New to the group - introducing myself

I'm sure that some of you are on the P.C.O.Sis group, but I just found this group and so glad I found it. I'm Stacy in January I was 265 lbs and started a biggest looser competition and decided to get my health on track because my husband and I had not gotten pregnant in 8 months of trying and during the first 5 months I gained 35 lbs. Shortly after the challenge started I changed primary care DR, and she put all the pieces together, my weight did not match my lifestyle (not saying that I was always perfect by I worked out 45 minutes a day, and tried to make most of my meals healthy of course would get frustrated and eat some not so healthy things). I had hair on my face, my weight was held in my stomach, I have anxiety, high blood pressure, my cycle was about a 40 day cycle with very heavy periods and a good amount of blood clots (Sorry TMI), I also was always hungry.

In January my DR started me on Metformin and said that if we were not pregnant 6 months later we would start on clomid. Fast forward to May and I'm still trying to conceive but I now weight 209 lbs! My because of my success my DR started me on Clomid and I just finished my first round of clomid on Saturday so haven't had my first ovulation yet on Clomid. I am going to continue on the weight loss regimen I am on until I am below 200 then I am going to try to maintain to help with getting pregnant. If I loose weight while trying to maintain I will be fine because at least I will be eating enough food.


  • tgentry013
    tgentry013 Posts: 1
    WifeofPJ, Congrats on your weight loss journey so far!

    I am also new to the group. I recently turned 35 and have gone back to hitting my highest weight ever: 235. I was diagnosed with PCOS in my mid-20s. I have been on birth controls pills though since college, since they had found ovarian cysts back then, but I guess it wasn't as common or my doctor didn't know about it at the time. All of a sudden, with no changes in exercise or diet, I found myself in my later 20s weighing 235, when I was usually around 150-160lbs at 5'6". I would say 160 is a healthy weight for me as I do have a fairly muscular physique from playing soccer all my life.

    At age 29, I changed careers; however, the final task I had to accomplish to be accepted was to pass a fitness test. I knew I couldn't do it at my current weight so I hired a personal trainer. Through just increasing exercise and changing my eating habits, I was able to get back down to about 158 in less than a year and be accepted to the job I wanted.

    Things were going great for awhile; however, after being moved and then going back to working behind a desk 8-5 most days the weight started slowly creeping back up. The difference though is I workout at least 5 days a week, usually 6 or 7. And when I workout out it is usually intense: circuit classes, strength class, spinning, and training with a personal trainer each week. My eating is not out of control, although I know I need to be more consistent with it; however, it is nowhere near as bad as what the scale is showing.

    I am now engaged to my original trainer. We plan on getting married early next year and don't plan on waiting too long before trying to conceive, because of our ages (me - 35, him - almost 34) and I know the best chance of me getting pregnant is to lose weight. I have used SparkPeople for years, but I recently learned about others using this site and I like that it takes into account your activity for the day as well. I am hoping it will be the change I need to be more consistent.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Seen you in the other group :)
    Welcome to this one!