
hbar98 Posts: 39
edited November 2024 in Social Groups

Let's get things started with some introductions. I'll go first.

I'm the pastor of a small, rural SB church in southern Illinois. I've bee there officially for 6, going on 7 years. I used to fall into the "fat preacher" category, but I have since tried to lose weight and shape up. It is difficult, let me tell you, especially when the ladies of the church bring in their delicious meals on birthday fellowship Sunday.

I also have a secular job...I'm bi-vocational...where I work as a warehouse manager for a molded rubber factory.

I enjoy camping (rarely get to do it), photography, my dog and cooking.

So, who else is around here??


  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    howdy to you!!!!

    My name is Leigh (pronounced like Lee) and i was raised southern baptist from the time i was ten months old living with my grandparents and my mother. I still attend a southern baptist church that is growing leaps and bounds and doing great things for God.
    I sing in the choir on the sundays that i do not work.

    Southern baptists do believe in some good home cookin...hehe.....homecomings are my favorite!!!
    I am married to a hard working, loving man and have been for 9.5 years....i look forward to making lots of friends in this group
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    My name is Terry. I just joined the other day. I'm here not so much for support, but for a social outlet for like-minded people.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    My name is Rachel and I go to Bible Baptist Church in OK. I wish there were more members here!
  • joshuamilehman
    joshuamilehman Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Joshua. I go to Concord in Jefferson City, MO. I have been a southern baptist for most of my life, I regrettable tried running away from God but am now back and happier than ever.

    If I remember correctly no one can serve God and man, I don't think you should be a bi-vocational pastor. I'm assuming financially the Church can't support a full time Pastor? Try suing the government for funding if you can't find it yourself, to be full time so you can spread the word of God in your local community. I myself regrettably attended secular universities, public schools, and even the military. I wasted years of my life working and learning in areas that God would not be pleased with. The government should pay us to stay home so we don't violate our Christian faith trying to support churches or our families if their aren't enough Christian businesses. Remember the constitution is based off of the Bible. Freedom of religion means a separation of church and state not the freedom to worship false God's.

    A pastor shouldn't have other work, you never know when someone will be in need of the word of God. The government violates our Christian rights regularly, we can't work anywhere that condones alcohol, tobacco, pornography, sex before marriage, women in management, debt, etc. Our tax dollars go to barbaric things like the death penalty (remember officials killed Jesus) and teaching abortion and safe sex and all this other garbage in public schools. We learned about false God's as early as 5th grade and "tolerance for other beliefs". Now even the VA and military condone disgusting things like sodomy.
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