've only done 3 times and am making progress.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    My favorite so far is exerbeat for the wii. It has aerobics, "boxercising", hip hop, and latin dances, yoga & pilates, stretching, and exercise games. You try to make it around the world with the exercising you do. Further around the world= more exercises unlocked. There's also a daily challenge.

    I also like wii fit plus and have zumba 2 (still in the box...need to try it out). Active Life Explorer is a great family game.

    Any suggestions for new wii games?
  • i just got this for xmas im excited about trying it today :D
  • i just got a kinect and your shape 2012 i ment :P
  • shoppingdiva2011
    shoppingdiva2011 Posts: 127 Member
    I love Wii Zumba and Core, Just Dance, 10 minute solution but I need to get numchucks becuase I did now know I needed them. I just got Jillian Michaels 2010 but I have not gotten my wii board set up yet. I got Golds Gyme last night and it was pretty cool:smile:
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Zumba Core is my latest thing. If you have some kind of rhythm. It's a hell of a workout, way more intense in a good way.
    Also love Kinect sports boxing,(turn Pro 2 weeks ago)
    Fighter uncaged (take the time to go thru the tutorials is a must)
    Dance Central 2
    Fitness Evolved is good for warm ups and cool downs for me. (love the Yoga for stretching)
    I've lost 12 lbs in 40 days just on Kinect alone! 90min/day daily. Except for Zumba one 60 minute session got me dead.
  • I have three favorites for Kinect:

    Kinect Adventures - Reflex Ridge
    Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012
    Fruit Ninja

    I also have Dance Masters, but I really could do without the random pictures.

    I also play DDR and DDR Universe 1-3 with the dance pads. You don't have to dance with those though, more like stomp the arrows into submission before the ones on the screen pass the timing bar.

    So far I have lost 2 pounds in 6 weeks... I've got medical issues going on that are being addressed, so hopefully I will actually start to lose weight. I came close to giving up there when I was getting nowhere. Judging from several posts, the Zumba Core game is pretty good, so I shall look into that to randomize my exercise more to keep me interested. My latest means to keep me into it was to get the gamer points and achievements. Now a friend of mine has the same games so we are making it a competition.
  • Daymon_W
    Daymon_W Posts: 9 Member
    Your shape fitness on Xbox 360 my gamertag is movement feel free to send me a friend request
  • mybl1
    mybl1 Posts: 1
    Just started on Zumba Core (short classes twice a day). I will be mixing it up with Zumba rush and Just dance 4. I also like to use the table tennis on Kinect Sports as a warm up.
  • JanetteBradleyMahnken
    JanetteBradleyMahnken Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, I am new to this site, this group, and counting calories too. Just decided Mother's Day weekend 2013 to get serious about trying to lose weight so I joined this site and also "SparkPeople", I am planning on keeping both sites as they both have a little something different to offer, but just got to say that this site "Rocks" on the food and exercise counters! It seems I always have to go into this site first to get the info for the other site. I had about 40 Lbs to lose and I have already lost 5 Lbs right at the start of joining these two sites. So I still have a lot of way to go with about another 35 Lbs to lose. I mostly walk my dog around my neighborhood, or do house work for the exercise. But we do have a Wii and I just started to use it too. I have been using Wii Fit Plus this week. But I also have Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Just Dance Kids, and also Wii Dance Revolution 3 Hottest Party that I am going to start to use too. I just have a really cheap old phone that is on a cheap pay as I go plan, so I won't be doing any thing on my phone, at least not right away. Maybe if my income picks up then I can think about getting a smart phone and adding stuff to it. I am 53 and I live in Escondido, Ca. Any one want to add me, please send me a friend invite, the more the merrier I think!
  • trinity9058
    trinity9058 Posts: 149 Member
    I lost 30 lbs with Dance Central and Dance Central 2. Then my Xbox went into storage and I gained it all back :( Since I've settled into my new house, I have it back and I'm ready to go again!