Splitting the bill?

ninashh Posts: 12 Member
I'm a little new to the pescatarian / vegetarian lifestyle (3 months) but what's the etiquette in terms of splitting the bill with steak-loving friends? I've done it on the past three occasions but I'm wondering if you guys know of a polite way out? My entrees tend to be a fraction of the price and I can't help but feel like I'm overpaying.

For example, last week a group of us went to a pricey steakhouse (it was an occasion & I didn't choose the restaurant). I enjoyed the salad bar (it really was awesome) but even though my meal was about $20, I ended up paying nearly $100. Anyone find themselves in similar situations?


  • perrinjoshua
    perrinjoshua Posts: 286 Member
    I always pay my own way, even without eating steak (I'm vegan), I don't drink either, so there is really no reason to pay more than I consume. If they are good friends and you explain your rationale, I'm sure they won't think you rude. If they are just acquaintances, really, why would you share if you are not all having approximately the same meal? Just my thoughts.
  • massed
    massed Posts: 6
    Indeed, in group events like this, it is always better that each individual pays their own bill. Just tell the waitress upfront and they will accommodate the group. Be sure to leave a reasonable tip.
  • PomegranatePear
    PomegranatePear Posts: 9 Member
    drop it into conversation casually with 'eating out is so much cheaper since becoming vegetarian' or 'this place is really good value for vegetarians'!