Deload or no?

I failed my third workout on OHP today and wonder if I should deload (per program) or not. I am at 55 lbs.

Attempt #1 (two Friday's ago): 54300
Attempt #2 (last Wednesday): 55212
Attempt #3 (today): 55543

I feel like I am making progress and that I might be able to get it next time, if I have some ice cream first. :smile:

What do you all think: try one more time or go back to 50? (or 52.5, as I got my fractionals in the mail this weekend - hooray!)


  • sugarkane1234
    sugarkane1234 Posts: 51 Member
    I have to admit that I would personally be tempted to give it one more shot even though the program says you should deload. You're obviously consistently improving. But if you don't get it next time I would do a full 10% deload to 50 rather than just dropping to 52.5. Then once you knock that out of the park, you'll be ready to tackle 55 with no problem! Good luck!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    I agree that I would give it one more go and then if you still can't hit all reps, deload back down to 50. Also, I would suggest reviewing some form videos from Rippetoe on youtube. Sometimes a little adjustment to form can get you over the hump.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    You're obviously making progress, so I would stick with it. Then again I'm not following SL, and *technically* you're supposed to deload if you fail 3 times.

    Give it a whack with ice cream fuel, and deload or go fractional if you still fail.

    You can also try resting a little longer between sets. I find that it can make a difference, especially when I'm struggling, even at what's considered "lower" weights.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    OK, I will swim against the tide here. I would deload and work back up one-two pounds at a time -- that way you get to use your fractionals LOL.

    The thing is, if you get 55 next time, then you move up and you're probably stuck again right away. If you deload, you will be able to make progress for a good long while before you get stuck again.

    Making progress each time > being stuck each time.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I would deload. The lower weight work is ALSO good for progress and what you will find is that you end up blowing past 55 without noticiing it.

    Also, even if you pass it this week, you'll end up stalled out next week. its better to go back and have a couple weeks where you don't miss any reps before you start missing reps again.

    However if you prefer not to deload - just adjust so you also aren't missing reps. So do 55again, and I agree you might get it, but then when you go up wiht your fractionals do half your sets at the new weight and half at the old weight.
  • kay_der
    kay_der Posts: 24
    Thanks so much for the advice, ladies. If I did manage to get out 5x5 on Friday, it would be with truly frightening facial expressions and even worse form. I am thinking I will deload to 50 to work on form (even though my ego really wants the 55) and go up a little slower with my fractionals. As my workout partner commented yesterday, it is way more fun when you make all your reps.