Merging Teams



  • healthy4meN2013
    healthy4meN2013 Posts: 41 Member
    Great response so far!

    adancer59 thank you so much for stepping up and doing that! Your awesome!

    Please make sure that you are letting your teammate know about this and find out if they are still in! If they can not for whatever reason get on here (I really wish this part could be part of the app.) please add there name here.

    Everyone agreed to commitment at the beginning of this, please make sure you can stay committed to this. This is what I think is a fair commitment:
    Encouraging your team!
    Logging in.
    Checking in here on the website at least 1 time a week.
    Request your team as a friend on the app or here and encourage them that way.
    Making a effort.
    I don't think that the above is too much, is it?

    Ladies we are all here because of the same issues: we are all trying to lose weight/tone up. Without commitment to ourselves we can not commit to our team. I realize that life happens. However lets try to sweat this weight away and become the people we want to be! There is a smaller person inside each of us just waiting to be seen!
  • dreamingofhealthy
    dreamingofhealthy Posts: 109 Member
    I think merging teams is great. I too need to step down from Orange team captain, with the promotion I got a last week, my situation changed. I don't want to hinder my team with my lack of participation.

    I am very sorry Orange Team... Best of luck to all of you. I hope to keep you on my friends list!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Ljsiegel
    Ljsiegel Posts: 22 Member
    I'm for a merge!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I think merging teams is great. I too need to step down from Orange team captain, with the promotion I got a last week, my situation changed. I don't want to hinder my team with my lack of participation.

    I am very sorry Orange Team... Best of luck to all of you. I hope to keep you on my friends list!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Are you still going to participate in the challenge as a team member? Or would you like to be removed?
  • DeniseMarSi
    DeniseMarSi Posts: 68 Member
    I would still like to participate... and was part of Brown Team. So however we merge, that is fine with me! I can't be a captain right now, but maybe we can rotate captain duties monthly on our merged teams so that is more manageable.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    I sent the following message to everyone we haven't heard back from yet.

    Hey! This is Alison from the yellow team in the Biggest Loser Challenge group. Several of us have noticed a lack of overall participation in the challenge and have decided to rearrange some of the teams to create a more active, supportive atmosphere. I am messaging everyone that we have not heard from yet to see if you they would like to continue on in this challenge. Expectations for the group are as follows:

    Encouraging your team :)
    Logging in.
    Checking in on the group's website at least 1 time a week.
    Requesting your team as a friend on the app or here and encourage them that way.
    Making an effort.

    If you feel you can do this and would like to continue with the rest of us, please message me back and post in the following thread: We hope as many people as possible can join us!

    If you who feel this has become too much of a time commitment or if your life has gotten significantly more stressful in the past few weeks, everyone in the challenge wishes you the best of luck! Continue working toward your goals :)

    I can't wait to hear back from you!


    Hopefully, we will get responses soon! I have already heard back from chljlleal, who would like to continue with the group.
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    I am definitely in! Let me know if you need help! I have 3 members that actively participate.
  • Itsdevo
    Itsdevo Posts: 29 Member
    I know my participation hasn't been as active but I have been weighing in each week :-), so I am interested in staying on. ps... the link that was included in the message to me didn't work. But this link works:
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    ps... the link that was included in the message to me didn't work. But this link works:

    My bad... It didn't work because of the period at the end of the sentence. Hopefully people will figure out where to post, but if not many have been personally responding to the message. I have been adding their responses to the "In or Out?" column on the spreadsheet.

    Way to go purple and red teams for being completely accounted for one way or the other!
  • PerlaRubi2013
    PerlaRubi2013 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm up for Merging teams! =)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    I'm captain of Pink team and as far as I know I only have one inactive player (FitTomika). I'm still in this, just keep us updated please.
  • BNance509
    BNance509 Posts: 79 Member
    I have a lot going on too, but I need the push & challenge. I need to do this. I may not get everything done but I need the push. I am in!!
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    I am very busy at the moment and I think this the only way forward :( I am keeping doing challenges -exercising at least 4 times a week but have no time to post :( ... I am still thinking of you !!!! I hope all of you doing well ... Next week I have only 1 day off again :( .... Should I make challenge for week 5 ?
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 229 Member

    I'm in! I wont be around much this weekend (we are off camping and my phone gets no signal in that area) I will be back on Monday have a great weekend everyone x
  • jl20whyd
    jl20whyd Posts: 79 Member
    I'm still in. I was on the pink team. Thanks, for trying to keep this thing going.
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    I sent the following message to everyone we haven't heard back from yet.

    Hey! This is Alison from the yellow team in the Biggest Loser Challenge group. Several of us have noticed a lack of overall participation in the challenge and have decided to rearrange some of the teams to create a more active, supportive atmosphere. I am messaging everyone that we have not heard from yet to see if you they would like to continue on in this challenge. Expectations for the group are as follows:

    Encouraging your team :)
    Logging in.
    Checking in on the group's website at least 1 time a week.
    Requesting your team as a friend on the app or here and encourage them that way.
    Making an effort.

    If you feel you can do this and would like to continue with the rest of us, please message me back and post in the following thread: We hope as many people as possible can join us!

    If you who feel this has become too much of a time commitment or if your life has gotten significantly more stressful in the past few weeks, everyone in the challenge wishes you the best of luck! Continue working toward your goals :)

    I can't wait to hear back from you!


    Hopefully, we will get responses soon! I have already heard back from chljlleal, who would like to continue with the group.

    I am still in but I would fine it helpful to have some more teammates on my friends list and to remind me of weigh in day because I get confused since I am in a few other challenge groups. Thanks! :smile:
  • kelseyka
    kelseyka Posts: 281 Member
    I am very busy at the moment and I think this the only way forward :( I am keeping doing challenges -exercising at least 4 times a week but have no time to post :( ... I am still thinking of you !!!! I hope all of you doing well ... Next week I have only 1 day off again :( .... Should I make challenge for week 5 ?

    Would like someone else to do it? I think we are losing momentum...and without a new challenge we might lose more people!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you on the merging teams progress :)

    We started this challenge with 82 people on the ten original teams. There are currently 37 people that have in some way or another announced that they would like to continue on and 30 people that have determined to continue with their weight loss individually. That means that I am still waiting to hear back from 15 people. I would like to finalize the new teams by late Saturday night so that when we see the new challenge on Sunday, everyone knows who is on their team.

    As a side note, I will not remove anyone's name or information from the spreadsheet completely. I plan to make a separate section for the players that have left. That way, if for some reason, anyone wants to return at any point, they can still play from what was previously known as the "home pit."

    I PMed Marcelka77 earlier today to see what she wanted to do about the group in regards to her busy schedule. In my opinion, it would be best if she shared control of the group with a couple other people. That way, as our schedules change over the coming months, someone will always be able to keep important posts at the top of the discussion board, post weekly challenges, etc. I have volunteered to be one of those people and will gladly take over as the numbers/results person for the group. Several people have also mentioned that they have ideas for challenges. Once the team merge takes place, it may be a good idea to start a discussion where people can suggest ideas for future challenges. This will be a way to get a wider variety of challenges and keep the pressure off any one person to come up with challenges every week.

    Finally, here is the list of people I have not heard from. If you are friends with any of these people, please message them and let them know to post here about their decision.

    Orange Team - drizzy_obsessed
    Orange Team - briggsf
    Yellow Team - still_a_caterpillar (I know that she is on vacation, so I will keep her in the challenge if I have not heard back from her in time.)
    Yellow Team - ReDeCook
    Yellow Team - yangi1
    Yellow Team - Eravia24
    White Team - felicia128
    White Team - tirrelogston
    Pink Team - pambo1999
    Pink Team - getsmexyback3
    Pink Team - jamila_b
    Black Team - katonaroof
    Brown Team - K0RA
    Brown Team - pab88
    Brown Team - sjeffr

    Questions, comments, or concerns about the direction of the group?
  • marcelka77
    marcelka77 Posts: 476 Member
    Hi I am still in !!!! -

    I will do all challenges - ok I WILL try!! ;) to do everything (set by me or others!!! or me ;) )

    I will weigh myself 1x week ... I still want to loose weight by summer and even more by end of the year ;) - but as I am very busy - working 6 days a week at the moment ( have 1 day off only) I will be very happy if anyone want to share responsibilities . I will try my best but I don't have time to write and chat in forums :( - maybe 1-2 a week .

    I could add more people as admins of this group (let me know who is up to step up) - I can make challenges for week 5 ( I should be off on monday - but if there is anyone who is up to take this challenge let me know ;) )
  • TayPat24
    TayPat24 Posts: 131
    I had a hard last two weeks but I would really like to still be in this. I am in a better place and could really use this kick in the butt. I am a part of the yellow team!