Paying for bad choices

I went to an outdoor concert Saturday after working hard and losing 4Lbs last week. I ate sensibly for breakfast and lunch, but dinner was at the concert. I did NOT choose well. I ate a fried fun shrimp and fry combo. First fried food in about a month. Cost me two of those pounds I lost and I felt bloated and blah the next day. I recovered with exercise Sun and Mon as well as returning to healthy eating. Today those two pounds are gone and I'm back in the game! What makes you fall off plan or make ad choices?


  • danglarity
    danglarity Posts: 31 Member
    Sometimes I don't get my workout in as planned. If I don't do it in the morning, the day goes by and it never gets done. Without the workout, I can't eat like I need to eat. Also, sometimes I reach for a poor choice in snacks when I know I can do better (fruits instead).
  • redrose129
    redrose129 Posts: 57 Member
    Sometimes I don't get my workout in as planned. If I don't do it in the morning, the day goes by and it never gets done. Without the workout, I can't eat like I need to eat. Also, sometimes I reach for a poor choice in snacks when I know I can do better (fruits instead).

    what she said!
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Weekends PERIOD... I kick butt all week with eating well and exercise! Then the weekend hits, I exercise but my eating is an Epic fail! I do fine during the day but at night its ughh.... I'm working on this issue though, will really try to focus on better choices!
  • vmckinzey
    vmckinzey Posts: 98 Member
    I'm with DeMarra - Weekends!!! It seems that the structure of the work week helps me plan my meals/snacks and keeps everything in check, but the weekends are a major struggle. Working on it to. . .maybe we can support each other DeMarra :).
  • DanielleKMoore
    DanielleKMoore Posts: 9 Member
    I am so frustrated with myself right now. I was SUPER EXCITED to lose 29lbs and be almost at 30lbs and FINALLY under 200lbs and then the past three weeks have caught up to me and I have not exercised at all in two weeks. I am SO DISAPPOINTED in myself. It seems like I had come so far to mess up now. I started this weight loss/lifestyle change/ journey on January 15th. I was having great results; I had lost 29lbs in a little over three months.
    I have NEVER tried early morning workouts, I just assumed I cannot do it because I wait until the very last minute to get up and get myself and my three girls ready each morning. Both my husband and I are in school right now and we work fulltime, so we are both tired.
    I am a busy MBA student, project manager, and a mommy of three girls (almost 9yrs old and twins that are 7yrs old), so I spend many late nights after work up ironing clothes for the weeks, writing papers and doing homework. Getting up early does not seem possible since I may not get to bed until 2:00am and need to get back up at 6:00am.
    The evenings are crazy busy too with extra-curricular activities, fixing diner, cleaning house and the usually activities that every mom and wife has going on, so there seems to be no time in the evenings to exercise either.
    I have been using my 1hr lunch break to work out each week, maybe two to three times a week, with a weekly goal of four times. This appears to be the only time I can escape without anyone needing me. However, the past two weeks, I have been so tired that I have been using my 1hr lunch break to take a nap! So where does my exercise time fit in?
    I know I have to MAKE time, because it’s not like I can find some extra time in my day, but how and when? Please provide some positive feedback and helpful advice.
  • I just restarted my early morning workouts it was hard to get back into, but it felt good. Now if I can just get my food choices under control...
  • Lovelygirl1975
    Lovelygirl1975 Posts: 26 Member
    I understand how all of you ladies feel. Sometimes it is simply the weekends that lead to bad choices or stress or just me not being in the right head space. Today I have gained some weight back and I am working on getting it back off. My current goal is to feel proud about the choices I have made at the end of everyday. And today was a struggle but so far so good.
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    I always regret not working out. Those extra calories burned can be a saving grace if I give in to my cravings.