
Hi Cruisers :)

I thought we might share a few recipes. A friend of mine just got me hooked on a new recipe (that I modified a bit). It is a hippie recipe, and can be calorie dense. However, I have gone from needing a "second breakfast" (i.e. morning tea at 10 am), to getting through all the way to lunch. It has also really decreased my sugar cravings (to which I have mixed feelings :) My husband had it this morning and actually liked it.

Marvellous Millet

Puffed Millet (half cup)

Add Dry Mix 2 Tablespoons

Add Brazil nuts x 3
Add Walnuts x 3 crushed slightly

Add Half a cup of stewed apple or half a banana

Add Greek yoghurt x 4 dessertspoons

Add Cinnamon a substantial sprinkling

Milk or almond milk to mix

>> Dry Mix
>> 3/4 cup chia seeds
>> 3/4 cup ground flaxseeds
>> 3/4 cup coconut thread
>> 3/4 cup sliced almonds
>> 1 cup of sliced dried fruits of your choice (I like raisins and apricots)
>> 3/4 cup mixed kernels - sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Combine the above and store in an airtight container

Wah - lah!!!!

My modifications - I couldn't find puffed millet (small town, etc, etc), so I use a combination of brown rice and quinoa that I make in a rice cooker and save for the week. I tend to leave out the brazil nuts and banana/apple most days.

Another favorite of mine - easy fig-balsalmic baked salmon

salmon fillets - 4 8 oz
salt and pepper the fillet w/ course salt/cracked pepper
mix together 1/4 cup fig preserves and 3 tablespoons balsalmic vinegar
(if you are feeling cheeky, add a bit of cayenne pepper)
spread mix over salmon
cook on 350 degrees F for 20 min (that leaves it a bit soft in the middle, I like salmon on the medium-rare side, so however long you like it)



  • worldtrekker1
    oops! forgot the calorie part of the salmon:)

    Per Serving: calories 324 carbohydrates 14 protein 32 sodium 73 fiber 0
  • GemmavGray
    GemmavGray Posts: 17
    I will have to figure out how to work out all the nutritional info on the main recipes I use. They are all ones from when I did weight watchers. So I know the points values but very little else.