Sooo What is your Favorite....?? 5/16

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
EXERCISE?!?! WE all have one or two! What is the one that you will go all out for? 100% Show it on You Tube and share why then choose someone else's to do today!

Mine is

This has always been my favorite activity! So I guess I don't hate running, I just prefer fast pace and quick sets versus running long distances. Not sure why but I love the fast, out of breath can I beat myself feeling...why this is my favorite exercise.

I recommend you do 3 sets. It will build you up! You don't have to be an Olympian...just go fast as YOU can go whatever that is...push yourself!

Soooo...what is your favorite exercise and why? The challenge is you must choose someone elses exercise even if don't like it to make yourself do something different and see why we all are different but can get to the same place!!!!!!! HEALTHY!



  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Sprints? Hmmm - I think I'll wait to see what else people submit before I choose.

    Here is a light hearted look at my favorite exercise:

    Seriously though - to make any spin ride sucessful, you must adjust the machine for your body otherwise you risk serious injuries.

    And for that hour long spin session - here is a music mix for you. It's got the beats and that is what you are looking for - music with a great beat to push through. Its from Europe so its a bit electronic perhaps.

    If you put a play list together of ones you like, then try out a spin cycle the next time you go to the gym. And I'm not talking about the regular stationary bikes - they won't work the same. You need that 45lb fly wheel on the front to push around and be able to stand and sit and stand and run and push hard. I would absolutely say go to a class if you can but realize every instructor is different and like all things, you may not hit it off with the first one or two of them you meet. Music seems to make a big difference on the class. Also, every instructor has different prefrences as to if they do alot of sprints, slow climbs, fast climbs, standing, sitting, hovers - you will be surprised how much total body exercise can be worked into a 45 minute spin class.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Nice, long scenic bike rides.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Can't post Youtube from work since can't access it, but all you gotta do is put in bellydance and you've got yourself a ton of videos that are lessons.

    Have been and will continue to work on the challenge posted by Sir Aak since Super Trainer decided it was time to get me onto the spin bikes because the studio is going to be offering Les Mills RPM soon (and it's a cardio that is easy on the ankle.... which has been feeling better over the past few days... without the brace that just came in yesterday and my appointment to get it is not til Monday or any other special treatment) and she would like me to survive the class (she has relented on allowing me to be a slobbering mess by the end of the class)
  • mssowhatever
    mssowhatever Posts: 4 Member
    Dancing. Since I don't go out much I bought a dance video for my 4 year old knowing that she would want me to play with her. It's fun and keeps us both Moving. I alos love the Zumba workout video. :-)
  • threadlove
    threadlove Posts: 30 Member
    I really enjoy my daily walks. I missed one last Saturday and I was quite cranky.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Nice, long scenic bike rides.

    Now - see - that's my other fave so I can't pick this one. :sad:
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    Nice, long scenic bike rides.

    Now - see - that's my other fave so I can't pick this one. :sad:

    Nice long bike rides are frequently group events. It's not like I'd exclude you. :flowerforyou:
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Sprints? Hmmm - I think I'll wait to see what else people submit before I choose.

    Here is a light hearted look at my favorite exercise:

    Seriously though - to make any spin ride sucessful, you must adjust the machine for your body otherwise you risk serious injuries.

    And for that hour long spin session - here is a music mix for you. It's got the beats and that is what you are looking for - music with a great beat to push through. Its from Europe so its a bit electronic perhaps.

    If you put a play list together of ones you like, then try out a spin cycle the next time you go to the gym. And I'm not talking about the regular stationary bikes - they won't work the same. You need that 45lb fly wheel on the front to push around and be able to stand and sit and stand and run and push hard. I would absolutely say go to a class if you can but realize every instructor is different and like all things, you may not hit it off with the first one or two of them you meet. Music seems to make a big difference on the class. Also, every instructor has different prefrences as to if they do alot of sprints, slow climbs, fast climbs, standing, sitting, hovers - you will be surprised how much total body exercise can be worked into a 45 minute spin class.

    I love spin and when I belonged to another gym I would go all the time. My current gym does not have it. I miss it sooooo much!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Can't post Youtube from work since can't access it, but all you gotta do is put in bellydance and you've got yourself a ton of videos that are lessons.

    Have been and will continue to work on the challenge posted by Sir Aak since Super Trainer decided it was time to get me onto the spin bikes because the studio is going to be offering Les Mills RPM soon (and it's a cardio that is easy on the ankle.... which has been feeling better over the past few days... without the brace that just came in yesterday and my appointment to get it is not til Monday or any other special treatment) and she would like me to survive the class (she has relented on allowing me to be a slobbering mess by the end of the class)

    I think this coming week I am going to challenge myself to do a belly dance online!