Dam to Dam

workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
Another awesome D2D this year. Did anyone else run today?


  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    It was awesome and painful all at the same time. I didn't hit my goal time but I'm still proud of my results and I'm looking forward to beating my time next year. I can't imagine a better event for my first long race. Excellent course support and fabulous fans as well.

    2:15:16 gun time; 2:08:49 chip time; 4508/7087 overall ; 2481/3282 men ; 242/297 age group
  • emilyds
    emilyds Posts: 88
    Maybe if I start training now I'll be ready for next year!

    It is something I would like to do, I was really proud of all of my friends that completed it!
  • Danimalrunsagain
    Danimalrunsagain Posts: 50 Member
    Awesome, I've found a post from my previous life here on MFP. It's 18 months old but now Dam2Dam is just 5 1/2 months away again. I wound up getting fat and lazy again after D2D 2013 (truthfully it was injury and job changes that killed my dedication). I'm back to logging and back to running and now that Dam2Dam is a half marathon I'll be back to PR the race again.