Knee replacement

diorama77 Posts: 4 Member
After having both knees replaced in 2009 because of osteoarthritis I am now finally losing some excess weight (47 lbs so far). I am continually amazed at the difference it makes - getting out of the bath, going down steps, even kneeling is less painful. How do I hold on to these memories to avoid regaining? Anyone else in the same boat?


  • sopwith8
    sopwith8 Posts: 7 Member
    I had both my knees replaced in the summer of 2011. I lost 50 pounds in the several months that followed. However, I gained it all back plus some. I know what you mean about the difference it makes. I was off all prescription meds but am now back on celebrex because of the weight gain. I am just starting to try to take the weight off. I am tired of living with the pain again and cannot believe I allowed this to happen. If you notice you are back sliding, please feel free to contact me and I will try to help remotivate you! You do not want to be back were I am. No amount of food is worth this discomfort!!! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.