New to this site

lilbitCadeau Posts: 5 Member
This sounds like a great way to get started. I have a hard time with consistancy so 30 days of accountability with a group sounds great. Here's to the next 30 days.

One fo my personal downfalls is fast food so I wll add giving that up as a personal goalfor me for this 30 days. Some people can handle it in moderation, but for me, fast food = binge, so I need to give it up for now.

I tend to not enter food when I am not doing well but will for 30 days.

I tend to excercise sporadically, but this is my goal, 30 mins x 5/week.

I hope we can help each other succeed. For me this goes until June 21st, a Friday.


  • lilbitCadeau
    lilbitCadeau Posts: 5 Member
    Oops! Would help to read the post establishing the group before posting, huh? Sorry about that.

    So, We start June 1st officially. So we go until the end of June, sounds good.

    And we weigh in, gulp. No, this is good. And the little weight tracker thing after our posts will help me be accountable.

    Come on June!
  • stiegj
    stiegj Posts: 1 Member
    I like this also for the accountability piece. Hope it helps!
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    Wow! You're gonna give up fast food for 30 days. Good for you and good luck. Fast food is one of my downfalls too. I don't know if I can give it up entirely but I'll definitely cut down...a lot.

    Welcome to the group.
  • mclaffin
    mclaffin Posts: 7 Member
    ok. I'm in this too! I have a 3 month old baby and i was overweight even before baby. this is gonna help kick start operation lose that fat!
  • camaldon
    camaldon Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! This group is exactly what I need. I weigh 185, when I need to weigh more like 135 based on my height. Im getting married in December and I need some serious discipline to get the weight off before then. I've been saying I need to start since January 1, and instead I've gained 2 pounds!. My fiancee and I are drinking the right amount of water based on our weight, walking 10,000 steps a day and staying within our calorie count using MFP. Of course, that has only been since yesterday. I really want to do this, so I can be healthy when we get married, because we want to try to have a baby soon after, and my clock is ticking loudly. LOL. I think posting and reading what everyone else is doing will really help motivate me this time. Let's do this!!
  • myaebeling
    myaebeling Posts: 11
    Well like the idea of being motivated for 30 days. Looking forward to June 1st and adding activity to my life. Striving to eat healthier so at the end of 30 days there is a change in my body. Life is a daily challenge,but with motivation life can be successful.
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    I've just joined as I need an extra nudge to keep me going...have a tendency to give up! :embarassed:
    Is weigh in day tomorrow?
    Look forward to meeting everyone. :flowerforyou:
    Sarah x
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome Sarah. Yes, weigh in day is tomorrow. I will post a new topic every morning and it will have the day's date in the title so no one gets confused and everyone can reply with their weight.

    ♥ Diana