I need some support

Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
Hey .... I posted this a blog not really wanting everybody to see it .... I really need support right cause I am going through.

I had my ultrasound Thursday ..... OMG... The ultrasound was not that bad transvag.... I'v had 3 others before. I just can't get use to that probe. Anyway.... they found a huge clot in the uterus and this is my second to date. So a DNC is in my very near future (the 4th). I was told this is very serious due to the fact I've had a clot in my lung in 2005.

That's not all.... I have visible cysts in my overies .... and a fibroid.

Dude..... WTF.

I took the news like a solider went home shed my tears alone. I know the risk I run by continuing my path of TTC. I just don't know how much longer I can take the physical wear and tear of my spirit and of my soul. I don't want another procedure.... my labs came back ... not too good. So I am in need of another transfusion... the 4th. My dear husband took the news in stride. For the last six years I always seem to be in the hospital around this time of the year.

He just got a new postion within his company and now has to resign to take care of me during my recovery. He won't listien ... I told him don't do it but he has already made his mind up. He knows what is involved in my recovery and don't want to leave that to anyone else. I feel so bad .... he won't listen to my reason. And yet I think he's not feeling the new assignment anyway.

I don't want to hinder his progress. We all make a sacrifice to make this dream happen.

I am sad and yet I know I need to be strong ... this is gonna be a tough road.

I'll be ok.....

Thanks for listening


  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    So sorry, I can't even imagine :(

    You are being very strong, and you are lucky your hubby is so supportive! There are things to be grateful for! Keep fighting!
  • powellfam2006
    powellfam2006 Posts: 391 Member
    Stay strong...and hugs to you!!!
  • subtract2add
    subtract2add Posts: 4 Member
    Work is work. It is just that. Be thankful that he loves and cares for you so much that he is willing to do this to take care of you! Keep your chin up, you'll get through this! <3 hugs!
  • Caryn03
    Caryn03 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear all this. I can't imagine the wear and tear on your body, heart and soul. Hang in there and know that we are all pulling for you and hoping for a strong and better outcome for you. We are here if you need to talk or a shoulder to cry on.
  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    I am so sorry. That's all I can say I don't think there is anything else to say. Pray that you have a good recovery and that one day you can have a healthy successful pregnancy.