turbo fire results

I've had turbo fire since December. But I can only do about 3 weeks and I'm kinda bored. I do love the workouts, they are great but repetitive. Has anyone stuck with it with good results? I also just got hip hop abs. I'm thinking mixing the 2 workouts. I would love your imput!! Thanks!!


  • psharma06
    psharma06 Posts: 93 Member
    I also didn't get results. I found I got bored with Turbo Fire very quickly....although I know people who loved it and got results with it.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I am doing Tubo Fire now...and have done it a couple other times in the past. With any of the BB programs, I only do them for 8 weeks for variety...I get bored after the second month of any of the programs. What has helped me is to really stay focused during the work out...focused and really pushing to go to the maximum I can...this helps me not get bored so quickly. It is a good aerobic program but it is repetitive...but FUN!

    I notice if I really keep a close eye on my caloric intake while doing this, I get good results. For me the burn isn't as high as with Insanity...but the work out isn't as intense either!

    the important thing, as with any work out program...find something you love to do....if doing a hybrid of TF and HHA is something you would love, then most likely you will stay with it longer.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • Ladybud2
    Ladybud2 Posts: 26
    Thanks so much for the replies!! Hopefully I can stick with it longer than 3 weeks!!