How many are still in it? Dropped out?



  • dpaddy591
    dpaddy591 Posts: 12 Member
    I just did L3 D2. Yah! I only do it about every other day. I like 3 more then 2! It's hard but it seems to fly by!
  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm still in! Yesterday was Day 11 for me. I started May 1 and had to take a day off here and there due to life, but I'm still at it. I'm moving on to Level 2 today. I haven't even watched level 2, so I have no idea what I am in for. Looking forward to something different. Level 1 was great and I notice a huge difference in my endurance from Day 1. I can do the pushups the entire time now :)

    I took before pictures but I wish I had taken measurements. I can tell a difference in my body even though the scale hasn't budged much.
  • slimrubybird
    slimrubybird Posts: 16 Member
    I'm still in! I started Level 2 Day 1 today....took 3 rest days during Level 1, which I always came back from feeling stronger! Rest days are important!

    During Level 1 I was able to up my weight to 8lbs during most of the exercises, except those killer Anterior Lift with a lunge and the first circuit squat with bicep lift.

    Level 2 is SUCH a challenge for me!! I'm looking forward to getting stronger with it! Keep plugging along everyone...we can do this!
  • yujinclara
    yujinclara Posts: 24
    I'm still in too.
    Day 10 today with two rest days last week so get to move to level 2 tomorrow finally.
    Lighter today by about a kilo since I started.
    I see changes in my body. My waist is smaller than it has been... Like ever!
    I'm dreading level 2. Everyone has said it's SO hard!!
  • SoberAlley
    SoberAlley Posts: 30 Member
    I'm still in. Today was day 15 for me. I intend to take no breaks and so far I have not. I've been doing the first 5 days at the beginner rate each level, and the last 5 days at high intensity. I'm dreading Level 2 high intensity for the next 5 days, but very excited to be halfway through the program!
  • dpaddy591
    dpaddy591 Posts: 12 Member
    L3 D3. I phoned it in. : ( Really. really tired.
  • biddleboom
    biddleboom Posts: 8
    That's ok! A crappy workout is still better than no workout at all. Hang in there!
  • diva099
    diva099 Posts: 42
    Still here day 11 for me
  • stephc40
    stephc40 Posts: 3 Member
    Still here Day 5 level 2......I usually take Sunday off, this week I took Saturday and Sunday. I received several compliments on how thin I am looking.....Good incentive to keep going.
  • dpollet2
    dpollet2 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm on L2D7. I took one rest day once I finished level 1, and one at the end of last week because I was busy with finals. I'm also doing the Zombies, Run 5 k training. I started both on May 2. My right knee is giving me problems, but I can do the static exercises and some of the squats. I modify the ones that hurt too much.

    I measure after each level, and had lost 4 inches overall at the end of level one.
  • celtic0ne
    celtic0ne Posts: 216 Member
    I'm back on the wagon after a long weekend :)
  • diva099
    diva099 Posts: 42
    Day 13 for me L2D3
  • MarthaAnn8186
    MarthaAnn8186 Posts: 84 Member
    Still in.
  • Nutter1028
    Nutter1028 Posts: 9 Member
    I dropped out due to a head cold and shin splints. Starting over tonight /:
  • aquirico
    aquirico Posts: 21 Member
    Level 2 - Day 3 for me. I'm still liking level 2, and thinking about upping my weights. I'm taking it slow, but I WILL finish! I'm considering staying away from the scale for a month because I can feel myself getting stronger, but I've gained 4 pounds in the last three weeks, and that makes me crazy. I think I'm going to focus on the exercise and eating, and try to forget about the pounds for a little bit and see what that does for me. It'll be hard, though.
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm still in it too. Have had no rest days. Ive done 24 days straight. I will have to take rest days this weekend though because we are going camping. :(
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I will pick back up after returning from camping and once I'm finished with 30ds I'm going to start Ripped in 30
  • mslisatm
    mslisatm Posts: 154 Member
    Im here! I dont do it every day so its more like a 60 day shred ;) I alternate with days of rowing as I found it was way too intense for me to do every day, hurt my joints and I hurt myself by pulling a muscle that was very sore to begin with. I havent lost much weight until I radically changed my diet by eating dairy-free homemade smoothies for lunch and breakfast (around 350 calories). Even so I have noticed strength and definition in muscles and some fat loss in my face and neck (where I normally lose weight first) I am at the end of Phase 2 but feel like I can barely finish many of the exercises (I only have 5 lb weights too, so use soup cans when I cant finish with those!) Lost 3 pounds this past week since diet changed! woohoo!
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    Im here! I dont do it every day so its more like a 60 day shred ;) I alternate with days of rowing as I found it was way too intense for me to do every day, hurt my joints and I hurt myself by pulling a muscle that was very sore to begin with. I havent lost much weight until I radically changed my diet by eating dairy-free homemade smoothies for lunch and breakfast (around 350 calories). Even so I have noticed strength and definition in muscles and some fat loss in my face and neck (where I normally lose weight first) I am at the end of Phase 2 but feel like I can barely finish many of the exercises (I only have 5 lb weights too, so use soup cans when I cant finish with those!) Lost 3 pounds this past week since diet changed! woohoo!

    What goes into your dairy free smoothies?
  • littlelouis
    littlelouis Posts: 54 Member
    I'm still in! I'm starting level 3 today. I'm really stating to despise Jillian but I'm not giving up!
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm still in! I'm starting level 3 today. I'm really stating to despise Jillian but I'm not giving up!

    Hang in there. 3 is better than 2!
  • dolphingrl2481
    dolphingrl2481 Posts: 60 Member
    Today is level 3 day 10. After I'm done working out today I'am done with the 30 day shred:happy:
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    I'm still in. Today was "day 22" for me and I'm battling out level 3. I had to make some changes so that my knees don't hurt afterwards. I started April 25th and I have just over a week left! I took a lot of days off, but hey- I'm almost there!
  • shuki_cotren
    shuki_cotren Posts: 328 Member
    Still here, Day 23. My knees bother me every once in a while, so throwing in a few rest days. L3D3 this morning done. Level 3 is way better, and seems more about the abs. To me it seems the level focus has been L1 Legs, L2, Arms, L3 Abs. But I'm bound and determined to finish this thing!

    I do butt kicks and high knees instead of jumping during the last cardio segment. My knees hurt after the first day, but they healed up and I'm determined both to A) not to damage my knees and B) finish level 3!
  • dolphingrl2481
    dolphingrl2481 Posts: 60 Member
    So I finished level 3 today. I'm proud of myself for finishing it. I'm going to start on Jm ripped in 30 tomorrow.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Congrats to everyone who finished! I didn't, but am going to try again next month alternating with another JM video.
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I finished it. I took 3 days off for camping. I have now started Ripped in 30. Im on day 3 of week 1. In this one i will probably take 1 rest day a week. Im afraid if i do though 1 will turn into 2
  • julie2475
    julie2475 Posts: 28 Member
    Im on day 6 but decided to do level 1 and 2 in a row today totally killed me ,was shaking all over think I will stick to level one for now !
  • nmha
    nmha Posts: 33 Member
    I am on day 21 and have taken 2 rest days. I decided though to turn mine into a 90 day shred and do 30 days of each level.
  • Leslie1124
    Leslie1124 Posts: 143 Member
    I am on day 21 and have taken 2 rest days. I decided though to turn mine into a 90 day shred and do 30 days of each level.

    good for you! only two rest days. thats work! good luck on your journey