Suddenly my knee hurts...

juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
I have been a constant 10 k runner for over a year now, 3-4 times a month i do 10k on a weekend, and other shorter distances ever once and a while..

All of a sudden, my knees started hurting last week when i did an 11 k...

I haven't changed anything, same running landscape (on street), same shoes, no other injuries, Why would it suddenly start hurting?

Last week after the run I Iced my knees, and took a week off any exercise that involved bending my knees other than walking.

Today i thought I would try and see if it happened.. i did a very light and easy 3.5 k and the pain came back in the left knee, and forced me to walk. I even wore more supportive shoes with insoles and tried changing my running form, but it still came back. (only in one knee though)

I don't want to make an injury worse, but i don't want to get sidelined either..

Any suggestions from people who have experienced knee pain? did it go away? how long did you need to rest?
any thing that helped? eg, KT tape, joint supplements, anything?

I just want to run.. :(


  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Depends on if your knee is the problem or the symptom. In many cases it is the symptom and the issue is tightness or glute medius strength. Do you stretch your IT bands? If not that coud be the issue. Any easy way to have somebody examine your knee?
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Yes i usually do foam rolling for my IT bands, but mainly before/after lifting - like dead lifts, i don't always do it for running...

    Who would be the right kind of person to examine my knee? A physiotherapist?
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    A physical therapist, orthopedic or chiropractor could all take a look. May be worth a check
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Thanks for your advice!
  • Kwika
    Kwika Posts: 145 Member
    I have had two knee surgeries. One on each knee. The first for cleanup fron theowing shot put. That was right knee. Two years later I had left knee done for osteonecrosis. I still run and do half marathons and have no knee pain. I don't know where the pain is in your knee but I would strongly urge you to seek an orthopedic opinion. It could be anything mundane such as a minor tear in a ligament to a torn meniscus. My physical therapist said if it hurts don't do it. He meant exactly what you are experiencing. If you had pain during your running vut it went away while running then continue running. This is why I make this suggestion to you. My layman's opinion is something may be very wrong with your knee and yoi should get it xhecked before any more running.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Where exactly is the pain and please describe it in detail. There are two very common soft tissue injuries that come from running, Runner's Knee and IT Band Syndrome. Both of which are very simple to fix.
  • denny_menter
    denny_menter Posts: 34 Member
    I can't stress enough - go see a physical therapist if at all possible. I'm married to a PT assistant so it was easy for me.

    My knee problem was about to stop me from running. I thought I was going to have to give it up. The solution? Believe it or not, my big toes were not flexible enough. Along with a few other exercises, I was told to regularly grab my big toe and stretch it back as far as I can. By not having enough flexibility in my right toe I was altering my stride and affecting my left knee. It made perfect sense after they explained it to me even though I'm probably not doing a very good job of explaining it here.

    I'm not saying that it's the same solution for you, but it is a great example of finding the real problem instead of treating the symptom.