2014 Brides



  • Yay 2014! We got engaged 11.16.12 and will be getting married 5.3.2014! I would like to lose about 5-10 more pounds, but am more so worried about maintaining (it's easier for me when I have a weight loss goal, but once I get to maintanance I get lost!). Any advice would be much appreciated! No matter what happens, I know we'll all be beautiful brides!
  • hannah1803
    hannah1803 Posts: 22 Member
    Same! We got engaged 29.10.11 (ages ago!) and I'm not getting married until 23.09.14, mainly so that I have the time to lose the 84lb that has slowly crept up on me over the last 7 years!
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 556 Member
    I'm a 2014 Bride as well! My fiance and I got engaged last October but since we are planning our wedding from a few states away we wanted a lot of time to be able to do it (and I wanted to loose some weight before the big day).

    We have it planned for May of next year so hopefully that gives me plenty of time to get to a size that I am comfortable with. My goal is to lose inches not pounds so I'm hoping to get down to a size 6, but would be happy with a nice 8 before the wedding - currently a size 10. I know I can do it!

    Venue is picked and date is set, photographer is booked

    Only 10000 more details and several other vendors to figure out now :)
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi! Another 2014 bride here! :) We got engaged 4-28-12 and are getting married 7-4-14. We were going to get married July 13th of this summer but due to money and me not feeling ready (with my weight) we postponed it until next summer!
  • Mbishop7684
    Mbishop7684 Posts: 171 Member
    I just got engaged on 2.8.13 and we aren't getting married until Sept/Oct 2014. Date isn't set yet because there's a LOT of stuff we have to figure out before we can set it in stone. I am looking to lose approximately 80-90 lbs by 4 months before the wedding!

    My fiance and I have found our wedding and reception locations, chosen our photographer, the hotel our guests will be staying at and that's it!

    We got it all done and out of the way first so we can just lay back, relax and chill for several months (maybe until January 2014) before we have to start really making decisions on things!
  • Hi everyone! Congrats to all of you. :-)

    My fiance' and I just got engaged on New Years Eve 2012 and we will be getting married July of 2014! We were originally planning on June of 2013, but his brother, who had only been dating his girlfriend for a couple of months, proposed before my man did and they set their date. Worked out well for us so we have extra time to save money (we are going to be buying our first house around the same time), extra time to plan since most everyone is coming from four different states, and extra time for me to finally reach my goal weight and get fit/in shape! I only have about 10-15 lbs to go, 20 lbs if I am really conscientious, and I am hoping to lose this/tone up by the time I start looking at dresses this July!

    We've set our venue for ceremony and reception, booked the DJ, started our registries, and booked the photographer- our engagement photo shoot session is next Saturday, March 16th! :-) Got a lot of the big stuff out of the way so we can really start hitting it hard with other stuff this summer, a little at a time.
  • mocarski002
    mocarski002 Posts: 13 Member
    Our wedding is October 12 2014! We got engaged August 26 2011! We wanted to buy a house before our wedding so that we'd actually be living together for our wedding lol! We just bought our house 3 weeks ago! We have our venue picked out already! Soon the real craziness starts! Started looking at DJ's and Photographers! I think ill start dress shopping late August/early September :)
  • 2bwed2014
    2bwed2014 Posts: 11
    Hey everyone. We got engaged December 25, 2012 and are getting married October 4, 2014 - need to get in some serious shape before then LOL!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hey everyone. We got engaged December 25, 2012 and are getting married October 4, 2014 - need to get in some serious shape before then LOL!

    We have also set a date of 10/4/14! Just engaged but he wants to have a fall wedding. I guess that means we have 17 months to plan and my family is thankful they have 17 months to lose weight. :happy:
  • JackiLean
    JackiLean Posts: 62 Member
    Congratulations, ladies!

    I got engaged 1/1/2012 and thought it would be forever before seeing anyone else even considering planning a wedding in 2014! So glad we're finally at this point!

    Our wedding is 8/1/2014 in Riverside, California. We decided to wait mainly to save, so I just decided to drop 30 lbs in the interim.

    We have our venue, photog, and our save the dates. I even have my dress (bought while at my heaviest, so I'm SOOOO excited to finally try it on without all that extra weight).
  • RJoy89
    RJoy89 Posts: 3
    Congratulations everyone! I'm also getting married in 2012, on July 12th :smile:
    We all have quite long engagements! I don't understand how people do it in shorter amounts of time, especially if you want to get married in the Summer because everything books so quickly! We booked our venue in November last year and the only had 2 weekends left in July 2014.
    I've already bought my dress (again, last year which might be a little ambitious) and have all the major stuff booked :smile:
    Who else is having a theme?
  • Hey everyone.... congratulations to you all on your up and coming weddings. I too am due to get married next year and am new to all this, find it so hard to lose weight so any tips you may have is much appreciated. I got engaged in Feb so not long ago but we have set the date for our civil partnership... Aug 2014. I want to lose the weight in a healthy way, be toned and maintain it... nothing much.
  • So we have picked and confirmed our, reception venue, caterer, photographer, church and I have ordered my dress and my fiance has just received his kilt. We will be meeting our wedding decor company this weekend as well as a florist to book them too. I've lost almost 30lbs since we got engaged and I'm so excited to get married.
  • easternNCchick
    easternNCchick Posts: 198 Member
    Me!! Engaged Dec 25th 2011. Financially can never do it but I WILL be married next year, even if we got to cut corners on cost and ask for help. We've only been together 10 years.....gesh! Not sure when and where....right now I want to just get small enough I want engagement photos done :(
  • junctiongirl
    junctiongirl Posts: 57 Member
    You are all over this wedding thing! Way to go :) makes me feel like I need to get my *kitten* in gear!
  • Not a 2014 bride... (Wedding date: July 20, 2013) but for all of you that are saying that a year just isn't enough to plan a wedding, it is! I was engaged May 20, 2012 and getting married July 20, 2013 (exactly 14 months) has given me PLENTY of time!

    Don't stress girls! Especially if you're trying to lose weight... stressing makes it harder to lose weight, and makes it difficult to get the planning done in time.

    If you relax and don't sweat the small stuff, then you will be fine :)

    Also, congrats to you all!! :)
  • BeeRodMul
    BeeRodMul Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! Just joined and also a 2014 bride. However, today I had a rude awakening. I haven't weigh myself in a long time so I went on the scale. I thought I wasn't as fat as before. Instead, this is the fattest I've ever been. I need 100 pounds to lose by next July or else people would think my fiance is marrying an orca.

    So far whatever I do, I'm sweating buckets. Even a 20 minute walk to my fiance's great aunt's house left me drenched.
  • Bobo512
    Bobo512 Posts: 18 Member
    I am in the same boat! I need to lose 115 by next July...I am hoping to lose it sooner, though (we need to go dress shopping!). I am going to add you as a friend...we need to stay motivated on this mission!
  • Amandatorie
    Amandatorie Posts: 93 Member
    We just got engaged this Memorial Day weekend (2013), and are planning to get married sometime in late summer or fall of 2014. I'm not picky about the date--we've just started looking at venues, and will just pick an open date when we find someplace we love!

    I'd love to lose about 40 pounds. I'm attending a wedding at the end of July, and planning to have engagment photos taken in September, so these are my two interim dates to see what I can do! I'm aiming for 10 pounds by the end of July, and another ten by the end of September.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I need 100 pounds to lose by next July or else people would think my fiance is marrying an orca.

    I laughed out loud at this! :-) Ahhh I know we all want to look 'perfect' on the big day but your fiancee obviously adores you, orca or not otherwise you wouldn't be on this page!!! Besides 'perfect' is different to everyone, and that goes for EVERYTHING we'll be planning over this year and not just weight/shape/size!

    We got engaged last weekend, after exactly 6 years & 11 months! (Guess he wanted to throw me off by not waiting until our anniversary!) and the venue is booked for May next year. Hoping to lose 60lb but will just see how it goes. Running City 3 Surf in Sydney in 8 weeks and so far can't run for more than 4 mins straight so have a lot of work to do already!!

    My biggest worry is planning my wedding from 10,500 miles away. Currently in Australia for work but getting wed back home. Would LOVE to hear from anyone else in this boat.

    All of you wanting to loose a significant amount of weight... when will you start dress shopping? Eek how exciting!! xx