Ready, Set, Lets GO!!

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
Today is the day to weigh. Please list your weight that you are now your six week goal and your final goat at 12 weeks. Together we can do this! I hope to have wonderful participation : )

5/31/13 Starting weight 245

Six week goal 240

Twelve week goal 230

Im pushing my goal up a little this time lol.. Lets work it!! I hope to have great fun and I hope we find that we can motivate one another!


  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    I just was thinking about today weigh in...

    Today 184.4

    6 week...180

    12 week... 175

    Maybe I am off in thinking what I should be losing.

    Good luck to all
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    6 week goal~145
    12 week goal~140

    I hope these goals are doable for me. I've been at a weight loss standstill for quite some time now. I've been working out (JMBR) every day and have started a 30 day squat challenge. I didn't want to set my goals too high for fear of being disappointed once again. I've been logging since February and my weight loss has been minimal:(
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member

    I have no idea how tall you are but, if you are at a standstill maybe you are where you should be for weight in relationship to your height?

    I know that for my height...5'3-5'4 I am suppose to be about 135 but, honestly when I weighed that back in the day I could not function.....I had no energy so I would be thrilled to finally make it down to 150. Right now though, I am just concentrating on keeping my number under 185 consistently and crawling closer to 180....I take it all in 5lb intervals for me...reach it, keep it there aka--do not go above it and aim for what is below.

    Hopefully the warm weather will seems to make people more active, more outdoor activities and better spirits in general.
  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    Starting Weight - 148
    6 Week Goal - 143
    12 Week Goal - 138

    We'll see how I do, I've been falling off a lot more the closer I get to my final goal.
  • CAS317
    CAS317 Posts: 267 Member
    @ksmom4 I just went to my annual health screening for work less than a week ago. I was told my BMI was 26.7 so they circled "overweight" on the paper. I am 5' 3.75"
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member

    I think you are just fine.....remember what works for one person may not be the best for another.

    I hold my 'weight' really well and when I go and have to be weighed...I am normally told by a nurse that I do not look as heavy as I am---though I do look like I could lose some.

    Also do not forget that muscle does weigh more than fat.

    I will be rooting for you and everyone else.
  • FurryLittleBunny
    FurryLittleBunny Posts: 27 Member
    Bunny weighs 155.6 carrots.
    Bunny would like to weigh 125 carrots.
    Bunny is 5.4 carrots tall.
  • rajathwalharris
    Starting weight; 161
    Week 6: Hope to be at 150
    WEEK 12: 145

    I am 5'8. My goal is to feel energetic and get rid of these darn low blood sugars...they put on weight!!!!!!!
  • Starterbeauty
    5/31/13 weigh 193lbs

    6week goal 181lbs

    12 week goal 169lbs