looking for friends for motivation

Hey...Type 1 diabetic for 11 years. Looking for friends to motivate and friends that will motivate me as well...It would be nice to be able to vent to another diabetic :)


  • tmlandgraf
    tmlandgraf Posts: 79 Member
    I'm more than happy to help you with whatever you need! Feel free to add me - tmlandgraf

    I have been a diabetic for almost 23 years (will be 23 years in July), so anything you want or need to vent about, I have probably been there done that! This weightloss journey is a struggle, but I truly believe that if you stick with it, you will get there. I have been on and off the wagon so many times that I stopped counting. I beleive that I will be successful this time since I am doing it more for the right reasons and I am determined to make this a lifestyle change and not just a temporary change. Losing weight is hard enough without adding other complications into the mix like diabetes. I also have hypothyroid issues. Between the two I feel screwed most times, but it is what you make of it. I am trying to make the best of it.

    You are not alone in this journey!
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    Hey! Feel free to add me, too!

    I've been Type 1 for 16 years...and for most of those years I was overweight. I always ate what I wanted, and just took more insulin. Recipe for disaster, right?! Finally, a few years ago, I had a moment. I was getting ready to go out and meet friends, and nothing (I mean nothing) I put on fit! Everything was tight. I cried. After that I thought, alright, I'm sick of this! So I started eating better and getting some exercise.

    It is definitely a slow process! When people around you are making all this progress, and you've only lost a pound...or two. Just have to stick with it!!

    To me, yes I wanted to look better. But the ultimate goal was overall health...prolonged life. The weight will come off at some point. But I just keep checking my numbers, eating right, and getting as much exercise as I can!

    Good luck!!
  • michielee
    michielee Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I was diagnosed as a Type 1 in February 2009 at the age of 29. I have been using an insulin pump since April of 2010. Please feel free to add me. Its nice being able to talk to people who understand what it is like to workout only to go into a low sugar and end up drinking juice or taking glucose tablets and eating back all the calories you just burned :)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hi, you can add me.

    I was diagnosed with Type 1 in May 1990. I began using an insulin pump in August 1996. My highest A1c since 1996 was 7.2. My best A1c was 5.0.

    I had a baby 11 weeks ago and am trying to get my sugars under control. Incredibly, my sugars were good during the pregnancy. My A1c was in the low 5s. But now, my sugar is spiraling, up and down. I'm looking for motivation to get back into control and will motivate you too.
  • amrodger
    amrodger Posts: 5 Member
    I'll send a request your way :)

    I've been a T1D for a little over six years now. Happy HS graduation present to me!
    (sorry if this is awkward, I feel like I'm writing a weird personal ad...)
    I can totally relate to all the problems previous people have mentioned... low blood sugar ruining calorie goals...."I can eat whatever I want, I'm not type 2!".....super high BG at the end of a workout but drop crazy low three hours later....

    Anyways...anyone can feel free to add me, I'd love the company :)
    I also use a fitbit if anyone wants friends over there too...I'm not sure how you add friends there yet but here's my profile if you're more savvy than I am. http://www.fitbit.com/user/252F97

    Happy Healthiness!
  • MegRenzelmann
    MegRenzelmann Posts: 13 Member
    Hey There!

    Feel free to add me :-) I have been a diabetic for 17 years...I was diagnosed in 3rd grade. I have been on the pump for about 2 years now and I LOVE IT! Plus...I am 29 weeks pregnant! Heading into the home stretch and I can't wait to meet my little baby girl.

    It is always nice to have T1 Diabetic friends to vent to...no matter how positive I try to stay throughout life...sometimes you just have to vent!
  • mamamadusa
    mamamadusa Posts: 14 Member
    I have been type one for 11ish years now. Weight loss is a challenge and would love feedback from others as well.
  • jianop
    jianop Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I've been a t1d for 17 years now and on a pump for the past 7. I've been on the weight roller coaster for years and right now I am at the top of it and I need to drop! Love to have others that understand using 200 calories on treating lows really sucks!
  • jjuullzz
    jjuullzz Posts: 33 Member
    Amen to that!
  • anyaneumann
    I'm 15 and have been a T1D for 10 years. I'm so excited I finally found a group of people losing weight with diabetes! It's been such a struggle to over consume just because of midnight lows. :( I am also recovering from Binge Eating Disorder. Anyone feel free to add me, I'd love a friend.
  • glitterhealthy
    hey there everyone!!!
    I am an 18yo girl with T 1 diabetes....

    got diagnosed when i was 5-ish (in kindergarten), and got an accu chek pump about 1 yr ago. :)

    i know just how tricky it is to try & lose wight with T1D!!! like, exercising & burning 300 cals, then having a lo and having to eat 200cals to fix it! grrr!

    do any of you plan your day's food the day before??
  • Sweetie1429
    Sweetie1429 Posts: 24 Member
    Hello everyone! T1d for 17 years now
    I got diagnosed when i was 13, and omni pod pump user. I'm very happy to add you all:)
  • Ghomerzgirl
    Ghomerzgirl Posts: 67 Member
    Feel Free to add me as well. I have had T1 for 22 1/2 yrs and mostly uncontrolled. I go through bouts of depression because of it and honestly resent having it due to a horrid experience in elementary school because of it. Right now I am trying to get a pump and gain weight. I would be happy to have a venting party anytime when it comes to diabetes! So if you would like add me and we can vent together!
