lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
I notice that no one is updating or asking questions at the moment. I actually finished my 28 days and I lost 6.5 pounds. I lost inches too but sadly I lost the information I wrote down. I can tell that I've lost inches because I'm now able to fit a pair of pants that are a size 12 and I normally wear a 14! So I'm excited about that! I've decided to continue a another cycle, but I may have to restart as I've had rough week! But we'll see what happens on Monday when I weigh myself.

So how is everyone doing????


  • michellyn
    michellyn Posts: 108 Member
    I'm doing well. I lost 11 pounds in the first 28 days. This month, I'm doing a modified plan with a few more calories, including a little fat and dairy and less than 200 mg. of caffeine a day. I think I can handle doing the plan longer with my modifications. I'm also allowing myself one cheat meal per week, but even then won't go overboard (I did that for Mother's Day Sunday).

    I'm still having dizziness. I kind of think this is due to my metabolism working well, and I think I have to eat more often to keep the dizziness at bay. So, I'm aiming to eat every 2-2.5 hours now. I was happy to see that I lost another 1.5 pounds today :) I hadn't weighed for several days, but I'd been stuck for several days before that. It was good to see that I still lost with the modifications. I might keep the modifications or I might go back to a clean month next month, depending on how this month goes.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    I am finishing up my 28 days this coming Sunday. So far, I've lost 5.7 pounds. That is the most weight I've lost over a 28 day period in many, many years so I'm quite happy with that loss. I'm debating on whether or not to continue on for three more weeks until I head out to the beach or take next week off and just do two weeks. I've got two parties/celebrations to go to next week that will make it really hard to stick to the plan and would really like to just enjoy myself and not be worried about eating all the right phase foods. I guess if I continue on for three more weeks, I could just have cheat days on those days. After I get back from the beach, I'm going to do another 28 days and see where I end up. :)
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    I am finishing up my 28 days this coming Sunday. So far, I've lost 5.7 pounds. That is the most weight I've lost over a 28 day period in many, many years so I'm quite happy with that loss. I'm debating on whether or not to continue on for three more weeks until I head out to the beach or take next week off and just do two weeks. I've got two parties/celebrations to go to next week that will make it really hard to stick to the plan and would really like to just enjoy myself and not be worried about eating all the right phase foods. I guess if I continue on for three more weeks, I could just have cheat days on those days. After I get back from the beach, I'm going to do another 28 days and see where I end up. :)

    I would follow the plan as best you can and just do cheat days on your celebration days. That's my plan.
  • hsrunningmom
    hsrunningmom Posts: 134 Member
    I would follow the plan as best you can and just do cheat days on your celebration days. That's my plan.
    Thanks! I think that's what I'll do. :)
  • vikdubbs
    vikdubbs Posts: 13
    I hope this plan went well for everyone. Good for you for sticking it out for the full 4 weeks! That is a hard plan to follow!! For me, I did lose 6 lbs after 2.5 weeks but then I bailed. I just did not have another Phase 2 in me (being a vegetarian and only having egg whites as an option for two days - was making me sick). I decided to see a dietitian/nutritionist instead and now I am using My Fitness Pal to track and reach my goals. Metabolism works well as long as you feed it properly and eat often enough and this program MFP helps you do just just that.

    The metabolism "diet" for me was just too confusing, with all the rules and restrictions - and after speaking with a couple of nutritionist I saw no point in the diet at all. Healthy eating, using My Fitness Pal and following the Canadian Food Guide to be sure that you have enough foods from each group will do the trick to achieve life long healthy eating. Well, at least that is my goal now.

    Good luck to everyone who is still on the Metabolism diet - I know how hard it is - keep going if it is working for you... You can do it!!


    PS I still can't eat egg whites. :cry:
  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    I am starting Week 6. Here are my results so far:

    Week 1 -5.5lb
    Wek 2 -1lb
    Week 3 maintained
    Week 4 -2.5lb
    Week 5 maintained
    Inches lost - 7"

    Hopped on the scale this morning and it is -1 so week 6 is off to a good start.
  • jmjr76
    jmjr76 Posts: 8
    Week 2 for me. Only lost 2 lbs last week but this is hard for me. I admit I cheating everyday. But on good stuff, not on the list stuff. This week will tell me if I will do wk 3 or not. I just seem to be way to busy and it cost a lot more than my budget.