No time to work out!

I am a mom of 2 and married to a man who has a busy evening schedule which means I'm home with the kids (I have 2) I work all day.... Which leaves me no time to go to the gym, are there any effective and short DVDs that you guys could suggest for me?


  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    I have a very busy schedule too, I work out very early in the morning before work. My favorite videos that are short are:

    Jillian Michaels: Ripped in 30 (not 30 day shred)

    Personal Training with Jackie: 30 day fast start

    I love it rotate these videos so I don't get bored but they've been great for me!
  • Siniharmaa
    Siniharmaa Posts: 6 Member

    I work outside home and study for a degree.. so busy describes my days well. Exercise is a must in this combination, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep up with this hectic schedule (and be able to play with my kids too!)! 30 minutes a day makes a big difference and gives me more energy :smile: .

    I have tried several workout DVDs and different instructors during the past few years and my favorite is definitely Kelly Coffey-Meyer. She has a workout dvd series calles "30 Minutes to Fitness", each workout is approximately 30 minutes. She has kickboxing, boxing, weight workouts, step workouts, circuit workouts, body weight workout...
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Hi, I'm married with 3 children and a full time job.

    I workout at 6am 5 mornings a week for 30 - 40 minutes whilst everyone is still asleep.#

    My ultimate favourite site is but I also cruise YouTube for free workouts that reflect my mood at the time.

    It can be done!
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    Oh and don't forget Jillian Micheals, her workouts are highly effectived and most can be done in 20 -30 minutes, you'll KNOW you've done a workout!
  • raeraebeau
    Wow you look amazing!
    Hi, I'm married with 3 children and a full time job.

    I workout at 6am 5 mornings a week for 30 - 40 minutes whilst everyone is still asleep.#

    My ultimate favourite site is but I also cruise YouTube for free workouts that reflect my mood at the time.

    It can be done!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
  • Treadmillmom1st
    Treadmillmom1st Posts: 579 Member
    I am a mom of 2 and married to a man who has a busy evening schedule which means I'm home with the kids (I have 2) I work all day.... Which leaves me no time to go to the gym, are there any effective and short DVDs that you guys could suggest for me?

    Thank you for your compliment.

    So how is going? Have you managed to find time for yourself?
  • MaryC830
    MaryC830 Posts: 6 Member
    How old are your kids? Several years ago (when mine were 2 and 4) I used to do my workouts at home with them. Sometimes it was hard to focus 100%, but a lot of the time they would join in.

    I've used a lot of DVD's- it just depends on how much time you have. Beachbody has a lot of good workouts if you want to spend the money (I like P90X and Slim in 6) and then there are a ton that are much more affordable. I use a lot of the Jillian Michael's ones, and then I have a few yoga DVD's that I throw in the mix.

    Also, if you have a Wii Fit, while it's not the best workout in the world, it could be something to do with your kids... get you moving a little bit and get them moving too.
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    I have two small kids and a full time job and I have recently started getting up before everyone else and doing Jillian Michael's 90 Body Revolution. The workouts are definately working. After just 4 days I can tell a difference and my pants are a little looser. Plus it gives me some extra umphf to keep up with the kids, work and life in general. You can do me!
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I work full-time and I am a single mom full time (ex lives out of state). I find if I don't work out before the day starts I struggle to get it in later because there is always something after work I have to do. So I work out at 5 or 5:30AM while my son is in bed. He is almost 7 and if I am hitting the exercise hard I can't focus when he's talking to me or constantly walking in front or behind me which is frustrating. So dvds I usually try to do when he is in bed. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way and I just make it work. Or if I have time on a day I'll go for a power walk while my son rides his bike.

    Something that helps me for morning work outs is to get all my workout gear out and ready at night. Also choose the exercise dvd and put it in. So in the morning I pulled on my workout clothes, shoes, potty. get water. and get exercising!

    Depends on what type of exercise you like but I like Biiggest Loser Cardio Max, Walk Away the Pounds (varying miles and intensity), Jillian Michaels (I have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones and Yoga), I also love Bob Harper dvds and he often has them on sale for only $5 on his website.

    Another idea is running or jogging. I have stuck to videos for now since I don't have anyone to stay home with my little one while I run. But if your hubby is home you could possibly swing it. My goal is in the next month or two to do the Couch to 5K program in the afternoon with my son either riding his bike or running with me but the tricky part is finding time after work to consistently do it. I will have to pick days and times and schedule it in or it won't happen.

    You can make it work :) Good luck!
  • kimjj1025
    kimjj1025 Posts: 29 Member
    I work full-time and I am a single mom full time (ex lives out of state). I find if I don't work out before the day starts I struggle to get it in later because there is always something after work I have to do. So I work out at 5 or 5:30AM while my son is in bed. He is almost 7 and if I am hitting the exercise hard I can't focus when he's talking to me or constantly walking in front or behind me which is frustrating. So dvds I usually try to do when he is in bed. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way and I just make it work. Or if I have time on a day I'll go for a power walk while my son rides his bike.

    Something that helps me for morning work outs is to get all my workout gear out and ready at night. Also choose the exercise dvd and put it in. So in the morning I pulled on my workout clothes, shoes, potty. get water. and get exercising!

    Depends on what type of exercise you like but I like Biiggest Loser Cardio Max, Walk Away the Pounds (varying miles and intensity), Jillian Michaels (I have Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones and Yoga), I also love Bob Harper dvds and he often has them on sale for only $5 on his website.

    Another idea is running or jogging. I have stuck to videos for now since I don't have anyone to stay home with my little one while I run. But if your hubby is home you could possibly swing it. My goal is in the next month or two to do the Couch to 5K program in the afternoon with my son either riding his bike or running with me but the tricky part is finding time after work to consistently do it. I will have to pick days and times and schedule it in or it won't happen.

    You can make it work :) Good luck!

    I sleep in my workout clothes...they are close to PJ's anyways, then I put my shoes and socks right next to the door. Then I literally have no excuses not to workout other than I'm too lazy to get up and go to the basement. Lazy and I don't get along too well, but sometimes she rears her ugly head and then I feel guilty because I only have to put my shoes on. :tongue:
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I just have to squeeze in a workout late at night. The gym at our apt complex is 24hrs. I can't workout early in the mornings because it takes like an hr to flat iron my hair for work. I just go after dinner. Its tough but worth it!
  • Jesskeepmoving
    Jesskeepmoving Posts: 26 Member
    I try to workout first thing in the morning while everyone is sleep. I do Insanity but that workout is approximatly 43 minutes. I use to do Slim in 6 which is around 30 minutes or Brazilian Butt Lift.