Testimony from the founder

Ksumare Posts: 62 Member
Hello, beautiful, amazing, powerful women of God. I would just like to welcome our new members to our little community and apologize for my brief absence from our group. I found out I was pregnant in October 2012 and was sooooo ecstatic because so many doctors told me that it would not happen for me again. After losing about 30lbs with MFP, I guess my body was finally healthy enough to conceive. I had been meeting with several doctors and fertility specialists who told me it would take a lot of time and money before I would be able have another child. BUT my GOD...OUR GOD, blessed me in a miraculous way and I was able to get pregnant without any drugs, or medical intervention.

I had such a troublesome pregnancy with my first son, (Preeclampsia, High BP, Gestational Diabetes, obesity, emergency C-section and My C-section wound came completely undone four days after delivery) So this time my doctor wanted me to NOT gain more than 10 pounds throughout my entire pregnancy...WHAT????? 10 pounds! My last pregnancy I gained about 40lbs! I thought it would be impossible, but through the grace of GOD I have only gained 8lbs and I am due in 6 weeks.

SO I am writing this simply to encourage you. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. I never thought I would be able to control my diet and live a healthy lifestyle (especially during pregnancy) the way that I have. I now have complete power over what I eat and how much I eat. I seriously eat to live, instead of living to eat. I can't wait to be able to start my health and exercise routine again after delivery.

I am asking for all of your prayers that this birth be as miraculous as the conception. Please pray for a speedy recovery and my increased faith. I thank God for each of you and hope that you would continue to share your stories and testimonies with each other, and most importantly continue to pray for each other. Please add me as your friend and let's stay connected through the love of Jesus Christ!!


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Yay! What a great testimony! Thanks for sharing!
  • blaqpepa
    blaqpepa Posts: 67 Member
    Congratulations! And thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony! Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever! He will help you through your delivery and recovery! Put everything in his hands!
    Will keep you in my prayers!
  • noahsmama33
    noahsmama33 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. Will be lifting you and baby up in prayer!