Merging Teams

healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
Okay I have talked to ~~~marcelka77~~~ the lady who is doing the numbers. How about we merge some teams? We of course will be aiming to keep you with your current team mates! Please respond here if your still playing the game. Also PLEASE have any of your team mates respond here by Saturday Night. Thanks!


  • Jennifer8348683
    Jennifer8348683 Posts: 50 Member
    Merging sounds good and I'm still playing. :)
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Still playing and happy to continue in whatever format works!
  • BadAtitude
    BadAtitude Posts: 167 Member
    yep, I think it's the only way to save the challenge at this point. I am still here (often) and would like to be with like-minded people. it's funny when I look back at my into response:
    Will you be committed?: yes the question is will the group stay committed - too many have fizzled out before they reach the end...

    Please merge groups, post results and keep this going....somehow the group became the challenge not the exercises :sad:

    For those of you who are on here often and doing the challenges and supporting your groups....THANK YOU!!! :smooched:
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    Merging the teams sounds good to me! :wink:
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    sounds good to me
  • ald031
    ald031 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm still playing and wouldn't mind merging teams!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    This is timely for me...I'm the Brown Team captain, and I just asked my team this morning who would be willing to step up and take my place. I haven't had any 'takers' yet, but I'm posting here to let you all know that I will *not* be active in the challenge from this point. I simply have too much 'on my plate' to give proper attention to it... So, for us, this is good timing as far as re-forming teams!
    Sorry, and good luck to you all!
  • kendallsauntie
    kendallsauntie Posts: 101 Member
    I've decided that I am going to be stepping down from the challenge. I have too much going on right now that I need to focus on. It's been a pleasure but i need to say Hasta La Bye Bye for now.
  • jellybelly1986
    I'm in! xx
  • karategirl2013
    I'm still here and okay with merging teams if we need to.
  • cgphelps24
    cgphelps24 Posts: 122 Member
    I am still in. :happy:
  • sandi117
    sandi117 Posts: 445 Member
    I think merging would be best. I have a bunch going on IRL right now (finishing the school semester, about to start a second job, just got engaged so I'm trying to plan a wedding, going to Vegas in three weeks...) so I may not be posting much, but still in the challenge for the long haul.
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm not sure merging teams will save it. Marcelka77 , the leader running numbers, has a lack of time to manage it. Is there going to be someone assisting her with the numbers? This is de ja vue for some of us.
  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Let me introduce myself- My name is Tess.

    Ladies who are stepping down I will highlight your names grey- I wish you all the best and hope you reach your goals!

    As for the merge, I have offered to help Marcelka77 with anything she needs. I think with merging and commitment we CAN make this work. We may need some help with volunteers to be Team Captains, please consider being a Captain in the event we need another.

    Sandi117- congrats on your engagement! And kudos to you for staying committed!

    If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to put them here or you can message me .

    I was not around the last go at this so I'm not sure what happened there.....
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I'm definitely in, and all for merging teams!! I can also step up a be team captain if necessary. The yellow team captain is on vacation for two weeks, and I told her I would step up in her place, so I am fine to do the same as we merge groups. Also, I have been the person keeping the math up-to-date as much as possible in the spreadsheets as far as pounds lost, percent lost, etc. I will keep doing this, and if I am needed in any other way please let me know!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I added a column to the spreadsheet so that we can keep track of who is in and who is out of this challenge before we do the merge. I marked down what we know so far based on who has responded to this discussion and the "still going on?" discussion. I also assumed that anyone that had been grayed out was inactive and thus out of the remainder of the challenge.
  • laraburkhalter
    laraburkhalter Posts: 85 Member
    I'm still in :)
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,317 Member
    I am still here, too!
    Merging the teams is good, I could also be a team captain if you need one.

    Thank you for taking the initiative to reorganize things!
  • pjgreen0830
    pjgreen0830 Posts: 302 Member
    I'll stay in then, if others are going to help with numbers. I am technically challenged so I can't really help with the numbers part. I won't be as active for the next week or so due to medical procedures, but I am on most days.
  • yoyotired
    yoyotired Posts: 9 Member
    I'm still in!