Hey all newbies, intros please!



  • ladycanman
    ladycanman Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all! I Marsha and I have been here awhile. I have lost 32 lbs. (by the physician's scale though I have lost 36). I started out at 294 (I was determined not to hit (or go over) 300 lbs. I am now down to 261.8 and I am loving this. My ideal weight would be 140-150 lbs. I know it isn't going to happen soon but everyday counts. I cannot remember a time I wasn't over weight :sad: I will do it this time!! Look forward to getting to know everyone on this fabulous journey we are on!
  • ERICA0185
    ERICA0185 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, my name is Erica and I started off at 275. My goal is to be 199(under 200 lol). I have struggled with my weight most of my 28 years, and recently I found MFP and I am amazed at how much I have been over eating,but after just 10 days I am down to 272!!!
  • pziehl
    pziehl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. I'm 45 years old and have been somewhat of a yo-yo dieter all my life. I wasn't extremely overweight until after I had my kids. I'm 5'3" and currently weigh 213. I started back on MFP about 8 weeks ago when I was up to 231.5. My first goal is to get down to about 170, I will be super psyched when that happens. My final goal is to be down to about 135. I think that would be a healthy weight for me to be at. I have to boys ages 10 and 14. They are both really good baseball players and are on travel teams. We are about to get in to the busy season with them that we do a lot of traveling. I am really worried that it will be difficult to eat healthy while we are away. I have been doing the running program CP25K and am really proud of how well I've done. It's not easy running (more like jogging when you are this weight). I could use any extra support I can get so feel free to add me as a friend. We can do this!!!
  • sansueg
    sansueg Posts: 2 Member
    31 years old, 5'8", 226lbs
    Mother to two boys, gave birth in January
    I'm really intrigued by paleo and I'm already dairy and soy free for my nursling. I'd like to get to the point where I'm comfortable with AIP Paleo to try to address an autoimmune-related degenerative skin disease which doctors seem unable to help me with.
    I'm also going to my first Overeaters Anonymous meeting tomorrow morning.

    So if you can relate to me and want to help keep me on track, I'd love to add some friends!
  • jryepan
    jryepan Posts: 36
    19 years old 5'5" 202 lbs
    Hey everyone! I'm Jackie and my goal is be around 150ish which was my high school weight when I played volleyball. I'm familiar to working out, but my eating habits are horrible. Hope to find some motivation and support here!
  • AprilMae1975
    AprilMae1975 Posts: 726
    Hey ladies!!! I've been on MFP for a few months now. I needed to lose about 40 pounds or more before my hysterectomy in December, then after surgery I gained 10-12 pounds (ugh) I have lost 8 of those nasty pounds but have so far to go! I am a happily married mom of 3 kids and finding time to cook healthy and exercise is not easy. I am so excited you started this group!
  • jeslynn24
    jeslynn24 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Y'all, I joined MFP earlier this month and I'm getting familiar with it. I'm 33 y/o standing at 5'2'' and SW was 243.2 and sitting currently at 236.7. My ultimate goal is to be healthy and love myself :smooched: . I find it difficult but I keep pushing forward. Looking for encouragement and motivation, feel free to add me. :drinker: Thank you for starting a group like this!
  • Hey all!

    I'm 28yrs old, 5ft7 and I weighed 272 last I checked.

    I have been your dieting, losing, gaining for years now, it's time to finally get it off and keep it off!

    I used to be really active and my job kept me running and on my feet all day, now I work seated for 8hrs a day, it's really added to the weight gain.

    I'm here for support and to support!