5/30 Pre Challenge Day -2

JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
Good morning and welcome to day -2 of the 30 Day Challenge. (-2 because it's 2 days until June 1st, which is the real start date of our 30 Day Challenge)

Yesterday was a really long day for me. I spent 11.5 hours at the Magic Kingdom with my family. I had a pedometer with me so I could see how many steps I would take...well, I almost had a pedometer with me. My husband insisted that an App on my phone would work just as well. So I downloaded Runtastic PRO, which is supposed to be one of the best pedometer apps out there. It was nice. It counted my distance, my calories, my speed, my pace, my time, my elevation...everything but my actual steps. What we didn't anticipate was how fast it would drain my phone battery. I had to shut it off after 2 hours because my battery was already at the halfway mark. After 2 hours I had walked 1 mile, so I can only speculate how many miles I actually walked. I would say at least 5 though. I'm going to buy an actual pedometer today.

Before we got to the park, we decided to stop somewhere for lunch. We chose the Olive Garden. I know, I know. What was I thinking? I was fully prepared to order the Venetian Apricot Chicken, which has only 400 calories and is quite good, but my husband insisted I try this new Parmesan Crusted Chicken thing-a-ma-jig. I said, "Do you have any idea how many calories must be in that?!?" Which he justified by reminding me of how much walking I would be doing that day. So I got it. When I got home and logged it into MFP I discovered it had 1090 calories in it!!!!! 1090 CALORIES!!! It wasn't even that good. For something to have 1090 calories it should taste like heaven. It should taste like the most spectacular thing you've ever tasted in your life and it should give you money.

I blame my husband.

But even with the Olive Garden epic fail, I wasn't that bad. I didn't get around to the "push up challenge" yesterday but I'll get back on it. My plan for today is to stay under my calorie count, do at least 9 girly push ups, and exercise for at least 30 minutes.

What's your plan for today?

"Bigger snacks mean bigger slacks."

♥ Diana


  • sarahdmccallum
    sarahdmccallum Posts: 23 Member
    Today I have nothing planned for the evening. So after my regular commute, cycling to and from work (10km or 6 miles) each way, I am going to hit the elliptical. The goal is about 45 minutes plus doing my regular workout challenge. I am on day 4 of a 30 day squat/pushup/crunches challenge with my coworkers. Today is 65 squats, 7 perfect pushups (I make my partner spot me) and 40 crunches. Im still trying to work off some extra calories from last weekend, and am trying to front load for this weekend, because I know I wont work out as much as I want to.
    I was pretty proud of myself last night. I went to the pub after my dodge ball game, like we do pretty much every Wednesday night and I passed on the wings, ribs, and nachos that were in abundance around me. Instead of drinking I chose to be the dd and have a diet coke instead! Hooray for willpower!
  • JurneyEve
    JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
    Wow Sarah! That's some incredible will power you have. I also give you props for exercising above and beyond your 12 mile bike ride to and from work everyday because I'd probably just stop there. You're an inspiration!

    ♥ Diana
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Laughed out loud at your realization that the Parmesan Chicken was 1090 calories!! Laughing WITH you - not AT you! Been there many times... (like a couple weeks ago after I ate a large movie popcorn) but, your husband was right in that walking around Magic Kingdom probably burned up a bunch of calories!! Oh well, gotta splurge once in awhile - especially on vacation. My goal today is to stay under my calories after the overload yesterday. Tomorrow is weigh-in day for me. :noway: So... we'll see!!! Have a great day everyone!
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Today I have nothing planned for the evening. So after my regular commute, cycling to and from work (10km or 6 miles) each way, I am going to hit the elliptical. The goal is about 45 minutes plus doing my regular workout challenge. I am on day 4 of a 30 day squat/pushup/crunches challenge with my coworkers. Today is 65 squats, 7 perfect pushups (I make my partner spot me) and 40 crunches. Im still trying to work off some extra calories from last weekend, and am trying to front load for this weekend, because I know I wont work out as much as I want to.
    I was pretty proud of myself last night. I went to the pub after my dodge ball game, like we do pretty much every Wednesday night and I passed on the wings, ribs, and nachos that were in abundance around me. Instead of drinking I chose to be the dd and have a diet coke instead! Hooray for willpower!

    Good for you!! I am weak willed against nachos!!
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    Sarah - I totally agree, fantastic job on the willpower at the pub! That's a whole lot of temptation to avoid.

    Today was a reasonable day for me...got in 30 minutes on the treadmill and will be under on calories today. No push-ups for me today; I think I overdid something at yoga yesterday, because my shoulder's been cranky all day. Since I want to hit the 5:30 class tomorrow morning, I'm taking today as a rest day for upper body.
  • Rav3nfan
    Rav3nfan Posts: 24 Member
    Worked out extra hard today on the treadmill -- 38 minutes, 16.41 average pace, 400 Calories burned!!!! I'm feeling great:happy: