Intuitive Eating Check-ins



  • amancoba
    amancoba Posts: 3
    Hi all,

    So, I got the book and am reading it. It's been very helpful, so thank you for the suggestion. Previously, I've read Paul McKenna's "I can make you thin" which outlines the principles of intuitive eating, but this book offers so many more suggestions for dealing with specific issues. I'm definately an emotional eater, and I'll also eat without hunger when I'm bored, or especially at parties after a few drinks.

    The logging in to MFP definately made me binge-y, so I stopped that altogether. I spent a week eating a bunch of junk food (mostly potato chips) when I wasn't hungry and I felt pretty crummy about myself. After renewing my desire to be free of dieting, controlling myself with food, controlling my emotions with food, and generally feeling like I was punishing myself for being a human being (I seem to punish and reward myself with food), I was ready to recommit to Intuitive Eating. That said, I was surprised by so many of the examples of diet thinking the book provided- I was not aware of how much I was judging my food (clearly represented in bingeing on potato chips first thing when I was feeling down).

    In the past, I've gotten tired and overwhelmed by the hyperconscious way I eat when starting out again with IE. Not dsitracting by eating while reading or watching video clips, etc. Focusing on the flavors and savoring bites for some reason was annoying after awhile. However, I know that I must get through this phase, and the fact that the book references this as a stage people go through when starting out with IE was extremely helpful.

    I didn't overeat today, but I did nosh on some things when I wasn't particularly hungry. During lunch, I did the mid-meal check-in and it was very intereting. I also ntoiced when the food was less tasty and when I naturally kind of exhaled when I was already done with the meal intuitively. After an hour or two, I was neutral and ate a few bites of my remaining lunch and had a few chocolates for a dessert. I'm not giving myself a hard time, just noticing that I did it.

    I'm meeting a friend for ice cream and dinner tonight, but I'm not feeling particularly hungry yet and we're meeting in 2 hours. I'll just see what I'm in the mood for when we meet up. I might just get a cocktail or have a bite or two of the ice cream and really savor it if I'm not hungry by then.

    Thanks for setting up this group!
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    I have been logging my food for so long, i don't know how to not do it. if i don't for a day (because i give myself permission to not track on the weekends-paying attention to IE), i get nervous and go back and track. i don't like it, but it makes me anxious. so, i have to start slowly in not logging my food. but, once i get the IE down and don't need to follow a meal plan, i will probably be more relaxed.

    What i find strange, for me, is that i log my food and drink, but i pay NO attention to any patterns. it's like once i have done logging, i don't want to know what the pattern is. does that mean i shouldn't be logging? that's what it seems like to me. but all the things i read say that journaling is what helps wake up the brain to what is going on and to make changes. it TERRIFIES me to think that i won't log my food/drinks one of these days. that would mean i trust my body. can i do that after so many years of not trusting it?
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Honestly I don't know. I am not sure how successful I am at intuitive eating. I really love the idea of it, and I would really love to get there but I run into alot of road blocks. I eat too much at times, and at other times I eat too little. I also think I probably don't get in enough protein to support my goals. For now, I've kind of gone back to it although I think I will take 1-2 days a week "unplugged" because mentally, I really need that break.
    I will admit, I don't really trust myself. I have come a long way with listening to my hunger/fullness signals, but I haven't really gotten to the point where I choose the right kinds of foods when I don't track. Then again, sometimes I have the same problem when I do track. LOL.
    Off days are bound to happen, and if you are logging or not, its important to look at those off days and ask yourself what happened. Being overtired, overtraining, stress, emotions, etc...those are all circumstances that are going to mess with our ability to eat intuitively (and well). Logging is not an insurance policy against having bad days, nor is it a reason to allow food and calorie counting to take over your life. I think its all about balance and the right perspective. When it becomes stressing, its time to back away. Ultimately I feel like you should log if you want to and feel like it, and have the right perspective towards it-one that is geared towards properly fueling and not towards restriction.
    HOWEVER. I think if you are training for any kind of an athletic event (race, competition, etc.) I think occasional (or more frequent) logging is important, not because of any kind of restriction, but to make sure you are getting in enough macro and micronutrients to be able to support your training.
    RIght now, as I'm getting ready for a powerlifting meet, I will definitely be logging my food so that my training doesn't suffer as a result of not getting in enough protein. The last meet I prepared for I really did alot of going back and forth with logging/not logging. As much as I would love to give up logging, I know that this is not really the time for me to undertake this challenge!
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    i am doing pretty good with this process. still have a ways to go, but i am noticing a LOT less focus on food througout the day. i eat when i am hungry or @ scheduled meal time. really don't eat any other time, especially when it would be for an emotional reason. i am still sort of hung up on the weight thing, but that i very slowly going to not being any interest to me.
  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    doing okay. not really paying attention. i guess i am doing well, since i am not as focused on my weight or the # on the scale. i am getting more exercise, but not pushing myself past my comfort zone or desire to exercise.