
KristiCee67 Posts: 71 Member
Hi...just found this group and it sounds like a great goal! I'm a preschool teacher and I love Halloween. I bought a cute Wolf costume last year and it was too tight. It would be great to be able to wear it this year!

I just started MyFitnessPal this weekend. I love how easy it is and I think this thing might really work for me. I'm excited.

I would like to lost 100 pounds. Whoa. That sounds like so much. It is. But I can do it. I think. :)



  • pandabagpuss
    pandabagpuss Posts: 16 Member

    I'm Sally and I'm from Sheffield in the UK. I'm 24 (well actually 23 but it's my birthday on Sunday! :-)) I am about 5'4" and currently weigh 80 kgs (176lbs), so my target weight by Halloween (well 26th Oct really as it's my friends wedding) is 62kg (136lbs). I lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle at the moment thanks to 2 years of serious health issues but I'm determined to loose all this weight I've put on in the last couple of years, and this seems like a great challenge. :-)

    Feel free to add me.

  • yurika975
    yurika975 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi all! I just joined the group. I'll be using mfp more often as I work to meet my goal. I want to lose weight for my jan bday. Halloween is a good point to strive for too. I'm anxious to know what steps I can make by then. I have costumes that I would not dare buy as some of that material is not too forgiving lol. Good luck to all!
  • terriejones
    terriejones Posts: 518 Member
    Hi, I'm Terrie.

    I'm starting this group at 163 lbs. and though I'd like to lose 40 by Halloween, I know with my Type 1 diabetes and the hot weather coming on, that 40 is out of the question. I'm going to try for 20 and hope to bypass that and lose more.

    I don't have air conditioning and I workout at home so when the weather hits the 90's+ I really slow down. I'll try to swim when I get the chance and this group will keep me motivated to do all I can. My other challenge group ends the end of July so this is great!
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Nicole and I have been on MFP since December. I have lost 56 lbs (some before joining MFP). I have 20ish more to lose but will likely need to lose more, so I think I actually have about 30 more to lose. Super excited to fit into a sexy halloween costume this year ;D
  • cklapk1
    cklapk1 Posts: 63 Member
    Hello!! This seems like a great group :) My name's Christine, and I've lost 40 pounds since last september. I'd really like to reach my goal of 40 more pounds lost by november. it's going to be difficult, but this should be good motivation to keep my momentum through the summer. :) Feel free to add me!
  • sara_gets_fit
    sara_gets_fit Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I am Sara!
    I am 5'7" and 20yrs old, and my birthday is Nov. 5th, so Halloween would be an AWESOME goal to get down so that I can have an awesome time looking and feeling great for my 21st!
    I began MFP at 175lbs, I am currently at 164lbs. My ULTIMATE goal would be to get to the 130's and maintain and TONE UP! Not sure if I will be down the 40lbs in 5 months (and yes, I am counting from my starting weight from 175), but it is definitely something to aim for!
  • Evoken
    Evoken Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Guys,
    I have been a member on MFP for over 1 year. I lost 18lbs and then went on a month's vacation and gained it all back. But this time around I am pretty dedicated **fingers crossed** . :tongue: I am 29 :grumble: and I am 5 feet 2 inches tall (or we may say short):wink: My problem is consistency,. I get demotivated very quickly and then i start binging and skipping gym. I work well when I am a part of some challenge, then the real warrior in me wakes up for the competition. I recently started C25K an i am on Week 2 Day 3 of the program. I am super pumped to join this group and start a challenge. I lift too.. but these day i am focusing on Cardio. Once i finish this C25k I will get back to lifting. Hope to make some new friends and kick some fats of this body of mine :glasses:

  • Nes453
    Nes453 Posts: 2
    Hi Everyone!
    My name is Nicole. I've been a member of MFP for a while, but haven't really taken it seriously. As of today, I'm at 160 lbs. Losing 40 lbs by Halloween would be great since my birthday is right at the end of October...what a great birthday present to myself! I will be your biggest cheerleader and I hope you'll be mine :)
  • Mom2my3girls
    Mom2my3girls Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, My name is Stephanie and I am excited to join this group. Halloween is a little over 22 weeks from now and I would like to lose 44 lbs by that time. 44lbs would put me in Onederland! My husband and my 7 year anniversary is October 21st and being in the hundreds would be a wonderful present for both of us. We can do this!
  • pinkiecarrie
    pinkiecarrie Posts: 18 Member
    My name is Carrie. I'm so excited about this group. I'm a big obsessed when it comes to Halloween, so this group is perfect. My goal is to wear a costume this year. I've been so overweight that nothing looks right, so I'm hoping this year to drop some pounds so I can buy something cute and fit it. Good luck to everyone!
  • hellokeeters
    hellokeeters Posts: 11 Member
    Hello. My name is Abby, I have been using MFP for a week now and lost 2 lbs :D I have over a 100 lbs to lose so losing 40 by Halloween will be great! Also, since I'm still pretty new, I could use more friends in here. The last couple of years I have been wearing the same Strawberry Shortcake outfit because the new one I bought did not fit properly :( Hoping to fit into it this year.. Good luck everybody!
  • vrmqueen
    vrmqueen Posts: 25 Member
    This is fantastic. I definitely need something to keep me accountable to my weight loss goal. I have lost 19 lbs in the last 8 weeks doing a biggest loser contest, and I have about 30 lbs to go. Feel free to add me on so we can support each other to accomplish our goals.

    We can do this!
  • CnCStoughton
    CnCStoughton Posts: 2 Member
  • ceschlorff
    ceschlorff Posts: 1
    Hi. I'm Caitlin...I am trying to lose about 60 pounds...hopefully this goal will help me to achieve my overall goal :-)
  • katie8485
    katie8485 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi. My name is Katie. I am a 27 year old mother of 2. Sarah (5) and Seth (2). I love Halloween, it is my favorite holiday!!! Well, that and Christmas. =0) I would love to dress up and look GOOD for once in my costume. For the last 6 years I have felt so bad about myself I have not even tried to find a costume. I weigh 222 lbs right now and am looking to lose 90-100 lbs total. 40 lbs by Halloween sounds great and it also will make me look good for my anniversary 2 days later. Add me if you would like to. =0)
  • FitWithMae
    FitWithMae Posts: 68 Member
    I am Heather. I started my journey to a healthier me somewhere in the lovely 300's. My heaviest I remember being was 350, that was in 2009. I am 132 lbs lighter, but still OBESE! I have found myself super motivated since the birth of my second child in September. I feel like I can totally get to my goal. 40 lbs by Halloween would put me ever so close to a goal I thought I would never reach! Let's do this. :)
  • sreyno07
    sreyno07 Posts: 1
    I am Sheila. I have lost and regained weight with the birth of every child. I am really trying hard to lose it for good this time. I have been using MFP and fitbit since the first of the year and am about 20 pounds lighter. I would love to lose about 20 more by Halloween...since that is my B-DAY! :) I am looking forward to the support of the group!!!!
  • lynette0502
    lynette0502 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Lynette. I am 33 years old and mother to 3 children (13, 12 and 9). I have started and stopped MFP so many times, it makes my head spin. This time around, I have decided to give a group a try. Several years ago I was on a different site and had great success with group scenarios.

    I have 100+ pounds to lose. If I can lose 47 by Halloween, I will be in Onederland and I will be so happy.

    I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone in the group. Please feel free to add me as a friend, and let's get this thing going!
  • ToLoveMe
    ToLoveMe Posts: 16
    YES! This is just what I need. A goal date with others! Not sure if this group will show up in my feed on my app, so add me as a friend if you want. I need it!!! PLEASE! We're gonna do this!
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello there I'm Elley, even if I can get close to this by October would be great. Haven't been able to exercise in a few weeks due to my feet problems. Thought it was tendonitis flair up went to the podiatrist and he feels it's something else so now have to see a rheumatologist next month. Have to find something that I do though. Can't do hand weights or toning bands either due to my carpel tunnel flair ups. But I know that I have to do something like I'm used to doing. Should be so much "lighter" now but I'm not. This is a great time frame to get a jumping and losing something..