Why Navy??

jenwoods87 Posts: 23 Member
Recently I have been thinking a lot about this...Why the navy?

I have become good friends with someone who is currently active duty on a sub. He is currently shore duty. Hates the navy. He keeps telling me to join the AF if I really want to join the military...they have a better quality of life blah blah blah. I have family in the AF, I was going to join out of high-school but didn't. So I ask myself...why navy? Well, I love the ocean...I want to travel *on a boat...I'm on a boat" haha other than that I don't know. I have been researching the AF and the CG for 2 days..and honestly I just keep coming back to the navy.

So why Navy vs other branches?


  • A submariner is not the best person to consult for quality of life in the Navy. Their job sucks. The Navy is a wonderful option so is the AF. The Navy does tend to garner more respect then the AF from the other branches and civillians. Both branches are more tech oriented. Honestly AF bases tend to be nicer but the pay is the same and you see more of the world with the Navy. What job were you looking at pursuining inside the military? For perspective I spent 11 years in the Navy, stationed in Japan, Florida, Maine, and CA. I served onboard ship, attached to a land based squadron, and attached to a carrier based squadron. I also did shore duty. Message me if you want.
  • hrls83
    hrls83 Posts: 46
    I like the uniforms better... lol

    joking aside, I just woke up one day in high school and wanted to join the navy. idk what it was that told me navy. I didnt come from a military family. I just decided thats what I wanted to do. Then I got scared and wimped out.

    fast forward 10 years I am married and my husband is in the navy AD subs - he joined after we were married. The things I thought were scary arent anymore. Its not a bad life. I am now working on joining the reserves. I have been having that feeling of regret for not joining and i also know that no matter where my husband gets sent I will have at least a pt job.

    there are times any job in any branch that will be crappy and there will be times in every branch that will be great.

    deciding which branch to go in also comes down to what job you want and if you want to travel alot. I know a few AF families that have been stationed in the same place for 10+ years. In the navy that is kind of uncommon.
  • jenwoods87
    jenwoods87 Posts: 23 Member
    HAHA I'm glad I am not the only one who think their uniforms are better! Although women get the short end of the stick..especially with dress blues.

    I want to travel a lot! My husband and I have both lived in the same place since birth. I lived in the same house since I was 18 months lol and moved out when I was 22. I am ready to travel and see the world. The navy is a great way to do that! I am so glad you ladies chimed in and reconfirmed my thoughts :)
  • jenwoods87
    jenwoods87 Posts: 23 Member
    Also, I am thinking I want to commission as a nurse. Or at least try! I won't know if I qualify until Jan 15th....
    If I don't qualify, I don't think I want to go in as any other officer position but I am really interested in CT rates...if I can't pass the DLAB i don't know. I'm still researching!

    Also, I'm worried about top secret clearance. My husband is duel citizen with UK. His entire family lives in England...his parents gave up their British citizenship and have been US citizens for about 10 years now. He is willing to give up duel citizenship and only claim US. I don't really know too much about how that works...so if anyone knows...let me know :)
  • hrls83
    hrls83 Posts: 46
    Lol yeah the dress blues >.< you will get called a flight attendant by the guys lol!

    As for the citizen ship... Bet bet is to talk to a recruiter. I'm still worried my credit will keep me from getting in or from getting a clearance....lol

    I don't know much about officers programs. I don't have a degree & neither does my husband. A good place for more info from very knowledgeable people you can go check out www.navydep.com

    My husband has been in for 2 years. We have lived in Great Lakes & now here in Groton ct. We will move at least one more time before his contract is up in 2016. Most people I know have moved about every 4 years or so....
  • I joined the Navy because My Father and Grandfather were both in the Navy. It runs in the Family. When I was still considering going I was asking my dad if he felt it helped him in his law Enforcement carreer. He said that it did a lot. that the expirence and knowing how he was going to react during a stressful moment really helped him stand out as a US marshall. I also wanted to help my country as well as provide for my family and help my future in finding career whether that be law enforcement or the Navy
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    I joined the Navy because My Father and Grandfather were both in the Navy. It runs in the Family. When I was still considering going I was asking my dad if he felt it helped him in his law Enforcement carreer. He said that it did a lot. that the expirence and knowing how he was going to react during a stressful moment really helped him stand out as a US marshall. I also wanted to help my country as well as provide for my family and help my future in finding career whether that be law enforcement or the Navy

    I'm joining for similar reasons.. Both my parents were in the Navy (that's where they met and I was born on a Naval base actually).. my little brother is also in the Navy.. He went in right out of high school! he just got E5 and even scored in the top 5% for the Navy nationwide (Super proud of him!!)

    But I'm also going in to help my country, as well as have a means of providing for myself (and future family) while serving and afterwards... especially since what I got my degrees in, it'd be hard to do.. So i'm shooting for MA because I can use it towards a law enforcement career :flowerforyou:

    And well... I love to travel! :happy:
  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    You should go PRP! It's the best thing ever!
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    You should go PRP! It's the best thing ever!

  • ejohndrow
    ejohndrow Posts: 1,399 Member
    You should go PRP! It's the best thing ever!


    When you're an MA you'll see.
  • Tempe729
    Tempe729 Posts: 270 Member
    You should go PRP! It's the best thing ever!


    When you're an MA you'll see.

    haha! don't want to spoil the surprise eh? :wink:
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    I chose the U.S Navy for several reasons.

    1.) I'm way better at swimming then digging a fox hole.

    2.) I like the traveling/exploration aspect of the Navy.
    (Only 3% of the Ocean has been explored. That leaves 97% still unexplored.)

    3.) My entire family line has been traditionally an Army family going all the way back to the Revolutionary War.
    (U.S Navy is where I thought I could excel at.)

    4.) Two-thirds of Earth is made of water so more places to help people and better job security.

    5.) Wanted to face my fear of the Ocean.
    (All real men & women truly are made in the water.)
  • samcorvus
    samcorvus Posts: 112 Member
    Why Navy? As sappy as this might sound I've been in love with the sea my entire life. Especially with the age of romance/reason. My specialty has always been eighteenth/nineteenth century warfare and can still sit for hours reading about naval engagements and tactics. One of my all time favourite series is the Aubrey/Maturin one. Some of you might recognize of better by the Russell Crowe movie they made called Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World which combined bits from about five of the books.

    So I've always loved ships, sailing; and the history of the navies. Family wise my father's a retired Army Lt. Col, my older brother just made Tech Sergeant in the Air Force and I'm not really interested in following either of their footsteps.

    So combine those two and that leaves me with the Navy as the obvious choice. That said if the Army or Air Force offered me a commission...I'd seriously reconsider my views on the matter....
